Agent of Heaven

Chapter 28 Mu Feng's Explosion

Chapter 28 Mu Feng's Explosion

Mu Feng, Jiang Xiaoyue, Daoist Xuanling, and Jiang Quan all stared at the scene in front of them in bewilderment, speechless.

It was originally a Qiong Yao drama, why did they fall in love and kill each other in an instant?
Yaoji was caught off guard by Song Yu who attacked the only vital point on her body, and the blood of Suzaku was taken away.After losing her mana, her face began to age instantly, and she turned into a white-haired old woman in a blink of an eye.

Song Yu pushed Yao Ji away in her arms in disgust, laughed and stood up under her incredible eyes.

"Song Lang, why are you..." Yao Ji's aura had already started to scatter, and the blood of Suzaku was the foundation of her existence, and it would not take long for him to be wiped out after being taken away.

Song Yu smiled slightly, still so charming and personable: "Why? Of course it is for immortality! You have trapped me in a zombie for more than 2000 years, and I can only wake up for a moment every day. I hate you!"

"No, you said you would stay with me forever!"

"Haha, I am a disciple of Qu Yuan, a famous scholar through the ages, and you are just a grass and trees, how can you deserve to be with me? I am only with you because of the Suzaku blood in your body that can make people live forever. But you She is a selfish woman, she would rather go around looking for some illusory resurrection technique than give me your Suzaku blood, so I can only take it!"

"Song Lang..." Yao Ji's eyes revealed the despair like ashes, she fell to the ground and gradually lost her life.

Song Yu turned around to look like Mu Feng and said, "You, I remember you! It was you who broke into my tomb and injured me that day."

Mu Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "That's right, that silly girl on the ground also sucked the souls of mortals everywhere in order to heal you, and committed a heinous crime."

Song Yu smiled and said: "That's because she is stupid. In fact, my injury has healed a long time ago, but as long as I lie there and pretend to be unconscious, he will send a steady stream of spirits to increase my mana. Why not Why?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I have never seen such a brazen person."

There was a flash of light in Song Yu's hand, and an ancient bronze sword appeared in his hand: "I am no longer human."

Mu Feng said: "You also know that you are not human?"

Song Yu was not angry when he heard the words, but just smiled lightly and took out his sword, "A large amount of spirit power and the blood of Suzaku have completely integrated my soul and body. From today, I will be the only corpse fairy in the past ten thousand years!" Huge red wings began to grow from his back, and a raging fire was burning.

Master Xuanling looked shocked and said: "Not good! He has already become a feather, and now he is not something we can deal with! Zombies become immortals, and their mana is far better than ordinary loose immortals. Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he threw the Kunlun mirror and turned it into an exit to escape from the illusion.

Song Yu unsheathed the ancient bronze sword in his palm, and a blood-red sword light shot out, directly knocking the Kunlun Mirror back to its original form.This is just an ordinary bronze sword, which is naturally inferior to the ancient artifact Kunlun Mirror, but the person who uses it is a feathered corpse fairy, far from being able to resist the real Xuanling who controls the Kunlun Mirror.

Seeing that the exit had been destroyed, Mu Feng stabbed at Song Yu with the Black Tie Overlord Spear in his hand.There are many changes in marksmanship, wrapping, collapsing, pointing, sweeping, emerging in endlessly.

Mu Feng yelled: "I'll come to haunt him first, you guys quickly find a way to open the exit of Wushan's illusion, and call my second brother Yang to save me!" But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt his hand sink, his overlord The gun was caught by Song Yu with one hand, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

Song Yu looked at Mu Feng and said, "You have a lot of strength!" As he said that, he kicked Mu Feng's chest, kicking him upside down, hitting the distant mountain wall, and smashing it into pieces. stone.

"Afeng!" Jiang Xiaoyue called out, and quickly sacrificed the Luohun Bell, shaking it at Song Yu.

Song Yu's body was full of red light, blocking all the sound waves from the Luohun Bell.He stretched out a hand and grabbed Jiang Xiaoyue!
With a "choke", the Qingming sword flew over, blocking Song Yu's palm, and left a bloodstain on his hand.

"Can it hurt me? What a good sword!"

Mu Feng flew out from the pile of rocks, and the Overlord Spear slammed down on Song Yu's head again.

At this time, Jiang Quan also raised the apricot-yellow flag in his hand, rolling towards Song Yu.

Song Yugang reached out and touched Mu Feng's Overlord Spear, but was suddenly wrapped up by Xinghuang Qi, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move it.

Master Xuanling also took the opportunity to sacrifice the Kunlun Mirror, and the beam of light shone down, and Song Yu was illuminated in it!This is exactly the spell the two of them used to seal Yao Ji just now.

Song Yu roared again and again, and the red mana on his body wave after wave, rippling around like a tide, making Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue a little unsteady.

Meanwhile, Daoist Xuanling and Jiang Quan began to bleed gradually from their seven orifices.

"Daddy!" Jiang Xiaoyue flew to Jiang Quan with an anxious expression on her face.

"Don't come here! Mu Feng, take Xiaoyue out of here quickly, this evildoer is beyond the range that mortals can resist, only the one in the grouting mouth can subdue him!"

"None of you can leave!" Song Yu laughed wildly, and broke free from the double seals of Xinghuang Qi and Kunlun Mirror!Both Jiang Quan and Master Xuan Ling vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"Aren't you very powerful? How dare you hurt me?" Song Yu raised his sword like Mu Feng slashed at him!
At this time, Jiang Xiaoyue sacrificed the falling soul bell and flew towards the place where his sword fell, trying to block it for Mu Feng.But Song Yu shot faster, a red mana shot out, and knocked Jiang Xiaoyue to the ground, unable to move!

Song Yu's sword was very fast. Before Mu Feng could react, he had already stabbed Mu Feng with [-] swords. The swords were all on the vital points, but none of them were fatal.

"How do you feel?" Song Yu looked at Mu Feng with a playful face.

Mu Feng only felt that there was no part of his body that was no longer in pain, and the pain penetrated into the bone marrow, making Mu Feng's voice tremble: "You... this is... give me... scratch it again?"

Song Yu's handsome face turned ferocious: "Then I'll scratch your itch for you!" In the blink of an eye, there were another 21 swords, but these 21 swords just happened to break every tendon in Mu Feng's body, making him completely spread out. land.

"How? If you beg me, I will spare you now!"

"You look like a bitch!" Mu Feng gritted his teeth.

Song Yu said: "Very good, you have successfully worn out my patience, I decided to suck your blood dry now!" He lowered his head and bit Mu Feng's neck!
But!But he suddenly felt that his teeth were missing, and when he looked up again, he saw Mu Feng standing up again at some point, and the wounds on his body began to heal slowly.

Song Yu looked at Mu Feng, and he found that this Mu Feng seemed different from the person he had seen before. There was a faint golden glow in his eyes, and there was a slight contempt in his eyes when he looked at him!

"What kind of eyes are you looking at!" Song Yu burst into anger, using the fastest sword in his life, and slashed towards Mu Feng's throat with all his strength!
but!Mu Feng just lightly stretched out two fingers, and clamped his sword!No matter how hard Song Yu tried, he couldn't break free from it!
"You... who the hell are you?" Song Yu asked in horror.He thought that after he became a corpse fairy, he would be able to run amok, but in the hands of Mu Feng, who had a faint golden light in his eyes, he didn't even have the power to fight back!

"Do you really want to know who I am? Good! Then I'll tell you!" Mu Feng with golden pupils smiled faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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