Agent of Heaven

Chapter 247 Witch Attack

Chapter 247 Witch Attack
The Witch Clan after the Lich War was actually a mixture of ancient Witch Clan and Human Race.After the war, the vitality of the pure-blooded witch clan was severely injured, and there were not many people there.As a last resort, the only option is to intermarry with the human race.This allowed the Wu clan to quickly recover their vitality, but it also made the clan gradually grow stronger.The battle of Zhuolu was triggered because the leaders of the human race, the two holy emperors Yan and Huang, were dissatisfied with the fact that the witch clan led by the demon god Chi You continued to rule the human race.

In the battle for the deer, because the demon god Chiyou and the great witch Kuafu were beheaded by Yinglong, the witch clan no longer had anyone who could lead the pack.Under the First World War, the elite of the Wu Clan was basically lost.There are two remaining, one is lurking in the Xirong area of ​​the human world, and later defeated the heroes of the Central Plains during the Warring States period, and the Great Wu established the Great Qin Empire.It's a pity that Qin Shihuang was deceived by Xu Fu later, and buried three thousand descendants of the Wu clan in order to seek the elixir of life, which basically led to the extinction of this Wu clan.

Here I want to explain that the lifespan of the Wu people is naturally longer than that of the human race, and it is much longer. The lifespan of a mortal is generally about 150 years, but the lifespan of the Wu people can be at least 300 years.but!Although the witch clan intermarried with the human race, they could also practice some spells, which were called witchcraft by later generations.But the only thing he can't practice is the technique of longevity. That's why the great witch Yingzheng was able to reach the sky, but he still had to expect Xu Fu to find a magic medicine for him to prolong his life.

After the fall of the Great Qin Empire, the witch clan in the human world has completely disappeared, and even if there are any leftovers, they have completely integrated into the human race because of long-term intermarriage and living together with human beings.Some of them may have some abilities that are different from ordinary people because of the awakening of blood.This is the legendary supernatural being.

There is also a tribe of witches who escaped into a small world called Jiuli Realm and multiplied.However, the small world cannot compare with the human world after all. Without the right time, place and people, the environment has become more and more difficult after living for a long time.But Jiuli Wuzu

In the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Hill, everyone gathered together.These people are the strongest masters in the human world today, and Yang Jian, Hou Zi, and Mu Feng are the top masters in the three worlds.

But in the face of the Wu Clan's attack, none of these people showed a relaxed look.Their expressions are all serious and full of worry.

The monkey took the lead and said: "My old grandson has never fought against the witches, so I don't know how capable the so-called ten great witches of Jiuli are, so when they came, I asked them to eat grandpa's stick one by one. "

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said: "Wukong, don't underestimate the ten witches, they are definitely not your opponents alone, but they all possess unique skills."

The monkey jumped up and said, "What stunts? Can they change 72 times? Can they live forever? Do they have piercing eyes? Can they go a thousand miles away?"

The old pig laughed and said, "Brother Monkey, only you have the skills you mentioned. But there is only one Monkey King, and there are ten great witches in Jiuli."

Mu Feng added: "There are only nine now, and Wu Luo has already been killed by me in the underworld."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Actually, just having to deal with the nine great witches may not make us so troubled. This time, the Jiuli witch tribe may come out in full force. With their multi-year multiplication in the Jiuli world, At least an army of 10 people can be formed. Such an army cannot be matched by one or two masters."

Mu Feng nodded and said: "Yes, when I was in the underworld, I saw two armies fighting. It is definitely not that one person can resist with magic. To deal with the army, only the army can be used."

Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly laughed and said, "Army, I have it!"

The old pig said: "The Witch Clan is not something a mortal army can resist."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Didn't we mortals also win the Zhuolu battle back then?"

Mu Feng sighed and said: "The Nine Heavens Xuannv borrowed a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to possess the human soldiers at that time in the battle of the deer competition. Otherwise, do you think mortals can really defeat the Wu Clan?"

Kui Mulang said: "Come on, that's over!" After speaking, he pointed to the Jade Emperor and said: "Our Majesty is sitting here by himself now, how can he have any heavenly soldiers to lend us?"

The Jade Emperor said with a frowning face: "It's not that there is no such thing, isn't it all blocked in the Yaochi by the troops of the Golden Winged Roc?"

Yang Jian said: "I still have [-] Caotou Gods and the Six Sages of Meishan under my command, but I can't resist them for long."

Mu Feng patted the sword box behind him and said, "I still have a thousand ghost soldiers in my Shengxie sword."

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, it's not enough."

Just when everyone was frowning tightly, Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly said: "Did you forget something?"

Mu Feng said: "Xiaoyue, what do you want to say?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "It is true that the human race could not defeat the Wu clan back then, but must the human race still be unable to defeat the current human race?"

The old pig has stayed in the human world for the longest time, and immediately reacted when he heard the words: "You mean, use high technology to fight witchcraft?"

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded and said, "That's right." After speaking, she took out a pistol from her bosom.

The monkey took the pistol from Jiang Xiaoyue's hand, picked it up and pointed it at his head, and fired several shots in a row. The bullets bounced back and forth on his head, but he couldn't even knock out a monkey hair. Throwing the pistol to the ground, he said, "This thing is too light to scratch an itch..."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Brother Hou, do you think everyone is as perverted as you..."

The monkey said: "Let's not talk about me, everyone here, who will be hurt by this kind of thing? You can let mortals kill each other with this thing, but it's probably too bad to use it against the Wu Clan."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Brother Monkey, you really underestimate us mortals."

Houzi smiled and said, "Heh, what you said is that you are really a mortal." After speaking, he picked up the pistol again and shot Mu Feng twice.

Before the bullets flew in front of Mu Feng, he quickly caught them all with his hands: "Brother Monkey, why did you shoot at the slightest disagreement?"

The monkey said: "I just want to tell you that this thing is useless."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "This pistol is useless, but not all modern weapons are useless. Brother Hou, I don't believe that I will send you a Patriot missile, and you can still make sarcastic remarks with this expression."

The monkey pointed to his head and said, "Come on, come on, who is my old grandson afraid of! What kind of patriot? Have you heard of the Thirteen Taibao of Huaguoshan? I was the boss back then!"

Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue helplessly and said, "Take us Brother Monkey to experience it."

Jiang Xiaoyue pouted: "How expensive is a missile, it's a waste to beat Brother Hou..."

Mu Feng said: "If you don't send him a few shots, he won't know that human beings are developing and society is progressing. I thought it was Datang now!"

(End of this chapter)

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