Agent of Heaven

Chapter 26 Yao Ji

Chapter 26 Yao Ji
At night, in the late autumn, the lights are on.

A graceful body wrapped in a windbreaker walks on the street.

Her name is Yao Ji, and she is the goddess of Wushan.

She has wandered around the world for thousands of years, and as time goes by, she often forgets who she is and where she comes from.No mortal can understand her loneliness and loneliness.

She still has him, a man as gentle as jade.

Although he was dead, Yao Ji still forced him to stay in the world with her magic power, and looked around for a way to really revive him.For thousands of years, and never gave up.

But he was suddenly seriously injured, and when he found her, he was already dying.Yao Ji had no choice but to do something against the sky, to find the soul of a mortal to continue his life.But after such a long time, there are nearly a hundred mortals under her hands, but he is still unconscious, showing no sign of improvement.

so what?As long as she can stay with him forever, even if she is full of karma, she will not regret it.

Now Yao Ji is looking for a fish that slipped through the net, that is a boy in his twenties, but he escaped from his hand by relying on a top-quality disaster-proof jade card.

Yao Ji must kill him, because what he needs is a complete spirit, maybe as long as he absorbs the boy's spirit again, her lover can wake up.That way she wouldn't have to kill anyone else.

Yao Ji pushed open the door of the hospital and followed her breath to the top floor of the building.After knocking out the two bodyguards, he opened the door of the ward and saw the boy.

The boy on the hospital bed looked more like a dying old man.

"My child, let me end your painful life." She stretched out her slender hand, ready to absorb the last of his essence.

"It's a pity, I don't want to die yet!" The boy on the bed suddenly sat up, with playful gleams in his eyes.

"Who are you!" Yao Ji said with a frosty face.

"You forgot me so quickly? Maybe you still recognize this sword!" The Qingming sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed at Yao Ji's neck.

"It's you!" Yao Ji raised her red dagger to block Qing Ming.

Mu Feng changed his body and turned back to his real body. The Black Iron Overlord Spear also appeared in his hand, pointing at Yao Ji and saying, "Goddess of Wushan, are you guilty?"

"Tiangang 36 changes! Who are you?" Yao Ji's own identity has been found out, but she still doesn't know anything about the person in front of her.

"I am the agent of Heavenly Court, Mu Feng."

"Agent of the Heavenly Court! Does the Heavenly Court already know about me?"

"Song Yu should have returned to dust a long time ago. It is an act against the heavens for you to force him to stay in the world. Now it is an unforgivable crime to suck the soul of a mortal to heal his wounds. But if you find your way back now, I can still let you go." On the one hand, send Song Yu's soul to be reincarnated." As a good young man in the 21st century, Mu Feng decided to educate the person in front of him.

"Let's be generous? I suck the soul of mortals, and the only thing waiting for my end is to be thrown into the land of eternal doom. But I still want to be with Song Lang for the rest of my life! The heavens can't stop me." Yao Ji knew that she had been ambushed If you stay here, you will definitely not be able to get any benefits, so you turned into a red light and escaped out of the window.

Unexpectedly, there was a "bang", a golden light flashed on the window, and Yao Ji was knocked back.

"When you were talking just now, I have already set up an enchantment here, you can't escape." Jiang Xiaoyue's sweet voice came in from outside.

"Then I have no choice but to kill!" Yao Ji stabbed at Mu Feng with her dagger.

Mu Feng's Qingming sword and Xuantie Overlord Spear shot at the same time, using the kung fu of combining spear and sword, and fought with Yao Ji.The two of them had a good fight, and after forty or fifty rounds, they still couldn't decide the outcome.

Jiang Xiaoyue watched anxiously from outside the barrier, but she couldn't make a move because she couldn't maintain the barrier, so she took out a copper bell from the storage bag, shook her plain hand, and saw golden ripples rippling away.

