Agent of Heaven

Chapter 257 Jiang Xiaoyue's Compromise

Chapter 257 Jiang Xiaoyue's Compromise
At this time, Wu Xie's body has once again become indomitable, with a height of ten thousand feet.Fighting intent was immediately ignited in his eyes, and one hand covered the entire sky and fell towards Jiang Xiaoyue and his daughter.

The palm of the hand slapped the ground, and the whole Jiangzhou shook slightly.But Wu Xie couldn't laugh because he found that Jiang Xiaoyue's father and daughter had disappeared.The moment his palm hit the ground, the two of them disappeared directly from the ground.

"Stupid! I'm on top of you!" Jiang Xiaoyue's voice came, and she raised her fist flatly, falling from the sky.

Wu Xie stretched out his palm to block it, but Jiang Xiaoyue's punch was too fast and powerful, piercing through his palm with one punch.

"Ah! Damn it! I'm going to crush you into powder!" Wu Xie's fighting spirit became more and more intense.He kept waving his fist and threw it at Jiang Xiaoyue.

Jiang Xiaoyue just floated in the air, neither dodging nor avoiding.Every punch will collide with Wu Xie's huge fist, and the two of them are so nonchalant, fighting each other back and forth.It's just that the body is huge, the size of ten thousand feet, and the other one is the size of an ordinary human being.

However, Wu Xie's strength seemed to be far from Jiang Xiaoyue's. After a few fights, he not only gradually fell into the disadvantaged.The whole person has also become covered in blood.

"Damn it! These are the powers that should belong to our Wu Clan, you damn thief!" Wu Xie couldn't beat him, so he cursed directly.

Jiang Xiaoyue sneered and said, "You escaped from Mu Feng, are you planning to let me catch you back again?" After speaking, she punched Wu Xie directly on the chin, accompanied by dust, Wu Xie's huge The body fell down directly.

"Jiuli Great Witch, that's all." Jiang Xiaoyue also fell back to the ground, looking at Wu Xie, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

However, suddenly, Wu Xie's huge body underwent a strange change.The originally bright red flesh and blood all turned black, and wriggled by itself.Soon, Wu Xie's whole body turned into a mass of black object, wriggling constantly.

After Jiang Xiaoyue saw it, she felt instinctively disgusted, her eyes became clear, and she saw through the black object, only to find that there were countless densely packed bugs in it!
Thousands of bugs crawled together and gathered into a large black mass.

"Jiang Xiaoyue! You are so naive. Do you really think that the real body of our witch clan's great witch is that simple? Just become a stupid big man, and then become stronger? If that is really the case. I'm afraid our ancestor witch has long They were wiped out by the gods and Buddhas all over the sky." As soon as the words fell, a large group of black insects rushed towards Jiang Xiaoyue.

Seeing so many insects, Jiang Xiaoyue instinctively hated and didn't want to touch them, so she stretched out her hand and punched a red fist, and rushed towards the insects.

Unexpectedly, the swarm of insects was very powerful. When they saw the fist light coming in front of them, they opened their mouths one by one, directly divided the fist light and ate it.

"Your mother, your mana, you still don't know how to use it! If she makes a move, I'm afraid I've already turned into a lonely ghost! But you, I'm so disappointed!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said angrily: "Don't be complacent! I'll crush you right now." After speaking, a red light flashed behind her, and a huge red monster appeared behind her.

Seeing the devil's appearance, the worms seemed to be extremely frightened, and immediately backed away.

Wu Xie's voice came again, but there was only a trace of excitement faintly revealed: "Sure enough... Big Brother really guessed right, she actually passed this on to you!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said disgustedly: "Go to hell!" The phantom of the demon god behind her stepped out, and was about to press down on the black swarm of Wu Xie's incarnation.

"Scatter it! Devour everything!" Wu Xie roared, and the black swarm suddenly became bigger and bigger, like waves in the sea, one after another.It is like a flood that will submerge the whole world.

The black bugs that spread across every inch of the land, as long as the phantom of the demon god walked by, they would consciously avoid them.But it will still be burned by the breath of the demon god and turned into ashes.

Wu Xie's voice came from all directions: "Jiang Xiaoyue! Hurry up and put away your supernatural powers! Otherwise, as long as I have a thought, the swarm will swarm into the place where the mortals live behind you, swallowing all the life there. "

Jiang Xiaoyue opened her almond eyes and said, "How dare you!"

"I dare! Of course I dare!" Wu Xie seemed full of confidence: "Although your supernatural powers can hurt me, you can't kill me. Aren't you curious about how I escaped from Mu Feng's sleeve? Haha , In fact, I don’t need to run away at all, every great witch will have an innate skill after becoming a real big witch, and my real big witch is called 'Bug Demon'! I can transform into thousands of bugs, every bug It can be me! As long as there is a bug that doesn't die, I can live on it! Monkey King is too powerful, even if I use this trick, I'm afraid I can't match him.

So I left a parasite on a clansman right before he caught him.When Mu Feng himself had me in his sleeve, I was reborn on the body of the parasite.

It's just that I never expected that even you are so strong, forcing me to use some tricks. '

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What do you want?"

Wu Xie said: "Give up resistance, and go back to Jiuli Realm with me!"

Jiang Quan's figure turned into a streamer and appeared, "Xiaoyue, no, that must be in the Jiuli Realm..."

"Shut up!" Wu Xie roared angrily, and a large group of flying insects directly attacked Jiang Quan.

Jiang Quan used the Yuqing spell, and the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind gathered in his hands, and finally turned into a ball of light and hit the insect swarm.It's a pity that the gap between him and the Great Witch of Jiuli is too great. In just an instant, the swarm devoured his spells and flew towards his body.

The demon god glanced behind Jiang Xiaoyue, and a red light came out, and the group of flying insects turned into a group of ashes before it touched Jiang Quan.

"You let all the people in Jiangzhou go, I will go with you!" Jiang Xiaoyue said.

Jiang Quan said: "Xiaoyue, you can't do this."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Father, don't worry, I will care about everything myself."

Wu Xie laughed loudly and said: "Okay, it's refreshing, but you have to accept the supernatural power first."

The red demon god behind Jiang Xiaoyue began to turn into red light and slowly dissipated. Just a second before it completely dissipated, the demon god looked dissatisfiedly at Jiang Xiaoyue as if he had regained consciousness.She said coldly: "Lun Dao, you have withdrawn your supernatural powers." After speaking, her complexion turned pale and her body shook a little.Apparently, forcibly retracting the spell would have a huge impact on his
Wu Xie said: "Of course, our Wu Clan is the most loyal!" After speaking, in just a moment, the originally dense swarm of insects gathered together and turned into human form again, just like Wu Xie.

(End of this chapter)

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