Agent of Heaven

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

Wu Xie stepped into the air, raised his hands flat and said, "No matter what it is, I can't let it damage the Jiuli Realm!" After speaking, the red glow in his hand sat down, turning into a huge red fist, and aimed at the flying object. The missiles that come hit go.

The fist glow and the missile collided together, and then burst together.

Wu Xie smiled and said, "Haha, it's just a mortal thing. Although it has some skills, it's still vulnerable."

Wu Xian said: "Even so, the mortals today are much more powerful than they were ten thousand years ago!" After finishing speaking, his eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

However, before Lingshan Jiuwulu returned to the Ancestral Witch Hall again, she heard Aunt Wu yelling, "Not good! Look there?"

All the great witches looked in the direction of Aunt Wu's finger, and saw hundreds of missiles dragging their tails flying towards Jiuli Realm in the sky, with an aura that seemed to be able to destroy everything.

Wu Xian was suspended in the air, and a huge wooden staff appeared in his hand.The top of the stick released extremely strong energy and blood, turning into a light curtain that enveloped the entire Jiuli Realm.The more than a hundred missiles hit the light curtain, causing waves of ripples, but they were still unable to truly destroy it.

Wu Ji, who ranked second among the ten witches in Lingshan, said: "This mahogany walking stick in the hands of the elder brother is quite a bit like the great witch Kuafu back then!"

Wu Xian waved his hands and said: "How brave Kuafu was back then, even the ancient demon saints were no match for him. If it wasn't for the siege of the ten golden crows, he would very likely become as great as Chi You. I am absolutely incomparable. of!"

Aunt Wu sighed, "If God Kuafu hadn't died back then, God Chi You wouldn't have died in the hands of Ying Long and Nine Heavens Xuannv."

Wu Xie said: "Aren't we coming back to take revenge? Although these mortals seem to have a lot of powerful weapons, they are still not our opponents! As soon as the big brother made a move, he was easily blocked."

"No, it's coming again! This time there seem to be more!" Wu Pan, the third who spoke this time, went on to say, "It seems that the number this time is twice as much as last time." Sure enough, there were nearly Two hundred missiles smashed towards Jiuli Realm like a comet landing.

Wu Xian said: "It's okay, this level of attack can't break my barrier!"

Sure enough, these more than 200 missiles could still only slightly shake the light curtain that wrapped the entire Jiuli Realm.But before the Nine Witches of Lingshan could relax, they saw at least [-] missiles piercing the sky and hitting the light curtain.The light curtain shook even more violently, and even a small crack appeared on it.

Wu Xian waved the mahogany stick in his hand, and huge mana began to shoot out from his hand, trying to repair the cracks in the light curtain.However, a thousand missiles appeared in the sky covering the sky and covering the sun, making the originally haughty Lingshan Nine Witches look dumbfounded.Accompanied by the roaring sound, the once huge light curtain barrier collapsed, and hundreds of missiles flew to various places in Jiuli Realm, and exploded upon landing.The originally slightly barren land was completely reduced to scorched earth.

The eyes of the nine witches in Lingshan immediately became like wolves. They couldn't accept that the human race, who had been despised by their witch clan for generations since their ancestors, now had the power to fight them.They must conquer those stupid mortals and make them prostrate again under the rule of the Wu Clan.

At this time, I saw a "cage" wrapped in leather flying to the side of Jiuli Realm. There was a stick on the top of the cage that was constantly rotating. Finally, the "cage" landed, and a person came down from it. Wearing a strange black dress, he nodded and smiled at the surrounding witches.

"Hi, hello! I am the Korean ambassador to China, Kim Hahan," the man introduced himself, then pointed to the cage behind him and said, "This thing is called a helicopter, and it is a product of our modern human technology. You should It's the first time I've seen you."

Wu Xie said, "It seems like a mortal, should I just kill him?"

Aunt Wu said: "He seems to be a high-ranking official among mortals. Let's not kill him yet, let's see what he wants to say!"

Jin Hanhan stepped forward and said, "Who do you dare to be the current leader of the Wu clan?"

Wu Xian squinted at this seemingly uncultivated mortal: "The old man is, mortal, what do you want to say?"

Jin Han said: "I am from South Korea, we are a country with a profound historical heritage. Your ancestors should be Chi You?"

Wu Xian said: "We Jiuli witch clan are indeed descendants of Chi You, what do you want to say?"

Jin Hanhan immediately became excited, took out a book from his arms and said: "According to the research of our Korean historians, Chi You is very Korean!"

The Nine Witches of Lingshan were taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing, and all the witches around them also laughed, looking at the South Korean ambassador like they were looking at a monkey.

Jin Hahan didn't seem to find anything wrong, he still said solemnly: "And our historians have verified that the Battle of Zhuolu, Emperor Yan and Huangdi belonged to our Korea! So, everyone, in fact, you They are all Koreans, Tismecta!"

Wu Xie stepped forward directly, stretched out his hand to grab Jin Hanhan's neck, and lifted him up: "You barbarians are full of nonsense, and you can slander our great god Chi You?" When he heard a click, Jin Hanhan's head was twisted off by him. He waved the head and threw it down from the Jiuli Realm, and said angrily, "Yinglong! Listen to me, we The Witch Clan is never timid to fight! But please don’t send such things to disgust us in the future!”

Mu Feng, who was in the human world, looked up at the sky, Jin Hanhan's head burned directly under the friction between the air and the gas, and before it flew in front of Mu Feng, it had already turned into ashes.

"Hey, I really didn't send this thing...I've been disgusted by him before." Mu Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He remembered that he once jokingly mentioned to the Korean ambassador that the Wu tribe was from South Korea, but it didn't work out. Thinking of this guy, I really ran to meet relatives. The shamelessness of Koreans is really incomprehensible.

Jiang Xiaoyue said to Jiang Quan: "Father, the Korean ambassador died while serving in China, is it okay?"

Jiang Quan said: "He committed his own death, who can be blamed? Besides, he died in Jiuli Realm, that's not our Huaxia territory! He deserved it for killing the Witch Clan!"

The monkey said: "It seems that the Wu Clan will be defeated soon, how many troops have you prepared?"

Jiang Quan said: "I have transferred nine nearby divisions and an air force brigade. This is the largest force I can mobilize for the time being. But the report has been posted, and reinforcements will arrive soon."

(End of this chapter)

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