Agent of Heaven

Chapter 27 This plot is wrong

Chapter 27 This plot is wrong
Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue had just returned to the base of the Ninth Bureau when they found Jiang Quan and an old Taoist priest waiting in Jiang Xiaoyue's office.

Mu Feng's first reaction when he saw the old Taoist priest was: "Fuck me! This guy is definitely not the real Xuanling!"

Mu Feng looked at the sloppy old Taoist priest with grease stains on his sleeves.In his mind, the head of Kunlun should be like a fairy, and he should look like a master.But the Taoist priest in front of him can only be described as wretched!

"This is Master Xuanling, the head of the Kunlun School." Jiang Quan introduced.

"Fuck me, this guy is really Xuanling Daoist? The number one master in the world of self-cultivation has this face?" Mu Feng roared in his heart.

Jiang Xiaoyue was much calmer than Mu Feng, she just stepped forward to pay respects to Master Xuanling, and then talked about the investigation progress of the "mummy case" in the past few days, and also introduced Yao Ji in detail.

Master Xuanling smiled slightly, how obscene and obscene that smile was, which made Mu Feng's heart tremble when he saw it.

"The person the two little friends saved in the hospital earlier was the reincarnation of the poor apprentice. So I have to thank you here in advance."

Mu Feng said: "The mayor's son is the reincarnation of your apprentice? He has already been sucked out of one-third of his soul. We can only guarantee that he will not die. If we don't find Yao Ji as soon as possible, I'm afraid..."

Master Xuanling said: "It's okay, I brought the treasure of the door this time, the Kunlun mirror. I can definitely find Yaoji's whereabouts!" As he said, a blue light flew out of his sleeve and floated in the air. A bronze mirror engraved with the Taiyi Xuan pattern.

Jiang Quan looked at the mirror and said: "This is the legendary ancient artifact Kunlun mirror that can see everything in the world and travel through all worlds?"

Master Xuanling nodded slightly, stretched out his hand and pointed, a mana shot on the Kunlun mirror, and the picture gradually appeared in the mirror: on a cloud-shrouded mountain peak, under a peach blossom tree, a woman in a red skirt is sitting on a The sleeping handsome man wiped his cheeks for him.

"The woman in the red dress is Yao Ji, and the sleeping man is Song Yu, the corpse demon!" Mu Feng said while looking at the picture in the Kunlun Mirror.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Just what is this place? Why can't we find her hiding place no matter how we investigate."

Master Xuanling said: "This place should be the legendary Wushan illusion, created by Yao Ji's magic power. It is not in the human world, just like West Kunlun, it is an independent space."

Jiang Quan said: "Then how should we enter it?"

Master Xuanling said: "This is quite simple." After that, he stretched out his finger, and the Kunlun mirror was magnified several times, from the size of a bronze mirror to the size of a room door. "The Kunlun mirror has the ability to travel through myriad realms, so we can use it to go directly." He stepped out first and entered the Kunlun mirror.

Mu Feng and the others naturally followed in. They just stepped in, and felt a blur before their eyes, and everyone entered the illusion of Wushan surrounded by clouds and mist.

The four of them hid behind a boulder.

Master Xuanling said to Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue: "That Yao Ji is pregnant with the blood of Suzaku, we can't kill her. You go and lead her here. Mr. Jiang and I will lie in ambush here, and we will work together to kill her." Seal it into the Kunlun Mirror!"

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue nodded at the same time, and flew towards where Yao Ji and Song Yu were.

"Yao Ji, stop being obsessed with obsession!" Mu Feng held the black iron overlord gun and fell from the air.

Yao Ji was shocked and said, "How did you find this place?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Naturally we have a solution, this is called Tianwang Recovery!"

Yao Ji sneered and said, "So what? The two of you were injured carelessly the first two times, and now in this Wushan, the two of you coming here are tantamount to death!"

Mu Feng stopped answering, swiped the Overlord Spear, and swept towards Yao Ji with great force.

Yao Ji didn't retreat but advanced, burning with mysterious flames all over her body, she was already in front of Mu Feng's eyes in an instant, with the short sword in her hand hitting the Overlord's spear, Mu Feng's blow lost much power.

The Qing Ming sword appeared in his hand instantly, and Mu Feng swung the sword and started a close fight with Yao Ji.For a moment, I just felt that Yao Ji's moves were weak, and her skills seemed to have increased a lot in this Wushan.

Jiang Xiaoyue also released Yuxu fairy art to help, but the mysterious fire around Yaoji was so powerful that any fairy art would turn into a puff of green smoke within three feet of him!
Mu Feng only felt that his mana could hardly withstand the burning of the mysterious fire, so he and Jiang Xiaoyue looked at each other, pretending to retreat together, and retreated towards the ambush place where Xuanling Daoist and Jiang Quan were ambush.

