Agent of Heaven

Chapter 252

Chapter 252
The Wu Clan's army finally survived the bombardment of artillery fire, even though it was facing a rather painful loss.At this moment, they still showed no signs of fear, the most primitive blood in their blood was stimulated, and the howling Wu Clan was still charging forward.

It's a pity that what awaits them in front of them is not fragile mortals, but armored tanks roaring out one by one! "What kind of monster is this? When did the human race learn how to tame monsters?" Wu Xie's heart was filled with doubts.

The tanks rolled up, the main guns were rumbled open, and the machine guns of the secondary guns kept firing.It's just that this level of attack really can't cause harm to the Wu clan.But if it was thousands of tanks roaring together, the effect would be different.Before pouring a stick of incense, many Wu tribe warriors fell under the shells and tracks of the tanks.

First came the bombing of aircraft, followed by the attack of tanks.Those who are familiar with World War II should soon be able to see that this tactic is the blitzkrieg that Hitler used back then!I think that when Hitler blitzed Poland in the first battle, it took less than a week to destroy Poland directly!But now, this powerful mechanized tactic was used on the Witch Clan, only killing less than one-tenth of their warriors!

"Do you only use these crooked things?" Wu Xie roared, reached out to lift up the tank, and then overturned it directly: "Ying Long, do you dare to come out and fight your grandpa Wu Xie head-on?"

Inside the base, Mu Feng clearly saw Wu Xie's clamor through the computer screen, so he asked with great interest: "Who is Wu Xie?"

Jiang Quan said: "The ninth of the ten witches in Lingshan is good at martial arts and has a hot temper."

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Then I'll go and learn about it!" Who knew that he was stopped by Monkey King just after he took a few steps: "Brother Mu Feng, this Wu Xie looks interesting, let me give it to you." Old grandson!" It turned out that the monkey was itching again, and wanted to fight that Wu Xie in front of the battle.

Mu Feng smiled: "In that case, I'll leave it to you this time." Although he already possessed great strength, Mu Feng did not become a person who likes to fight.On the contrary, the current him actually respects every life very much, and he often even fantasizes about whether there is a way to resolve the killing without fighting.

The term "killing robbery" sounds mysterious.In fact, it is simple to say, just because since there are advanced creatures in this world, there has been a cause and effect in the world.Creatures kill each other and frame each other.This makes these causes and effects accumulate more and more, and will eventually turn into karma.Karma is a force that is so powerful that it can devour one's cultivation, causing all immortals and demons to fall into the five declines of heaven and man.If karma has accumulated to a certain extent, it may also become a catastrophe.It is exactly what Yu Mufeng said when Zhen Yuanzi taught the Tao in the past, the wind blows, the fire burns, and the thunder strikes the catastrophe.

But if the accumulation of karma exceeds the limit of samsara, at this time, some creatures must be killed to eliminate the karma.This kind of killing is not to let it re-enter reincarnation, but to directly obliterate it from the Three Realms and Six Paths.The last killing was the Battle of the Conferred Gods. During the battle, the army and common people of the Shang Dynasty had all their chances wiped out. From then on, the soul and body died together, and the killing was overwhelmed.And those generals of the Shang Dynasty who were highly cultivated, or those who were willing to go out to help the Shang Dynasty, because they were extraordinary, they were all protected by the saints of the three religions with the list of gods, so that their souls could not completely perish.However, she will fall into the list of gods, and will be driven by the heavenly court ever since.

For some monsters who are difficult to cultivate, entering the list of gods may still be a great opportunity to become a god, but for those immortals who were originally free and unrestrained in the Three Realms.Losing freedom on the list of gods is the most unfortunate thing.

During the moment when Mu Feng was in a daze, Sun Wukong had already left the base with the stick, came to Wu Xie and said with a sneer, "Hey! That little Wu Clan doll, hurry up and taste your grandpa's iron stick! "

Mu Feng looked at the monkey on the screen and said, "Why do I feel that Brother Monkey's lines are a bit dirty!"

With a blushing face, Jiang Xiaoyue pinched the soft flesh on Mu Feng's waist: "It's your own dirty mind."

Wu Xie was also very violent, when he heard the monkey's ridicule, he immediately reached out and grabbed the monkey!Although there are many people with great supernatural powers in the Wu clan, there is only one way of refining weapons, which prevents them from getting started.Therefore, most of the warriors in the clan do not have powerful weapons.According to rumors, only the Great Wu Chiyou from ten thousand years ago broke through this limitation and made many excellent weapons for the Wu Clan.However, it was completely destroyed in the battle for the deer.

The monkey laughed strangely and said, "You dare to take your grandpa's stick with your bare hands!" After speaking, the iron stick fell like a thunderbolt, directly hitting Wu Xie's wrist.

Wu Xie let out a pitiful cry, stepped back again and again, clutched his wrist and looked at the golden cudgel in the monkey's hand, and said, "It's really a good weapon! It's a pity that it's in your hands, why don't you give it to me!" There was a greedy look in his eyes. Color, it seems that he wants to take the monkey's iron rod as his own.

The monkey was furious immediately. He has been in the Three Realms for thousands of years, and he has always been his treasure for others, but every time he still fails.Up to now, there is still only one iron rod for self-defense.Now there is still such a stunned young man who misses his iron rod.

"Hey! You young child, if grandpa grandpa hits you too hard, don't teach your mother to cry!" After finishing speaking, the golden cudgel danced directly towards Wu Xie's big hole. Parry down.

How could Wu Xie be the opponent of the Monkey King in the past, so he was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Sun Wukong shouted: "My dear grandson, why are you so capable? Could it be that you haven't had enough milk?"

Wu Xie yelled angrily, and a red light appeared above his head: "Let you see my great witch's real body."

The Wu clan was formed by Pangu's bloodline, and their appearance was actually different from ordinary people in the earliest days.The legendary great witch Kuafu is a giant who can even catch up with the sun directly while running.However, with the intermarriage between the Wu Clan and the Human Clan, the blood left by the ancestral witches has become weaker and weaker, so the current appearance of the Wu Clan is not much different from that of humans.In addition to being extremely tall and having a physique far beyond ordinary people, it is already difficult to distinguish them from the human race at a glance.

The real body of the Great Witch is a secret skill mastered by some of today's high-level witches.The already thin blood of the Wu clan in the body can be stimulated in a special way.Make it have the powerful body and strength of the ancient ancestor witch again in a short time.

The red light above Wu Xie's head had been completely integrated into his body, and his body began to grow ten feet taller.Become almost shoulder to shoulder with the sun and the moon.And above his forehead, there actually grew a pair of curved and mighty horns!
"Monkey, die!" Wu Xie's voice echoed continuously between heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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