Agent of Heaven

Chapter 256 Wu Xie's Trick

Chapter 256 Wu Xie's Trick

On the outskirts of Jiangzhou, the battlefield command office of the Ninth Bureau.The pervasive gunpowder smoke finally dissipated, and the ground was exposed, but it had become desolate.The outskirts of the city, which were originally verdant and verdant, are now covered by scorched earth.

The ground was covered with black blood and broken limbs.Don't get me wrong, these blood and stumps are naturally left by those Wu people.They fought against the tanks and artillery of the human race with their flesh and blood, and naturally suffered heavy casualties.

But the human race didn't seem to be feeling well here. At least a few hundred tanks were destroyed, and none of the drivers and soldiers in the tanks were spared.One tank was even torn apart directly from the middle.This is a supernatural force beyond human comprehension.Suddenly tearing apart the tank... Many soldiers had already lost confidence in fighting when they saw this scene.

Just as the battle was reaching a stalemate, the opponent's leader was captured by the human race.All the soldiers looked at the hero who flew out from their own camp.Holding a golden cudgel, wearing a golden chain mail, and stepping on colorful auspicious clouds.

In the entire Huaxia, no one did not know that person's name.No one can forget the image of that person.It's just that the soldiers never expected that this person actually existed.

So when facing the army of the Wu tribe that was already showing signs of retreating, the morale of the human soldiers was greatly boosted, and amidst the roaring artillery fire of countless tanks, they finally repelled the army of the Wu tribe.

At this point they began to clean the battlefield.

Jiang Quan and Jiang Xiaoyue stood side by side, looking at the hell-like battlefield in front of them together.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Father, I never thought that one day I would face such a cruel war."

Jiang Quan shook his head and said, "When you and Mu Feng were together, I already predicted that this kind of thing might happen."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Then why did you let me get close to him at the beginning? Could it be that it was really to pull him into the ninth game to expand our influence?"

Jiang Quan said: "I knew from the beginning that he was different. You should also understand that our Jiang family is the descendant of the great grandfather Jiang Shang, and we have a chance to spy on the way of heaven once in our life. reward for future generations."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Did you use it on him? Yes, Mu Feng is the reincarnation of Ying Long. Father, your investment was very successful." Her tone seemed a little cold.

Jiang Quan smiled helplessly: "Why are you angry? Don't you love him?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "No matter how sincere my feelings for him are, I can't forget that I approached him in the first place because I accepted your order. Every time I think about it, I feel... feel my behavior..." Tears flowed slowly With her white chin left.

Jiang Quan stretched out his hand and wiped Jiang Xiaoyue's tears away: "Xiaoyue, don't hate me."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I won't hate you, you are my father. I just can't pass my own test."

Jiang Quan suddenly smiled: "As a father, my daughter is the smartest in the world, but now it seems that she is not as smart as Mu Fenglai."

Jiang Xiaoyue stopped her tears and said, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Quan said: "Do you really think that Mu Feng didn't realize your intention to get close to him at first?"

Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly said: "Yeah, he is not a stupid person at all, he should have known that I approached him on purpose."

Jiang Quan said: "But he still fell in love with you without hesitation. What I admire most about this kid is not how capable he is now. It's that he will always have a mortal heart."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The heart of a mortal... Our opponents today are all gods and demons."

Jiang Quan said: "The reason why mortals can monopolize the human world is because they have a heart stronger and braver than gods and demons. Although Mu Feng is the reincarnation of the demon god Yinglong, he is now indeed a People. Entrusting you to him is the most correct decision I've ever made in my life. What's more, I'm still vaguely seeing Mu Feng's future in the Dao of Heaven..."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky.Jiang Quan didn't say anything, he looked at the sky with a smile and said, "Oh, the secret must not be leaked."

A soldier ran over and saluted Jiang Quan: "Report to the commander, we found a living prisoner while cleaning the battlefield."

Jiang Quan said directly: "Any living Wu clan will be killed, and no one will be left alive."

The soldier said: "Yes!"

"'s too late!" A hand was directly pierced from the soldier's back to his chest, and a tall figure appeared following the slowly falling corpse.

Jiang Quan looked at the man, and said in disbelief, "It's you! How is it possible? Shouldn't you have been put into the universe by Mu Feng!"

Wu Xie smiled and said, "That's right, I was indeed defeated by Monkey King, and then I was imprisoned by Mu Feng."

Jiang Xiaoyue stood in front of Wu Xie and said, "How did you escape? Where is Mu Feng! How is he doing now?"

Wu Xie looked at Jiang Xiaoyue, and said in a strange way: "Isn't this the daughter of our high priest of the Wu clan? It stands to reason that you should be our current high priest! The position should be higher than mine."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Stop talking nonsense! What did you do to Mu Feng?"

Wu Xie said with a strange smile: "Instead of worrying about his lover, the high priest should worry about himself. Guess what I will do to you?"

Jiang Quan said: "Wu Xie! With your strength, you are far from Mu Feng's opponent. You must have used some kind of trick to escape."

Wu Xie glanced at Jiang Quan, revealing a furious look: "You smashing mortal! I will settle the account with you every now and then!" He shot like lightning, and directly grabbed Jiang Quan's throat. go.

Although Jiang Quan is a first-class master in the human world, how can he be the opponent of a great witch like Wu Xie.He couldn't escape at such a speed.

It was too late to say, but it was so fast, I saw only a flash of red light, and Jiang Xiaoyue punched Wu Xie directly in the palm.The two fists met, and a wave of air spread in the air.

Jiang Xiaoyue's figure flickered, Wu Xie jumped straight away, and took seven or eight steps back to stabilize her figure.

"This power, isn't it good! This is the divine power of the witch clan you inherited from the high priest. This power should have been shared by our witch clan. It should be used to revive Lord Chiyou, because your mother was confused by that mortal , We just lost the chance to revive the Wu clan 20 years ago." Wu Xie pointed to Jiang Quan and said angrily.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Father, are you okay!"

Jiang Quan said with a sad smile: "I'm fine, but I didn't expect that it was your mother who protected me 20 years ago, but now it's you who protect me. Being a father may really be a failed father and husband."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Daddy, don't be silly, you will always be the greatest father in my heart. As you said, even though you are a mortal, you still have a heart that is braver and stronger than gods and demons. "

"Troubleshooting!" Wu Xie yelled, and a red light flashed behind him, revealing the great witch's real body.He knew that it would not be long before Mu Feng would find out that the person in his sleeve was a fake.He must take down Jiang Xiaoyue and his daughter as quickly as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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