Yao Ji followed closely behind, but just after arriving at the boulder, she heard a shout: "Yao Ji! Hurry up and catch her." When she turned her head, she saw a sloppy old man floating in the air holding a bronze mirror .

Master Xuanling held the Kunlun Mirror, shining a beam of light, trapping Yaoji in it, and she couldn't escape no matter how hard she struggled.

Jiang Quan also appeared, holding a small apricot flag, and throwing it forward, it lengthened against the wind and turned into the size of a battle, wrapping Yao Ji in it, making her unable to move anymore.

Yao Ji screamed, and her whole body turned into raging black fire, trying to escape from it.But the banner was really tough, and the Suzaku Profound Flame, which could burn even mana, couldn't damage it at all, and couldn't escape from it.

"Xinghuangqi! You are the head of the Jiang clan!" Yao Ji looked at Jiang Quan and said.

Jiang Quan said coldly: "Yao Ji, you have committed a serious crime. Our Jiang family guards the human world, so naturally we want to arrest you!"

Master Xuanling also took a step forward, pinched his hands and said: "Goddess of Wushan, what is waiting for you is to spend endless years in the Kunlun mirror!"

The apricot-yellow flag wrapped around Yao Ji, and slowly flew towards the Kunlun mirror.

"You want to seal me? No, what if Song Lang gets sealed?" Yao Ji screamed.

"Song Yu is supposed to be reincarnated. It's an act against the heavens for you to keep him in the world for such a long time. If something happened here, we will send him to reincarnation!"

Yao Ji burst into tears: "I just want to stay with Song Lang forever, I just want to pursue my own happiness, why do you have to push each other so hard?"

Jiang Quan shook his head and said, "I'm stubborn!"

At this time, the distance to the Kunlun Mirror is less than three feet, and he will be sealed in the Kunlun Mirror after a while, and he will never come out.But at this moment, she suddenly bit the tip of her tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the Kunlun mirror, so that the Kunlun mirror was surrounded by a ball of mysterious fire, and it could no longer be absorbed in it.

Master Xuanling frowned and said, "Suzaku's divine blood? This is the end, do you still want to resist?"

Yao Ji said sadly: "I know I can only block the time when the Kunlun mirror burns incense, but I just want to see my Song Lang again for the last time! I hope you will show mercy and let our husband and wife have a final parting... as long as goodbye On the one hand, I am willing to enter the Kunlun mirror by myself!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "You are so powerful, you can run without a trace if you take off the Xinghuang flag, how do we know that you are not lying?"

Yao Ji said seriously: "I swear by the name of Emperor Yan's daughter! As long as you let me see my husband for the last time, I will enter the mirror of Kunlun." After a pause, she sternly said: "If you don't agree, I will Even the self-destructive soul will fight you to the death!"

Master Xuanling sighed, put away the Kunlun mirror and said, "I'll give you a moment to burn incense!"

Jiang Quan also frowned, took the apricot yellow flag and said: "There is only one stick of incense!"

Yaoji's father, Emperor Yan, was one of the three emperors in ancient times, so she swore an oath in his father's name, so she couldn't break it.This last meeting with Song Yu will be the farewell between their husband and wife.

She walked towards the peach tree gradually, and the peach blossoms had already fallen to the ground.The man she had loved for 2000 years was lying under the peach tree. His brows were still the same, and his face was the same as before, as if he was just sleeping peacefully.

"Husband, this is really the last time." Her plain hands caressed Song Yu's face.

"Do you still remember our first meeting? Under the Wushan Mountain, you were in high spirits at that time, sitting and discussing with your teacher with a scripture in your hand."

"I fell in love with you at that moment, and I turned into a mortal to spend my whole life with you. But, life is too short..."

"You are already old before I can feel the tenderness. I used witchcraft to keep you in the ancient tomb, but I couldn't completely revive you. I can only exchange for your occasional sobriety."

"In the past 2000 years, I have traveled all over the Three Realms to find a way to revive you, but it was all in vain. We still can't be together forever..."

Just after Yao Ji finished saying this, Song Yu, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "No!"

"Are you awake? I thought I'd never hear your voice again."

Song Yu just smiled, he was indeed a peerless handsome man, no one could resist this slight smile.Yao Ji threw herself into Song Yu's arms with tears in her eyes.

Song Yu said: "You silly woman!" He shot into the back of Yao Ji's head like lightning.

This is the only fatal weakness of Yao Ji!It was transformed from the root of her own Yaocao.Under Song Yu's finger, a cloud of Suzaku blood flew out from the back of her head and was swallowed by Song Yu's mouth.

Mu Feng, who was in the distance, was stunned and said: "This plot is wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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