Agent of Heaven

Chapter 253 The Noble Sun Dasheng

Chapter 253 The Noble Sun Dasheng
The monkey put his hands in front of his eyes, looked at Wu Xie's towering body, but smiled instead: "That's all you have?"

Wu Xie said: "Monkey! You are dying!" After speaking, he raised his right foot, directly facing Monkey King, and stepped on it.But he suddenly found that his feet were light, and when he looked carefully, the monkey had disappeared!
"My old grandson is here!" Wu Xie heard a voice from above him.I saw a Monkey King who was as tall as him standing opposite, holding a golden cudgel and looking at him with a teasing face.

Wu Xie said, "Do you think that if you become as big as me, you will be able to withstand my real body?" After finishing speaking, he punched the monkey directly, and the black light flickered on the fist, as if there was a mysterious The power is constantly brewing.

The monkey shook his head and said, "It's too weak. Are the current great witches only at this level?" The golden cudgel in his hand turned into an arc in the air, and directly collided with Wu Xie's fist.Hearing a loud noise, Wu Xie took three steps back, but Monkey King stood still and did not move.

Wu Xie's hand hung down, and his fingertips were constantly trembling.Obviously, even the big witch's physique caused him to be injured by the blow just now.

"The Great Sage Equaling Heaven is indeed well-deserved! But we Wu clan have no grievances against you, why did you come to stop me?" Wu Xie gritted his teeth.

Sun Wukong said with a smile: "Because Yinglong and I are friends, because I like this world created by human beings."

Wu Xie shot a fierce light in his eyes and said, "You know Ying Long! He is here? Tell him to come out and fight with me. Does he want to hide behind the Monkey King for the rest of his life?"

Sun Houzi laughed loudly and said, "You baby is just overconfident, with your little ability, you can't even catch his sword!"

Wu Xie said, "Don't lie to me! I am a great witch!"

Sun Houzi turned the iron rod into an afterimage in his hand, beat Wu Xie to his knees, pointed to his head and said, "How much pure blood of the Wu clan do you still have in your current bloodline? Can the big witch of the Jiuli Wu clan Not the great witches of ancient times! The power on your body is equivalent to an earth fairy at most! Chi You's face has been lost by you!" After speaking, he directly pulled out a monkey hair and turned it into a chain, and tied it together. Wu Xie was tied up, and flew back to the base with one hand.

Both Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue greeted them with smiles on their faces, and said, "Congratulations, Brother Monkey, on his triumphant return."

The monkey threw Wu Xie on the ground, and said with some disinterest, "I'm so disappointed, this guy is not as powerful as the big witch he imagined. It seems that the Wu clan is really in decline."

Wu Xie looked up at Mu Feng: "Ying Long! How dare you fight me! What are you doing hiding behind Monkey King! I am not afraid of you!"

Mu Feng said: "I didn't expect that the big witch is so stupid now." After finishing speaking, he flicked his sleeves and used the magic spell in his sleeves, and directly put the noisy Wu Xie into his sleeves: "This guy will stay for a while." Let's deal with it later, let's take a look at the battle on the battlefield first."

Jiang Quan said: "The battle was good. Since the Wu army lost their leader Wu Xie, morale has fallen into a low state. Now our tanks have gained the upper hand." After finishing speaking, he pointed to the screen on the wall.

On the screen, thousands of tanks and Wu clan are crushing each other. All in all, modern technology must have the upper hand.But from time to time, a powerful Wu clan would tear apart the tank with their bare hands and kill the driver in it.

Mu Feng said: "Actually, our human race's current strength does not seem to be as weak as imagined. We will no longer be suppressed and beaten like in ancient times."

Jiang Xiaoyue pointed to the previous witch who tore apart the tank and said, "Leave this to me to deal with! See how powerful he looks."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You don't have to go!" After speaking, he opened the sword case behind his back, took out the Chun Jun sword and threw it out of the base.The sword turned into a stream of light and flew towards the battlefield with a whistling sword energy.

In just a split second, the sorcerer on the screen who could tear apart the tank with his bare hands heard the wind blowing from the back of his head, and before he could react, the Chunjun sword had already removed his head.

Hou Zi looked at Mu Feng, and said with admiration: "It seems that the Mu Feng brothers have made a lot of progress in taking the head of a person thousands of miles away."

Mu Feng said calmly: "Compared to Brother Hou, it's still not enough."

When Mu Feng and the monkey were bragging and playing with each other, they suddenly heard a majestic voice from the sky: "Mu Feng, come out quickly and receive the decree of the Great Heavenly Lord!"

In the entire Taoist system, there are only two people who can be called Great Heavenly Venerables. One is the Jade Emperor, the great sage and benevolent Jade Emperor, who is the Jade Emperor who now lives in Mu Feng's home.

The other one can only be Yuanshi Tianzun!
Yuanshi Tianzun is the leader of Taoism, and also the leader of the Sanqing who was passed on by Hongmeng to the three friends.One of the six Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxians in the world today!
Naturally, the one who can make an order now is not the exiled Jade Emperor who is still staying in Mu Feng's house.So it can only be Yuanshi Tianzun!

Mu Feng knew that he was the head of the Three Purities, so he naturally made a long bow, and asked in Taoist etiquette: "May I ask what the Yuanyuan Tianzun has ordered?"

The voice said: "Mu Feng is the reincarnation of Yinglong, who is in the way of heaven, able to quell the killing and calamity, and has accumulated immeasurable merits. I will give you the list of gods. If the killing and calamity recurs again, you will be the one who can be made a god."

Mu Feng immediately showed a clear expression: "The one who should come is still here..." He still bowed and saluted: "Thank you Yuanyuan Tianzun!"

Not for a moment, I saw a golden bamboo slip falling beautifully from the sky.It also exudes a faint brilliance.The treasure is solemn and the horse is extraordinary.

Mu Feng quickly stretched out his hands and said: "More heavenly officials pass on the value, I will definitely not disappoint the great Tianzun, and work hard to complete the great cause of conferring gods! To offset this killing!"

The bamboo slip finally fell into Mu Feng's hands, and when he opened it, he only found a piece of golden gods on it, a total of 360 five ways.Gods"

Mu Feng turned back to Sun Wukong and said with a smile: "Those sworn brothers of yours, I can give three of them in the god position, this is already my greatest ability."

The monkey just smiled when he heard the words: "They have deviated from the way of heaven, and they deserve to die. I don't want to bring them back to life!"

Mu Feng said: "Brother Hou is really like this?"

The monkey smiled wryly and said, "At any rate, my old grandson is also considered a Buddha, and he studied under Master Zhunti. In fact, his status in the Buddhist world is only below that of the Tathagata.

Mu Feng sighed: "There are nine times out of ten unpleasant things in the world, Brother Hou, don't force yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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