Agent of Heaven

Chapter 254

Chapter 254

The monkey seemed to have lost all his strength suddenly: "My old grandson is a Buddha! Why can't he cross the person he wants to cross? What is the use of this Buddha Dharma?" He looked at the golden cudgel in his hand and forcefully Sweeping out, there was a gust of wind and he gritted his teeth: "What use do I want this iron rod?"

Mu Feng said: "Brother Hou, the great cause of conferring gods is coming soon, you must not be so negative. Besides, I have one more thing to entrust to you, and only you can complete it."

The monkey said: "Brother Mu Feng, what's the matter, but it's okay to say."

Mu Feng said: "I want to invite you to the demon world."

The monkey said: "Why do you want me to go to the demon world?"

Mu Feng said: "I want you to find someone, if he is willing to help us, Fengshen will go much smoother."

The monkey said: "Who are you talking about? Can have such ability?"

Mu Feng said: "His name is Yuan Hong, I wonder if you have heard of it?"

The monkey covered his head and said, "This name sounds familiar, but it's a pity that I feel a little headache after thinking about it. Why?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Then don't think too much, brother monkey, go to the demon world quickly, you somersault like clouds coming and going like the wind. It's best to go back and forth as soon as possible."

The monkey said: "What if Yuan Hong doesn't want to come with me?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, he will definitely come with you."

The monkey said: "Your boy has learned how to play tricks now." He turned the golden cudgel into the size of an embroidery needle, stuffed it into his ear and said, "In that case, my grandson will go to the demon world!" He jumped out with a somersault , turned into a black spot on the horizon in a blink of an eye.

Mu Feng looked at the direction where Monkey King was going away, and didn't say a word for a long time.A voice came from behind him: "The monkey is finally going to the demon world?" Turning around, he saw Yang Jian standing not far away talking to him with his arms around his shoulders.

"Second brother, I have already completed what you told me. As for whether Brother Hou and Yuan Hong can get together, I can't guarantee it."

Yang Jian said: "Although the four monkeys of the mixed world are not as noble as the phoenix, if they can get together, they can also be qualified to lead the demon world."

Mu Feng said: "Second brother, you are becoming more and more compassionate..."

Yang Jian said: "Don't talk nonsense, I am the true king of Taoism!"

Mu Feng smiled, turned around and strode away: "Let's go! Follow me to build the Conferred God Platform."

On the outskirts of Jiangzhou, next to the lakeside villa.

Mu Feng and Yang Jian descended from the clouds and found an old man waiting below.I saw him wearing sackcloth, with silver hair fluttering in the wind, his wide sleeves fluttering, and he looked like a fairy.

Mu Feng hurriedly bowed and said, "I've seen Mr. Jiang!"

That's right, this person is none other than Jiang Ziya, Jiang Taigong, who chose Mu Feng as the agent of the Heavenly Court in the past.He nodded with a smile and said: "The general has recovered the memory of his previous life, so there is no need to be polite to the old man."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Courtesy cannot be discarded."

Jiang Ziya showed a serious face and said: "Mu Feng! You are now the new leader of the list of gods, but you have made the determination to help the world."

Mu Feng said: "Not only do I have determination, I also have confidence and patience!"

Jiang Ziya said: "I really didn't misread you!" After finishing speaking, a golden light flashed in his hand, and the magic whip flew out of the villa and landed in his hand: "I will officially pass on this magic whip to you right now. You, from now on, you are the real master of the Magic Whip!"

Mu Feng stretched his hands above his head and said, "I am willing to take over the burden of this common people!"

Jiang Ziya sighed: "Once the killing and catastrophe occurs again, the living beings are in dire straits!" After speaking, he put the magic whip directly in Mu Feng's hand.Just look at the golden talismans on the whip, each emitting a bright golden light.

The list of gods on Mu Feng's body flew out automatically, emitting ten thousand rays of light!Holding a magic whip in his hand, his sleeves fluttered and he said: "The Taishang Wuji Hunyuan Cult Master Yuanshi Tianzun said: There is a way in heaven and earth, and reincarnation is endless. Great mourning collapses, and killings will resume! You are free, with a golden body of scattered immortals! I look forward to cherishing myself, so Zi Er Chi, Er Qi Qin Zai"

I saw the golden light on the list of gods condensed and divided, making 360 five rays of light and flying towards all parts of the Three Realms.Three of them fell into Mu Feng's house.

Yang Jian, who was standing beside Mu Feng, got hit by a strike, and instantly his entire Taoist robe turned into battle armor, and his aura became more than ten times stronger.

That Nezha was also hit by a ray of light, and in a blink of an eye, he appeared with three heads and six arms, his eyes were sharp, his aura was imposing, and his skills had greatly improved.

Kui Mulang was hit by a golden light on the top of his head, and his real body was instantly revealed. It was a big blue wolf with monstrous aura, and he was no longer under the Six Great Saints who attacked the underworld in the past!

Yang Jian said with joy on his face: "Finally off the list of gods!"

But Mu Feng said: "Second brother, congratulations, you don't even have to pay attention to the order to transfer troops from heaven!"

Yang Jian said: "Haha, since I became like the god list, although I have obtained the right result, my soul will never die. However, my cultivation has really been dragged down a lot. I am happy to be out of this trouble! The world is so big, I It’s all ready to go!”

Mu Feng asked: "Second brother, if you break the seal this time, has your cultivation level cut off good and evil?"

Yang Jian smiled and said: "I'm ashamed of my brother, I just cut off the evil corpse!" After finishing speaking, a clear light appeared on the top of his head, and a young man with a huge ax came out of it!
Mu Feng was startled and said: "Hey! Second brother, why is this evil corpse of yours Chen Xiang?"

Yang Jian's face turned black and he said: "Didn't I tell you earlier! I am the only child! Sanshengmu is the goddess of Mount Hua, and she has nothing to do with me. Chenxiang does not exist at all! It was the one who split the mountain to save his mother. Me! It was Momoyama that split open!"

Mu Feng hurriedly waved his hands and smiled, "Second brother, stop, my old grandson, isn't this a joke? Come and introduce your avatar."

Yang Jian said: "This is the result of my hostility when I split the mountain. I hold a mountain axe, and my supernatural powers are not inferior to my own. Mu Feng, do you want to try it with me?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I don't have time to try it out with you! Nezha and Kui Mulang will come later, let them try it."

Heavenly Court, within the Yaochi Palace.There are many demon soldiers on the outside, and the heavenly soldiers and generals who have been besieged for some time inside.Suddenly with the sword, hundreds of rays of light flew from the human world, flew directly into the Yaochi, and landed on the bodies of many celestial generals and officials!Immediately afterwards, a lot of joyful shouts were heard: "The Conferred God has been opened again! We are all free!"

In an instant, the Yaochi palace, which was originally demoralized and full of twilight, turned into a noisy and joyful atmosphere.Until a majestic voice came: "Return to the team each, and finish our last battle in Heaven!"

I saw an old man riding a huge black unicorn appearing among the heavenly soldiers and generals. He holds a male and female whip, and has three eyes on his head.It was the former Grand Master of the Shang Dynasty!Now the governor leads the 24 righteous gods of the Thunder Department, the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun, Wen Zhong!
(End of this chapter)

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