Yao Ji was fighting hard with Mu Feng, when she heard the ringing of the bell, her mind suddenly became dizzy, and she gradually became powerless.She was originally a female fairy made of grass and trees, and her strength was much worse than that of Mu Feng who had eaten the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.This time, Mu Feng shot the dagger off her hand, and pierced her pipa bone with another sword.

The trick of piercing the lute bone was given to Mu Feng by Yang Jian. The lute bone is the weakness of most gods, as long as it is pierced, no matter what magic power they have, they will not be able to use it.

Jiang Xiaoyue withdrew the barrier, walked in with the copper bell hanging on her waist.Mu Feng glanced at the copper bell, and asked curiously: "Your magic weapon is so powerful, what's its name?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "I secretly took this out from my father's treasure house, it's called the Falling Soul Bell."

Yao Ji, who had her pipa bone stabbed, suddenly said sadly: "It turns out that the two of you are also compatible people, so why can't you just let me and Song Lang go?"

Mu Feng shook his head and said: "It's not that we don't want to let you go, but that you have committed too many crimes. No matter how vigorous the love between you is, it will not be a reason for you to do evil."

Jiang Xiaoyue also said: "In order to be able to stay with your lover, you go to take other people's lives, don't you really feel that you are too selfish?"

Yao Ji shook her head when she heard the words: "You don't understand, you still don't understand! As long as I can be with Song Lang forever, I am willing to do anything!"

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue looked at each other, and said at the same time: "It's unreasonable!"

Just when the two of them finished speaking, Mu Feng suddenly felt the Qingming Sword in his hand become hot. Looking at Yao Ji again, her body had gradually turned into flames, and huge black bird wings had grown out!
Yao Ji waved her wings behind her back, and a burst of flames hit Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue.

Mu Feng knew that the fire was Suzaku Profound Fire, and it was impossible for ordinary people to resist, so he hugged Jiang Xiaoyue into his arms, leaped over, and hid.

But when I looked at Yao Ji again, she had already waved her wings and fled away in the night sky.

"It's such a good opportunity to let her run away again, what a pity!" Mu Feng said.

Jiang Xiaoyue blushed and said, "Quickly let me go."

Mu Feng quickly let go of the delicate body in his arms, scratched the back of his head and said, "Uh, the incident happened suddenly, so let's not stick to these details."

The blushing on Jiang Xiaoyue's face hadn't faded yet: "Let's go back first, I have already reported the matter of Wushan Goddess, and it won't be long before my father will come to help with the head of Kunlun."

Mu Feng said: "The head of Kunlun?"

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded and said: "Then Sun Suo said that when he was young, he met a person who gave him a jade card to ward off disasters on Kunlun Mountain. I suspect that it is the head of Kunlun, Master Xuanling."

Mu Feng said: "I don't know much about the Kunlun School."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The Kunlun School is different from Shushan. Since thousands of years ago, it has seldom recruited disciples in the world, and it seldom cares about the affairs of the cultivation world. I am afraid that not many people in the entire cultivation world know the details of the Kunlun School, even our Ninth Bureau I only know that the current head of Kunlun is called Xuanling Daoist, this person is extremely profound, and his seniority is even higher than Shushan Qingcang Daoist! I am afraid that he is the No.1 in the cultivation world today!"

Mu Feng said: "The Kunlun faction is so mysterious, are you really sure that you can ask their head to come down the mountain to help?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Others may not be able to invite him, but my father will definitely be able to invite him."

Mu Feng wondered: "Why?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said with a smile: "Because my father's surname is Jiang, and our Jiang family is originally from the Kunlun Yuxu lineage. In terms of seniority, my father can still be regarded as the nephew of Xuanling Daoist."

It was only then that Mu Feng remembered that the series of spells used by Jiang Quan and Jiang Xiaoyue were all authentic Yuxu Immortal spells.Then the origin of the Jiang clan is probably that person!
The person who held a magic whip thousands of years ago, commanded the entire battle of conferring the gods, and created the 800-year foundation of the Great Zhou!
That wretched old man who was fishing by the pond and tricked Mu Feng into working for Tianting...

(End of this chapter)

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