Agent of Heaven

Chapter 255

Chapter 255
Let’s say that the grand master rode a black unicorn before the heavenly soldiers and generals, and said in a loud voice: “Many of you are my former subordinates, and many of you are my former enemies, but after all, we have been officials in the same dynasty in the heavenly court for thousands of years. I believe that no matter what grievances and grievances there were, they must have been resolved.

That's right, it is true that we have to obey the orders of the heavens because our souls are locked in the list of gods.but!How does heaven treat us?How does the Jade Emperor treat us?
The flat peaches that bloom every 9000 years and bear fruit every 9000 years, don’t you all eat less?Now that the monster race is attacking, I was originally unable to resist with all my strength because my mana was blocked, but now we have returned to our former peak.

It's time for us to save face!After fighting this battle, we have repaid the kindness of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, and we can go down to the lower realm freely, do you think it is okay? "

Wen Zhong was originally the grand master of the Shang Dynasty, and he had a great prestige in the Jiejiao, so at this time he said such reasonable and well-founded words.Naturally, it aroused the approval of all the Jiejiao immortals below.Although the other forces wanted to be unwilling, but due to the large number of people who intercepted the teaching, if they left first, not only would they not only get a bad name, but they might even be regarded as enemies.

So there was a lot of applause from below.

"Okay! Master Wen, you have the final say!"

"Lead us to kill those monsters!"

"Let those monster races know that our Jiejiao Immortals are not easy to bully!"

Jiejiao is the disciple of Tongtian Sect master among the patriarchs of the Three Qing Dynasty, and most of the disciples are actually demon clan.But this time when the monster race attacked the Heavenly Court, they never showed mercy to these interceptors, and instead made things difficult for them everywhere.

It is believed that these Jiejiao disciples are despicable villains who have corrupted the tradition of the monster race and joined the saint's sect in order to gain influence.

After all, in the heyday of the monster clan in the past, when the powers of the monster clan such as Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were still there, none of the monster clan joined the sect of the Sanqing sage.

Even if there were, they all fell into the sect of the monster saint, Empress Nuwa.

Wen Zhong saw that the heavenly soldiers and generals below were filled with righteous indignation, nodded slightly, and ordered: "Where are the ten immortals of Jin'ao Island?"


A uniform answer came from below, and there were nine men and one woman walking out, they were Qin Wan, Zhao Jiang, Dong Quan, Yuan Jiao, Our Lady of Golden Light, Sun Liang, Bai Li, Yao Bin, Wang Bian, and Zhang Shao.

These ten people had practiced ten unique formations in the Golden Ao Island in the past, and their power was extraordinary. During the Battle of Conferred Gods, Jiang Ziya was forced to do nothing, and finally invited the Twelve Golden Immortals who were seated by Yuanshi Tianzun, He used all kinds of tricks to break through the ten unique formations one by one.

Wen Zhongdao: "I order you to bring [-] heavenly soldiers each to attack from the south of Yaochi together, and kill all the monster clans you have seen!"

The ten immortals of Jin'ao Island bowed together and said, "I would like to follow the order of the Grand Master."

Wen Zhong shouted again: "Where are the four heavenly kings?"

"The four brothers of the Mo family are here!" I saw the heavenly king holding the country in the east, the heavenly king Zengchang in the south, the heavenly king Guangmu in the west, and the heavenly king Duowen in the north.Qi Qi walked out from the crowd and bowed to Wen Zhong.

Wen Zhong looked at them and smiled: "The four of you are so lucky to hide in the Heavenly Court, are you ready to fight to become famous this time?"

As the eldest brother, Mo Liqing walked out first and said with a smile: "I heard that Grand Master is making fun of our four brothers again."

Wen Zhongdao: "This old man is not laughing at you. Others don't know the mana of your four brothers. How can I not know it? Even if Yang Jian meets you again now, I'm afraid the outcome will be unpredictable. It's just that you four know it too well. It’s just keeping a low profile, but it’s a pity that you still can’t fool the old man.”

Mo Liqing didn't answer, but just bowed and said: "I would like to follow the order of the grand master.

Wen Zhongdao: "None of you four brothers will lead [-] heavenly soldiers to the north of Yaochi."

The four heavenly kings said in unison: "No!"

Wen Zhong said again: "Li Tianwang, are you willing to obey the old man's orders?"

Natuota Heavenly King Li Jing walked out from the crowd and looked at Wen Zhong with a very complicated look.He is different from others, Li Jing was a member of Jiejiao and Xixijiao during the Battle of Conferred Gods!It can be said that it is Wen Zhong's enemy.Moreover, Li Jing was originally the Generalissimo of Soldiers and Horses in the Heavenly Court.It stands to reason that he should be in charge of the overall situation. At this time, not only was Wen Zhong seized the power, but he also had to listen to Wen Zhong's command. How could he not be aggrieved?

Wen Zhong seemed to see Li Jing's displeasure, but he said with confidence: "Li Tianwang, your military skills are not inferior to the old man, but your conduct is much worse."

Li Jing said angrily: "Wen Zhong! You..."

Wen Zhong waved his hand, interrupted Li Jing gently and said: "Heavenly King don't need to be angry, you and I used to be officials in the same dynasty, why don't you listen to the old man?"

Li Jing snorted coldly, but he didn't want to pay attention to Wen Zhong.In fact, he was a little ashamed, because he was also a courtier of Yin Shang in the past, but for various reasons, he took refuge in Chanjiao and Western religion.Among the three sons, except for the youngest son, Nezha, who is still by his side, because the master he worships is the real Taiyi.Jinzha and Muzha have both gone to the West to teach, and they are walkers who sat down with Puxian and Guanyin.

In fact, Li Jing is still in the Three Caves of the Rabbit, and has not kept all the treasures in one place. Even if the Heavenly Court falls, he can still escape to the west.

Wen Zhong didn't pay attention to Li Jing's temper, and just said to himself: "I often hear people say that Li Tianwang is well versed in the way of dealing with people, so I must also know that my behavior seems inappropriate this time, but it is actually reasonable."

How could Li Jing not know that it is most suitable for Wen Zhong to come out to be the commander-in-chief of the heavenly soldiers at this time?If it was Li Jing who stood up, and his son Nezha was no longer around during the teaching, he himself was not a pure teaching disciple.Today, when the list of gods was released, he actually no longer has the power of a heavenly king.If others don't like him, there is nothing he can do.

Not to mention Jiejiao, most of the people inside look down on Li Jing.In the past, when the Heavenly Court was an official in the same dynasty, many people often ignored Li Jing, but it was still because of affection.At this moment, the seal was released, and everyone was no longer a colleague. With the character of those Jiejiao Immortals, they had stayed in Tiangong for a long time without hitting Li Jing directly, and it was caused by lack of anger.

Thinking of this, Li Jing sighed and said, "If you hear that the Grand Master has anything, just tell him directly."

Wen Zhong nodded and said: "You take fifty thousand heavenly soldiers to break out from the west. After killing those demon soldiers, you can go directly to the west. Your two sons are now your best way to get rid of them."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Li Jing's eyes when he heard the words. In fact, what he wanted to see most was his youngest son Nezha, but such things as "returning the bones and returning the flesh" made the relationship between father and son impossible to restore to the original state no matter what.

In the end, Wen Zhong ordered another [-] Heavenly Soldiers and said: "The gods of the Thunder Department listen to the order and come with me to break out from the east!"

Someone below asked: "Grand Master, where shall we go after we break through? The Great Shang is already dead."

Wen Zhongdao: "Go to the human world! I heard that the boy named Mu Feng is very interesting!"

(End of this chapter)

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