Agent of Heaven

Chapter 248 Combined vertical defense against witches

Chapter 248 Combined vertical defense against witches
Huaxia Kingdom is located in a key military base in Jiangzhou City.

The sound of rumbling missiles kept coming, and the sharp piercing sound seemed to be able to cut through the eardrums of people.What followed was a cloud of dust.

"Haha! Happy! Happy!" Sun Wukong fluttered in the air with a disheveled face, waving the golden cudgel in his hand continuously.

More than a dozen missiles charged at the monkey together and exploded together. The sky was full of flames, reflecting his figure like a god of war.

"My old grandson really didn't expect that this mortal weapon can be so powerful!" Sun Wukong's clothes had been burned at this time, and only his golden monkey hair was covered with dust. .But his smile was incomparably carefree: "My old grandson's vajra indestructible body will be beaten like this. It is probably no longer a problem to deal with those ordinary witches."

Jiang Xiaoyue and Mu Feng, accompanied by a pair of soldiers, came in front of Monkey King. Looking at this disgraced but still arrogant monkey, the two smiled happily.

Mu Feng said: "Brother Monkey, times are developing and technology is advancing. These missiles are not the most powerful weapons for us humans today."

Jiang Xiaoyue turned her head and said to the soldiers who came forward: "When you go back, you all sign a top secrecy policy for me. No matter what happened today, you are not allowed to tell anyone, not even your superiors."

The soldiers all gave a military salute to Jiang Xiaoyue and said, "Yes!"

Jiang Xiaoyue just nodded, and said to the monkey: "Unfortunately, we can't give you the most powerful weapon. It is forbidden by the convention of all human beings. And the cost is too expensive, so I just brought it like this It's really not worthwhile to beat you to play."

The monkey smiled and said, "That's good, so I can feel at ease. If the Wu Clan comes to invade, and you send a hundred thousand missiles to them, they will surely make them cry."

Jiang Xiaoyue clutched her chin and said, "I'm afraid it won't work."

The monkey asked, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Do you know the current strength of the Jiuli Wu Clan?"

The monkey scratched his head and said, "I really don't know, but the Jiuli Realm is a small world. They reproduce in it, which should be worse than the Human World. Now the total population may not exceed one million."

Jiang Xiaoyue sighed, "Millions of witches, if they come directly, we may not have so many weapons to destroy them directly."

Mu Feng frowned and said: "It's a pity to unite with other countries? The invasion of the Wu Clan is a matter for all mankind. First, ask the country that claims to be the world's police."

Jiang Xiaoyue said with a smile: "They are the world's policemen when there is profit. When there is no profit, they think that the invasion of the Wu tribe is our internal affairs of China."

Mu Feng said: "Then what about other countries? The Japanese country and South Korea we educated last time can be contacted. They should be able to give us some support in the military."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "I can still think about this level. After you came back from the underworld, you seemed to be more thoughtful about things."

Mu Feng suddenly put his arms around Jiang Xiaoyue's shoulders and said, "Actually, I usually don't think much about it because my wife is too smart. Xiaoyue, have you already done what I said?"

Jiang Xiaoyue's big eyes smiled into a pair of crescent moons: "I have asked my father to discuss with the military of South Korea and Japan, and frankly confessed that the witches came to attack at this time. The distant ancestors of these two countries came from us. Huaxia migrated there, so they all know something about the Wu Clan. They should come back to help."

At this time, a soldier trotted forward and said: "Report! The ambassadors of Japan and South Korea are already waiting in the living room."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "My father-in-law is really fast in doing things!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said with a smile: "Who made my father the boss of the Ninth Bureau!"

After a while, the three of Mu Feng came to the living room in the military base.Jiang Quan was sitting at the conference table, with two men in suits sitting beside him.One is very short, but looks shrewd.The other one is very handsome, but his facial features are a bit stiff.

Seeing Mu Feng approaching, the short man felt as if he stood up from above, and bowed ninety degrees: "Mu Feng-jun! I, Onomura, are the ambassador of the Kingdom of the Rising Sun in China."

Wa country has always called itself the country of the rising sun, believing that the sun rises from the bottom of their islands.

Mu Feng said: "Your Excellency actually knows me?"

Onomura said again: "To tell you the truth, Mr. Mu Feng, in fact, the political power of our country has been secretly controlled by the Ise Shrine before, which has caused dissatisfaction among many people in the cabinet. Mr. Mu Feng got rid of the Ise God for us. Palace, let our government really have power. We also want to thank Your Excellency."

Mu Feng waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be thankful, just be honest in the future. If you make trouble again, your grandpa won't even know you!"

Onomura bowed again and said, "As long as Mr. Mu Feng is here, our Sunrise Kingdom will enshrine China as the suzerain just like the Tang Dynasty."

Jiang Quan knocked on the conference table and took the opportunity to say: "Then this time, we will send out arms to help us resist the witch clan together?"

Onomura said again: "Hay! We will definitely help you with all our strength!"

At this time, the middle-aged handsome guy with stiff facial features also stood up and said: "Mr. Mu Feng is good, I have heard the name for a long time, and I am going to be cold."

Mu Feng said: "Your Excellency must be the ambassador of South Korea. Have you had your face corrected?" Mu Feng observed carefully and found that this person's face seemed to be a star in a Korean drama.

Jin Hafhan said: "Yes, plastic surgery is the quintessence of our Korean culture. As a Korean ambassador, I naturally have to lead by myself."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Isn't your Korean quintessence playing e-sports?"

Jin Hanhan said: "Yes, South Korea is also a big country in e-sports. Now the only one in the world who can compete with us is you Huaxia." Comfortable.

Jiang Quan said with a smile: "Then your country is willing to send arms and troops to help us?"

Jin Hanhan said: "Of course." He turned his head to look at Mu Feng, and suddenly said with a serious expression: "Mr. Mu Feng, there is actually one thing that I, as a Korean, must tell you."

"What is it?" Mu Feng suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Jin Hanhan said solemnly: "According to the research of our Korean scholars, your family with the surname Mu first originated from our Baektu Mountain Valley... So Mr. Mu Feng! You are actually Korean!"

Mu Feng: "..."

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Jin Hanhan with an extremely contemptuous look, then pulled the monkey beside her and said, "Do you think Sun Wukong is also Korean?"

Jin Hahan nodded and said: "According to our Korean scholars' research...the monkeys in the Huaguoshan River Basin probably migrated from our Paektu Mountain, so Monkey King is also very likely to be Korean."

Jiang Xiaoyue said to Jiang Quan: "These Koreans are so shameless, can we stop cooperating with them?"

The Japanese people on the side also looked at the Koreans with an extremely contemptuous look, nodded and said: "Saoka, mine, this is also the first time I have seen such a shameless person! The Japanese have taken over."

(End of this chapter)

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