Agent of Heaven

Chapter 246

Chapter 246
Outside the obstetrics and gynecology delivery room of Jiangzhou No.1 People's Hospital, a man in a suit stood blankly.He looks about 35 years old, with a good appearance, a pair of thick eyebrows, big eyes with black frames, and a natural scholarly temperament.

His name is Su Yangzhi, and he is a professor of history at Jiangzhou Normal University.Being able to achieve this position at his age is already considered a young hero.What's more, his mentor is still a famous master of history, Lu Mian, who is now the Taishan Beidou in the field of history and academia.

And in the delivery room was his wife, Lu Wenwen, who was also Lu Mian's only daughter.Although Su Yangzhi is good-looking and talented, he seems to be in his thirties when it comes to emotional matters, but he is still alone.Lu Mian loved this disciple very much, so he married him the jewel in his palm.The husband and wife also fell in love with each other and loved each other. In less than a year, Lu Wenwen became pregnant and came to this hospital to give birth.

Unexpectedly, due to unexpected events, Lu Wenwen would bleed profusely during childbirth.The nurse stepped forward and asked him, "Do you want to protect the older one or the younger one?"

Su Yangzhi shouted palely: "The big one! I want to keep the big one!" Although he had his first child in his 30s, he was even more unwilling to lose his wife.

The nurse turned around anxiously and entered the ward, but opened the door and walked out less than a quarter of an hour later: "I'm sorry sir, we tried our best, but the adults really couldn't save it. But we still saved your child, do you want to come in and take a look? "

Hearing this, Su Yangzhi's mind suddenly went blank. He could only see the nurse's mouth constantly opening and closing, with an anxious expression on his face, but he couldn't hear the sound at all.

"Xiaowen, she's dead..."

Su Yangzhi muttered a sentence, and then followed the nurse into the ward like a walking corpse.

A baby was held in the arms of a nurse, crying non-stop.

Su Yangzhi took the baby and looked at his wife whose face was covered by a white sheet on the hospital bed.Finally, he said firmly: "Xiaowen, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of our children."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the busy nurses around him all stopped and kept their postures motionless.Even the pictures on the medical equipment that has been running beside the bed are all prohibited.

Su Yangzhi stretched out his hand, waved it in front of the doctor's eyes, and said, "Hey!"

Unexpectedly, the doctor was still motionless, maintaining the original posture, and didn't even blink his eyelids.

Su Yangzhi raised his hand to look at his watch again, and the pointer that was beating constantly stopped unexpectedly!The whole space seems to have stopped in time!
At this time, I suddenly saw three figures breaking into the ward. They were extremely fast, leaving afterimages behind them while walking.After stopping, Su Yangzhi finally realized that these three people were two monks and a Taoist priest!
A monk has a handsome face, wearing a white monk's robe, with the demeanor of an eminent monk.

The other monk also had a hairy face and Lei Gongzui, who looked like a hozen.

The Taoist priest looks extremely young, wearing a purple gold crown and gorgeous Taoist robes.

The handsome monk stepped forward first and said: "Benefactor, what are you doing with this lifeless thing that affects your parents? Give it to me! Give it to me!"

Although this monk can make people feel close by looking at it, but Su Yangzhi is not willing to give away his child.So I held it in my arms, and became more and more careful.

The hairy-faced monk shouted loudly: "You are so spoiled and laugh at you as an idiot, your karma burns and you are bloodshot! Anyone born with the Pluto face will have their family ruined and their family destroyed!"

The Taoist came forward and said: "Almsgiver, you child, you were the leader of the Nether world in your previous life, and you committed blood evil. If you stay at home, your family will be ruined. He has a relationship with the poor as a teacher and apprentice in his life. Why don't you hand him over to the poor?" Dao, Pindao will let him go down the mountain to reunite with your father and son after 20 years."

Although Su Yangzhi saw that these three people had extraordinary postures, they were definitely not ordinary people.But he was also unwilling to send his only child away like this, after all, this was his last thought for his beloved wife.

"You three monsters don't want to cheat my child away!" He said angrily with his eyes wide open.

Monk Junxiu said: "Forget it, forget it, everything is due to fate, you can't force it. If you are unwilling to give up, you will be plagued by disasters and calamities in the future. After ten years, we will come to cross over again."

The young Taoist said to the baby in Su Yangzhi's arms, "Do you still remember me?"

Seeing the appearance of the Taoist priest, the baby stopped crying and started clapping his hands and laughing loudly, but he was babbling and unable to speak.

The hairy-faced monk said: "Brother Mu, he still has the innate spirit of reincarnation at this time, but he recognizes you. When he eats five grains and is contaminated with bad luck, he will be blinded and will not remember the past."

The Taoist said: "He was the leader of the Nether world in his previous life, and he can see ghosts walking in the night with his naked eyes. I need to return the relic to him so that he will not be harmed!" With a wave of his hand, the bead sank into the baby's heavenly spirit.

Monk Junxiu said to Su Yangzhi: "If you encounter evil spirits haunting you in the future, you will follow your child without waiting a step. Otherwise, you must always recite 'Nanwu Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!' to keep you safe for a while. "

The young Taoist said: "Your child was in charge of the six realms of reincarnation in the previous life. In this life, you can call him Su Liudao!"

The hairy-faced monk said: "The matter here is over! But I feel vaguely uneasy, Master, are you spying on the way of heaven?"

Junxiu clasped his hands together, with the Buddha's light in his eyes, he said: "The chaos of witches and Gu is coming, and the human world cannot be avoided."

The Taoist said: "You and I will go back to Longevity Hill quickly and gather everyone to discuss countermeasures."

As soon as the words fell, the three of them turned into streamers and disappeared.

Zhang Yangzhi looked at the direction in which the three were leaving, and was about to speak, but found that the people around him who had been restrained from moving started to move again.As if nothing happened to them, the doctor still looked at him with a sorry look.

Zhang Yangzhi looked down at the baby in his arms and said, "Su Liudao?"

The baby couldn't stop giggling when he heard the words, and kept waving his little hands, as if he was very happy.

Among the three, the Taoist priest is naturally Mu Feng, the hairy-faced monk is Wukong, and the handsome monk is Jin Chanzi.They came here to convert the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. How could they expect that Ksitigarbha would affect their parents in the first life and still have lingering sins, so they had to come back for conversion ten years later.

The three of them flew all the way, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived at the Wuzhuang Temple in Longevity Mountain.Unexpectedly, upon entering the door, all the people, including Jade Emperor and Jiang Xiaoyue, gathered in the temple.

Zhen Yuanzi lay high on the futon and said, "Are you back?"

Jin Chanzi stepped forward to pay respects and said: "Is the Great Immortal also a glimpse of the secret, and the witch clan will return to the world?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "That's the case. When you come, everyone is here. Let's all sit down and discuss the countermeasures together."

(End of this chapter)

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