Agent of Heaven

Chapter 251 High-Tech War

Chapter 251 High-Tech War

Fog, heavy fog, and gray mist enveloped the entire city of Kyushu, and the streets inside were already invisible.

As early as three days ago, experts from the Meteorological Bureau issued a super heavy fog warning. It is said that the smog this time is a rare environmental pollution in hundreds of years.All citizens are advised to stay at home and not to go out.All industries in Jiangzhou City were completely paralyzed.Just when the common people were yelling at the heavy industrial pollution, no one knew that in the suburbs not far from Jiangzhou City, a big battle was about to start.

Accompanied by the sound of fierce drums, tens of thousands of witches, more than nine feet long, with blood-red patterns painted on their faces, descended from the sky and landed on the land of the human world.They raised their heads to the sky and beat their chests, howling continuously, and the sound came directly to the military camp where Mu Feng was standing tens of miles away.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The witch clan has already landed on the ground, and they should be preparing to launch the first wave of attack."

The monkey said: "Fortunately, my old grandson ordered the Jade Emperor to issue an edict in time to summon the thick fog. Otherwise, let the mortals see such a scene, and don't be scared out of their wits!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "When will Yang Jian and Nezha come here?"

The monkey said: "They all sit in Wuzhuang Temple with Brother Zhenyuan to correspond to Jiuli Jieyao. If the top four witches among the nine great witches make a move, they will directly block it."

Jiang Quan said: "Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, it is indeed a very good tactic."

Mu Feng looked into the distance and said: "The fog that has been brought in this time is too heavy, even our sight is blocked. I'm afraid this battle will be very dangerous."

Jiang Quan looked at Mu Feng with a contemptuous look and said, "Did you stay with those ancient people for too long, and you have degenerated yourself?"

Mu Feng was at a loss when he heard the words, and really didn't know why he would be rejected by his future father-in-law for no reason.

Jiang Quan said: "Use the naked eye to observe the enemy? Do you think we are ancient people? Do you understand ultrasonic detection? Do you understand infrared temperature detection? If the fog can still hinder our military operations, our military modernization for nearly a century will be a waste of time." It's useless!" He stretched out his hand to the soldiers beside him and said, "Go and ask the investigation department, where has the enemy army advanced?"

After the soldier took out the walkie-talkie and yelled a few code words (communications in the army often do not use language directly), he turned to Jiang Quan and said, "Report to the chief! The countermeasures have advanced to less than five meters away from us!"

Jiang Quan waved his hand and said, "Notify the air force, start the first wave of air strikes!"

Let's say that the tens of thousands of Wu clan teams were still marching, when they suddenly heard the sound of breaking through the sky, and shells were thrown down one after another, bursting apart in the most densely populated team, bringing A piece of flesh and blood flew everywhere!
The leader of this troop is Wu Xie, one of the nine witches in Jiuli.He looked at the sky with hatred and said: "Those mortals are using that despicable magic weapon again!" He still remembered that it was this kind of magic weapon that would explode suddenly, almost turning a small half of the Jiuli world into scorched earth.

A huge force of Qi and blood emerged from Wu Xie's head, turning into a ferocious giant beast, bearing the power of the air-dropped shells.Wu Xie said: "Children, hurry up! Go straight ahead!"

When the Wu tribe soldiers heard Wu Xie's order, they all ran away.It has to be said that the innate physical strength of the witch clan is indeed stronger than that of ordinary people, not a little bit.The running speed of each of their soldiers is more than ten times faster than that of any mortal soldier, and their physical superiority is indeed enough for them to become a race of enslaving humans in ancient times.

It didn't take long for tens of thousands of witches to run out of the range of the air strike fire.They kept shouting in their mouths: "Mortal! What else can I do!"

In the human barracks in the distance, Mu Feng said: "Let me go up and stop them for a while!"

The monkey said: "My grandson will go with me!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Quan waved his hand and said: "No need!" He said to the messenger: "Let the artillery regiment prepare, if the place is within range, open fire!"

In less than 5 minutes, the sound of thunderous cannons began to ring out one after another, and the excited monkey laughed and clapped his hands: "Good! Good! Good! The weapons of mortals today are also so powerful. Lei Lai, don't give up too much!"

Jiang Quan sighed and said, "It's a pity that prohibited weapons cannot be used, otherwise these witch clans would be wiped out with an atomic bomb."

Mu Feng said: "How many have been eliminated now?"

Jiang Quan said directly: "The official battle is about to start, follow me to the command post!" He took the lead, and everyone walked into an air-raid shelter deep in the barracks.

Feeling curious, the monkey poked the side wall with his hand and said, "Your place seems solid."

Jiang Quan laughed and said, "Try punching!"

The monkey raised his fist, thought for a while, and only used three parts of his force, only to hear the sound of metal and iron clanging, and a fist mark was directly left on the wall.

"Hey, with my old grandson's strength, with this punch, even pig iron has been turned into ashes. What kind of product is this wall of yours?"

Jiang Quan replied: "It's a new type of space alloy, which is much harder than the metal on the earth!" After speaking, he put it away on a console, and a ray of light lit up, projecting on the surrounding walls , turned into four huge screens, and one of the screens showed the army of Wu clan advancing under artillery fire.The flesh of those witches is indeed much stronger than that of humans. Even if the shells bombard the surroundings, as long as they don't hit a vital point, they can move forward with blood only by shaking a few times.And the expression on his face became more and more ferocious.

The monkeys lined up on the screen next to the wall and said, "You guys are good. It's even better than clairvoyance and wind ears."

Jiang Quan said: "The rich rely on technology. After all, our country is rich now. If you came here 100 years ago, we would probably be similar to the Tang Dynasty." His expression turned gloomy again: "These witches are really It was too powerful, and this air strike plus artillery attack only killed less than 2000 of them."

But the monkey said with a smile: "If you don't have a second move, my old grandson will be on the stage. My golden cudgel is not as bad as your high-tech magic weapon." After speaking, he took out the stick from his ear and said : "My old grandson's iron stick, but I'm already hungry and thirsty!"

Jiang Quan smiled and said, "Don't worry, Great Sage, it's not time for you to make a move."

The monkey said in amazement, "Could it be that you have some tricks?"

Jiang Quan said: "My two tank regiments haven't been dispatched yet!" After speaking, he pressed a button and said directly: "The tank regiments will go directly to the battlefield!"

A middle-aged man with the rank of a colonel appeared directly on a screen. He saluted and said, "Yes! The Red 83 and Red 84 tank regiments are ready to go to battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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