Agent of Heaven

Chapter 249 Bombing the Nine Li Realms

Chapter 249 Bombing the Jiuli Realm

Remember, if you meet a shameless person, please don't argue or talk with him.That rascal face will make you want to slap him to death all the time.After seeing Jin Hanhan, Mu Feng understood the highest level of shamelessness. In addition to being able to produce fake stars in South Korea, shamelessness can be regarded as a basic national policy.

Jiang Quan smiled and said, "Although what the South Korean ambassador said is wrong, it is important for us to cooperate."

Mu Feng sighed and said: "Mr. Jin Hahan, if you really think that everything belongs to your Korea, then the Wu clan also belongs to your Korea. Please take them away when the time comes."

Jin Hahan actually lowered his head and thought for a while, but didn't speak.

Jiang Quan said: "Mr. Jin Hahan, it doesn't matter if your country is unwilling to cooperate with us. I believe Russia will be very willing to help us. At that time, all import and export trade in China will give priority to Russia..."

Only then did Jin Hanhan react and said: "Well, we are still very willing to cooperate with your country. After all, many cultures in our country have been passed down to China."

Mu Feng said directly: "If you continue to be shameless, I will beat you up and throw you back to Korea."

Jiang Xiaoyue answered: "He has always struck with a sense of proportion. He won't hurt your life, but he will break your whole body."

Jin Hanhan had heard of Mu Feng's reputation, so he shuddered in fright, bent over and said with a smile: "I'll call my country right now and provide Huaxia arms unconditionally."

Jiang Quan stood up from the sofa and said, "No matter what, I would like to thank the two ambassadors. We Huaxia will definitely repay your kindness for your help in the future."

Onomuraci and Jin Hanhan nodded repeatedly and said, "Don't dare, Director Jiang is being polite."

After seeing off the Japanese and Koreans, everyone went back to the conference hall and sat down.

The monkey said: "These two foreign envoys are still very easy to talk to. Let them spend military funds to fight for us, and they agreed so readily."

Jiang Quan sneered and said, "My lord, do you really think they are good birds? When our country was weak and small, they were the two countries who bullied us the most and looked down on us the most. Now that China has developed well, I guess In a few years, they will be able to truly grasp the right to speak in the world. Now they will spare no effort to curry favor with us."

The monkey was shocked and said, "What, the dignified Huaxia will be bullied by such a small country?"

Jiang Quan lit a cigarette for himself and said, "Great Sage, you left the human world when you were in the Tang Dynasty. Naturally, you don't know about these things. Just before the founding of the country, we had nearly a hundred years of national humiliation."

Mu Feng said: "Brother Hou, haven't you watched anti-Japanese movies at my house? You should know about that period of history."

The monkey said: "What? That kind of movie is based on history? I've always watched it as a cultivation movie. Ordinary people can't tear Japanese pirates with their hands..."

Everyone: "..."

Dark clouds enveloped the entire Jiangzhou City, and the original blue sky turned into a gray color. Only a faint light told the people in the city that the day had not passed yet.

Mu Feng looked up at the sky and said, "Here we come!"

The monkey jumped up and flew directly into the mid-air, his eyes lit up with a golden light like fire, looking at the gray sky.

Mu Feng also flew into the air, stood beside the monkey and said, "Great Sage, what did you see?"

The monkey said: "Not good, very bad! The Jiuli Witch Clan really moved the entire Jiuli Realm here."

Mu Feng said: "What, the entire Jiuli world?"

The monkey pointed to the sky and said, "After a while, you will be able to see it too."

Sure enough, in less than a stick of incense, a world began to emerge above the originally gray sky, and I saw that the place was covered with snow and yellow sand everywhere.There is only a small piece of green forest, in which countless warriors with spears and spears lined up in armor.

Mu Feng said: "The Jiuli Realm is thousands of miles wide, and it's all floating in the sky at this moment. If ordinary people see it, I'm afraid it will cause panic."

Jiang Quan said: "It doesn't matter. We will immediately call the Meteorological Bureau to explain to the citizens that this is just a strange weather phenomenon."

Jiang Xiaoyue said worriedly: "The last time the double day was the same day was used as an excuse to prevaricate, it always happens like this, who will believe it?"

Mu Feng suddenly said: "Yes! Let's find a way to create a thick fog to cover up the strange scene in the sky."

"How? No one here knows this kind of spell, right?" Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the monkey.

The monkey scratched his head and said, "Don't look at my grandson, don't you know how difficult it was when my grandson prayed for rain in Fengxian County?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's not difficult now, the Jade Emperor lives in my house, let him issue an imperial decree to Si Wu Zhengshen, and everything will be settled."

At this moment, more than half of the Jiuli Realm above the sky has emerged.And a voice like thunder began to come from above: "Hahaha! You stupid mortals have occupied this prosperous land for tens of thousands of years. Now, our witch clan has returned. You will all become slaves again !"

Three black lines appeared on Mu Feng's forehead: "With such a second-year line, are these witches just watching the day grow up as dead houses?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "It should be that the villains are used to talking like this."

The monkey said: "Seeing that the Wu clan is so stupid, my old grandson is relieved. I will go to the old Jade Emperor now and tell him to issue an imperial decree to make fog up."

Jiang Quan looked at the Jiuli Realm gradually emerging in the sky, and said with a sneer, "This group of mindless witches, really think that mortals are still like ten thousand years ago, and they can be slaughtered at will?" Turning his head and facing behind The soldiers shouted: "How many missiles are there in our missile arsenal?"

The soldier replied: "Report to the chief, there are two thousand more."

Jiang Quan threw the cigarette butts on the ground and stomped hard: "Take them all out and shoot them directly! Anyway, in a few days, we will receive continuous artillery support!"

Jiuli Realm, inside the Ancestral Witch Hall.The Nine Great Witches were still sitting cross-legged in front of the statue of Chi You, Wu Xian took the lead and said, "Now half of the Jiuli Realm has come to the Human Realm."

Wu Xie below laughed loudly and said, "Those stupid mortals will be terrified and kneel down to worship when they see us descending from the sky."

Wu Xian said: "Wu Xie, your voice transmission just now was too ostentatious." He just reprimanded Wu Xie's Zhao Yao, and did not refute what he said, because they agreed in their hearts that mortals are stupid. When they see something they cannot explain, they will definitely kneel down and worship.

Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling sound from the sword, and the entire Ancestral Witch Hall began to shake slightly.

Wu Xian said: "What's the situation? Follow me out to have a look!" After speaking, he took the nine great witches out of the Ancestral Witch Hall together.

Aunt Wu pointed to a missile flying in the distance and asked, "What kind of magic weapon is that? Have you seen it before?"

Wu Xian shook his head and said: "This... I have never heard of it. According to the records of ancient books ten thousand years ago, ordinary people would not use this kind of thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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