Agent of Heaven

Chapter 258 Jiang Quan Conferred God

Chapter 258 Jiang Quan Conferred God
Wu Xie took out a big flag from his bosom. Once the big flag came out, it grew in the wind, and finally turned into a size of ten feet, wrapping it towards Jiang Xiaoyue.

Because Jiang Xiaoyue forcibly took back the phantom of the demon god that was summoned, she had already suffered internal injuries at this moment, so she couldn't resist anymore, she was directly rolled up by the banner, trapped in it, unable to move again, and passed out immediately.

"No!" Jiang Quan roared angrily, turned into a golden light, and rushed towards Wu Xie.

Wu Xie snorted coldly and said, "Overestimate your own strength! Then I'll send you to die!" After speaking, he stretched out a finger and shot like lightning, directly piercing Jiang Quan's sky cap.Then with a sneer, he picked up the flag with Jiang Xiaoyue wrapped around it, and flew directly to Jiuli Realm.

Jiang Quan made a gurgling sound in his throat, and his eyes were still flickering with unwillingness, as he stared closely at the direction in which Wu Xie was leaving.

Let's say that Wu Xie flew all the way, and entered the Jiuli Realm in just a moment, all the way to the Ancestral Witch Hall, opened the door and laughed loudly: "This time the plan is completed, the high priest's daughter, I have brought it back." After speaking, he threw the flag in his hand, and the unconscious Jiang Xiaoyue emerged from it.

Wu Xian sat cross-legged at the place closest to the statue of Chi You, moved his fingers, and Jiang Xiaoyue's body floated directly in front of him.

"This breath, yes, she is the daughter of the high priest." After speaking, his fingers moved again.Jiang Xiaoyue's body slowly floated here, and flew to the palm of the Chi You statue.

"Twenty years, it was because the high priest was greedy for the world of mortals, and we were 20 years late to catch the opportunity to revive Lord Chiyou again. This time, no matter what, we can't miss it again!" Aunt Wu seemed to be filled with righteous indignation.

Wu Xian said: "After all, it's over, so don't complain any more, hurry up and prepare for the ceremony of resurrecting Master Chi You."

Aunt Wu looked at Wu Xie and asked, "Where's that man?"

Wu Xie sneered, "Of course I killed him!"

Aunt Wu immediately stood up, pointed at Wu Xie's nose and said, "What! How could you kill him! Who allowed you to kill him!" Her expression was actually extremely excited.

Wu Xie Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "My good sister, what are you so excited about? It seems that I guessed correctly. You! You also fell in love with that humble mortal."

Aunt Wu scolded angrily: "You... what nonsense are you talking about! I just want to kill him with my own hands!"

Wu Xie said: "Stop pretending, everyone here doesn't know, it was the mortal world that you accompanied the high priest back then. What did you experience in the mortal world with him and that mortal... Then that mortal A mortal married a high priest, and you came back to tell the truth."

A black wind blade flickered in Aunt Wu's hand and said, "I'll kill you!"

"Okay! Stop it!" Wu Xian's voice resounded throughout the Ancestral Witch Hall. He looked at Wu Xie and Wu Gu coldly and said, "Master Chi You hasn't been resurrected yet, and we haven't defeated those stupid people yet." The mortal! You two have already started to squabble?"

Wu Xie said, "Brother, I know I was wrong."

Aunt Wu didn't say a word, but lowered her head.

Wu Xian sighed suddenly and said: "Okay, okay, don't mention the past." He said to everyone: "This time we captured the high priest's daughter and killed his father. Ying Long will definitely not let it go! He will definitely commit a crime in the near future, so you all cheer me up. Before Master Chi You is resurrected, there must be no mistakes!"

The human world, the suburbs of Jiangzhou.

A stream of light flashed, and Mu Feng's figure appeared directly on the broken battlefield.He just felt a huge battle wave coming from here, and one of them was very similar to Jiang Xiaoyue, so he rushed here, but he didn't expect it to be a step too late, and now there is no one here!
"Mu Feng..." A faint voice came from all around.

Mu Feng said: "Who is it!" His eyes released an inch-long golden light, and he looked in the direction where the voice came from, only to see a translucent phantom floating there!And the appearance of this phantom is Jiang Quan!

Seeing this, Mu Feng's eyes went dark, and then he forced himself to calm down and said: "Your soul is unstable now, don't talk for now, otherwise your soul may fly away at any time."

Jiang Quan said excitedly: "I can't control that much anymore! Xiaoyue was taken away by them!"

Mu Feng said: "Who is it? Who are they?"

Jiang Quan said: "It's Wu Xie!"

Mu Feng said: "This is impossible, Wu Xie is still in the universe in my sleeve!" He waved his sleeve, trying to release Wu Xie, but a mass of bug corpses fell out of it.

Jiang Quan sighed: "Xiaoyue was captured by them and brought to Jiuli Realm, you must hurry up and save her!"

Mu Feng said angrily: "It's all my fault. I underestimated the enemy too much. Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen. It's all my fault!" As he said, he actually hugged his head.

Jiang Quan said: "You must calm down now, if even you panic, no one will be able to save Xiaoyue."

Mu Feng took a few deep breaths when he heard the words, and then calmly said: "Uncle Jiang, your soul has also been damaged, I'm afraid you won't be able to reincarnate."

Jiang Quan's smile was a bit miserable: "I should have died a long time ago. When Xiaoyue's mother died, I was already ashamed. Maybe my soul is just a comfortable rest for me. Don't be too Too worried."

Mu Feng said: "You don't need to comfort me, Uncle Jiang, you just can't be reincarnated, it's not that I can't save you!" After finishing speaking, he took out something from his bosom, which was the list of gods: "In your current state, I only have you Only by putting you in the list of gods can save your life. When the killing and calamity is over, you can also be ranked among the immortals. It’s just that you have to be driven by the heavens, and you will lose a little bit of freedom.”

Jiang Quan looked at the list of gods in Mu Feng's hand, and said in shock: "This is the list of gods used by our ancestor Jiang Shang! Are you the leader of this generation's list of gods?"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "The killing and catastrophe has risen again now. Uncle Jiang, you are destined to suffer this catastrophe. Fortunately, there is a glimmer of life in the heavenly way. I will save you with the list of gods, and you will be safe."

Jiang Quan nodded and said, "That's fine, you must bring Xiaoyue out..."

Mu Feng solemnly said: "Don't worry, I will definitely do it!" After speaking, the light of the Conferred God List flashed in his hand, and he directly took Jiang Quan's increasingly dim soul into it.

Mu Feng raised his head and looked in the direction of Jiuli Realm, with a fierce light in his eyes: "Jiuli Witch Clan, you guys are so courageous, do you really think that I, Mu Feng, can't do anything to you?" After finishing speaking, he wanted to To use the heaven and earth escape method, go directly to the Jiuli Realm.But suddenly I heard someone shouting from behind: "Brother Mu Feng, wait a minute, can you take me to a set of Jiuli Realm to gain insights."

Mu Feng looked back, only to find that Yang Jian was wearing a silver armor and black robe, holding a three-pointed double-edged gun, looking at him with a fighting spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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