Agent of Heaven

Chapter 245 Ksitigarbha King Reincarnation

Chapter 245 Ksitigarbha King Reincarnation

In the Jiuli Realm, in the Zuwu Temple, there is an old man in white robes sitting around a headless statue.

The statue was extremely weird, with eight legs, three heads and six arms, wrapped in a set of iron armor, and there was no incense around it.If there are monks here who have experienced the era of the Zhuolu War, they will be able to recognize at a glance that this statue is not someone else.It was Chiyou, the demon god who dominated the Zhuolu battlefield in the past.

The demon god Chiyou is formed by each of the twelve ancestral witches showing a drop of blood essence, plus three parts of the soul of Empress Dowager Empress who devoted herself to the six realms of reincarnation.His divine power is not inferior to any one of the twelve ancestor witches. After the Lich War, he is the real leader of the witch clan in the human world.

And the reason why this demon statue has no head is because, during the battle of Zhuolu, his head was chopped off by Ying Long himself with the Xuanyuan Sword.This is also the fundamental reason why the Wu Clan retreated to the Jiuli Realm and the Human Clan dominated the human world.

And the nine old men sitting cross-legged beside the statue are naturally the legendary Jiuli Great Witch.There should have been ten of them, but one of them, Wu Luo, was invited by the Macaque King to the Netherworld and killed by Mu Feng.

Wu Xian, who was sitting closest to the statue, was the first to speak. He is now the great elder of Jiuli, and he has the absolute right to speak in the Jiuli world: "I have repeatedly deduced it more than ten times. This time, we are There is no escape."

Wu Zhen, who was sitting in the fifth place, asked: "Didn't the eldest brother say a few days ago that as long as he hides in the Jiuli Realm, he can escape the catastrophe? Why did he change his mind today? By the way, where is the old ten? Why didn't you come, could it be that you are hiding in the cave to study the formation again?"

Wu Xian sighed, "Old Ten won't come...he's already dead."

"What!" The other eight great witches stood up in shock: "Brother, what's going on? Tell me quickly!"

Wu Xian said: "Jing was invited by the Macaque King to assist the Bull Demon King in breaking the Zhoutian Star Dou formation. After breaking the formation, he was beheaded by Yinglong's reincarnation."

The only female witch among the great witches spoke, she clenched her silver teeth: "'s him again! Is he really going to shut down our witch clan? We have already retreated to the human world, and he is still unwilling to let go." Have you passed us?"

Wu Xian said: "Actually, Old Ten himself is also responsible for this matter. He ignored my prohibition to go out. Once he goes out this time, our Wu clan has already been tainted with karma. I'm afraid we won't be able to escape this time."

Aunt Wu said, "Brother, what do you think should be done?"

Wu Xian's cloudy eyes shot out a miraculous color: "Let's go back to the human world and fight Ying Long to the death!"

All the great witches showed fear when they heard the words. In the past, Yinglong once held the Xuanyuan sword to kill the demon god Chi You.It left a very deep sense of fear to the Wu people.Wu Xie, who ranked ninth among the big witches, said, "Brother, I'm afraid that Ying Long is not something we can deal with..."

Wu Xian said: "You don't need to worry, the current Ying Long is not the previous Ying Long, the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand is already incomplete."

Aunt Wu said: "The incomplete Xuanyuan sword...that is also Xuanyuan sword!"

Wu Xian said: "We still have a hole card in the human world!"

Aunt Wu said: "You mean. The bloodline left by the high priest in the past?"

Wu Xian said: "That's right. In the past, the high priest fell in love with mortals and gave birth to a daughter. She has grown up now, and she has inherited all the magic power of the high priest. As long as we find him and extract all the magic power from her, we can revive Chi You." My lord! At that time, relying on the incomplete Xuanyuan sword in Yinglong's reincarnation, we will definitely not be our opponents!"

Wu Zhen said: "If this is the case, then the human world will be at your fingertips! At that time, we will not have to suffer from the bitter cold of the Jiuli world. Then use the blood of those human races to complete the killing!"

Wu Xian said: "It's time to understand the hatred between the human race and the witch race that has been handed down since ancient times."

In the human world, in the lakeside villa, with the return of Mu Feng and the monkey, the house was once again full of people.

Mu Feng sat on the sofa with a bag of potato chips and watched Journey to the West. He saw the episode where Tang Seng put the magic spell on Monkey King, so he smiled and said, "Brother Monkey, what did it feel like when you wore the magic spell? Really?" Does it hurt that much?"

The monkey said with a smile, "That mantra is a magic weapon of Shakyamuni Buddha. Not only can it make people feel miserable, but it can also suppress my grandson's cultivation."

Mu Feng said: "Now I understand, no wonder you were so majestic when you made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace. Later, a random mount on the way to learn scriptures can bully you."

The Jade Emperor next to him muttered: "Let him make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, that's because I don't care about him like that, do you think..."

The monkey jumped in front of the Jade Emperor, bared his teeth and said, "Don't care about like my old grandson?"

The Jade Emperor froze immediately, and said with a dry smile, "It's because you don't care as much as I do."

Mu Feng asked again: "Where is Jin Chanzi? I also want to ask him how to recite the curse."

The monkey said: "I went out, saying that I want to enlighten an old friend."

Mu Feng said: "What old friend?"

The monkey smiled and said, "Speaking of which, you also know this person, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva."

Mu Feng said: "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva reincarnated? So soon?"

The monkey said: "Accounting that it has been less than half a year since we both came back from the underworld, the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha King is indeed about to be born."

Mu Feng said: "Can Jin Chanzi figure out where the Ksitigarbha King is reincarnated?"

The monkey said: "Don't count, you are now the agent of the Heavenly Court, equivalent to Jiang Ziya back then. If all the gods are reincarnated, they will not be within a hundred miles of you."

Mu Feng said: "I'm still a GPS now. Let's go and find Jin Chanzi, he can't do this alone." Monkey said: "Do you know where he is?"

Mu Feng took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat and said: "Jin Chanzi, I'm going to find you now, send me a location."

Jin Chanzi's echo came from the phone: "Amitabha, okay, I'll turn on real-time positioning now."

Mu Feng shook the phone and smiled at the monkey: "We want to use technology and magic at the same time."

The monkey said: "The old monk learns this kind of thing the fastest! Let's go find him quickly."

The two of them set out, and they had already resorted to escape methods, so naturally they came to Jin Chanzi's side in a short time.

Jin Chanzi smiled at the two of them and said, "It's just in time for you to come together to protect the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva." After finishing speaking, he looked at Mu Feng with a smile: "The relics of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's previous life are still there. In your hands, in this life, you should have a mentor-student relationship with him, and be responsible for teaching him to return to the original way."

Mu Feng rubbed his forehead and said: "I knew that sooner or later the relic would be like this. Forget it, I owe a favor to the King of Earth Store. In this life, I will accept him as a disciple, so I will say it wholeheartedly."

At this time, thousands of auspicious lights and auspicious colors suddenly descended from the sky.

Jin Chanzi said: "The reincarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has been born!"

(End of this chapter)

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