Chapter 29

The golden light in Mu Feng's eyes became even brighter, and he kicked Song Yu's knee with both feet.

The zombie Song Yu whose body was already close to the indestructibility of King Kong felt his knees had been kicked into pieces, and his legs fell to his knees weakly.Looking at Mu Feng with an extremely resentful look, why was he inexplicably defeated by the person in front of him after he had exhausted his tricks.

"If you want to know the identity of a certain family, then open your eyes wide and let them see clearly!" A huge phantom suddenly appeared behind Mu Feng with golden pupils. giant beast.

Song Yu started to tremble the moment this phantom appeared, he has recognized the origin of this phantom since he was very knowledgeable!It turned out that this young man named Mu Feng lived in the body of the ancient god general who beheaded Chi You and Kuafu!
Song Yu said in a trembling voice: "So it was you... I didn't deserve to lose."

The Qingming sword had already stood against Song Yu's throat, and the lines on the sword body shone with golden light, which seemed to contain the power to destroy the world, and its power was more than a hundred times stronger than when it was in Mu Feng's hands.

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from a distance: "Song Yu!"

"Huh?" Song Yu turned around and subconsciously responded.But before he finished speaking, his whole body was sucked into the distance with a whoosh.

A man in silver robes stood in the distance, holding purple gold and red gourds, but Song Yu was put into the gourds by him.

A golden glow flashed in Mu Feng's eyes and he said, "Who are you? You are so courageous!" The Qingming sword floated behind him, turned into four, and flew towards the silver-robed man.

The silver-robed man also flew out a seven-star sword from his sleeve, which actually blocked the Qing Ming sword.

"General and assistant, I have no intention of being your enemy." The silver-robed man raised his hand, bent down and bowed in front of Mu Feng and said, "I took this man to kill him, so don't blame the general if he is rude. "

"You know someone?"

"9000 years ago, when the younger generation followed Daozu, he once met the general in the Antarctic wonderland."

"Oh? I just remembered, so you are that boy! Why are you here?"

"I don't want to suffer from that slavery anymore! Thousands of people in my clan don't want to suffer like that. The general is also a member of my clan. I wonder if I can..."

"Let's go! I won't interfere in the dispute between you and Heaven, just don't bother me!"

Hearing the words, the silver-robed man seemed to have expected the answer, so he turned around and disappeared.

Mu Feng walked up to the lifeless Yao Ji, looked at her old face, and sighed: "It's a pity that Emperor Yan tried his best to save you back then. Forget it, after thinking of you as an old friend, let's return your original face." Go ahead!" With a wave of his hand, golden light flashed, and Yao Ji's body gradually turned into spots of light and disappeared, leaving only a yao grass fluttering in the wind under the peach tree.

The golden light in his eyes dissipated, Mu Feng returned to his previous appearance, and his body softened and fell down.

In a daze, Mu Feng only felt that he was in a trance and came to a barren land.There was nothing but ruins around him, only a tall man in battle armor standing between the sky and the earth with his back to him.

"Who are you? Where is this?" Mu Feng asked.

"Who am I? I am you," the man turned around, his face under the long hair was actually the same as Mu Feng's.

Mu Feng said: "You are me?" He felt extremely strange in his heart at this time.

"To be more precise, I am a wisp of your consciousness left here before you were reincarnated." He said lightly.

Mu Feng said: "My previous life? No! I asked Jiang Ziya, I am not the reincarnation of some god at all!"

"He didn't lie to you, you are indeed not the reincarnation of a god, because you were an ancient monster in your previous life."

"Who was I in my previous life?"

"You are too weak, I don't want to tell you my name yet! After all, I can't even deal with a small corpse fairy, it's too shameful."

"That is a corpse fairy who has cultivated for more than 2000 years, and has absorbed the blood of Suzaku. With my strength, I am no match for him at all."

"Really? Weakness is never a good excuse. I've already taken care of that little corpse fairy outside for you."

"You! You defeated that corpse fairy?"

"Hmph, this is also the last time I will help you! From now on, you can only rely on yourself." After speaking, he stretched out his hand, but the Qing Ming Sword appeared in his hand. "Just in case, I'll teach you some skills, lest you be too embarrassing!"

At this time, he raised the Qingming sword.

When the light of the Qingming Sword in his hand flashed, Mu Feng closed his eyes.

Mu Feng didn't see the sword in his hand, but felt a pain in his chest.

Then Mu Feng fell into the darkness, the boundless darkness, bottomless and endless.

"Remember this sword! Demon-slaying style."

Suddenly there is light in the darkness, moonlight, full moon.

When Mu Feng opened his eyes, he saw a huge and shiny head, which was the head of the old pig.

"Hey, Xiaofeng is awake!" Old Pig shouted.

A pair of slender hands pushed the old pig away, and Mu Feng saw Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes that were more beautiful than moonlight.

No matter in the heaven or in the mortal world, there will never be a second pair of such beautiful eyes.

There were still tears in Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes, and she was crying for her.

Mu Feng smiled suddenly: "I'm fine." He stretched out his hand and gently wiped the tears on her face.

"You've been in a coma for a day, you scared me to death!" Jiang Xiaoyue said.

"It's been a day?" Mu Feng stood up and found himself lying in his room in the villa.

Laozhu sat on the side and looked at him with a smile on his face, and Yang Jian also looked at him coolly with his arms folded not far away.

"You seem to have become stronger." Yang Jian said suddenly.

Mu Feng closed his eyes, recalled the "Devil Slaying Style" and said: "I did learn some new things."

Yang Jian nodded and said: "We will continue to compete after the injury is healed." After speaking, he turned and left the room.

The old pig looked at Yang Jianyuan's back and smiled and said: "Don't look at him like this, he was very nervous just now. He said that the reason for your coma was due to overdraft of spiritual thoughts, so he didn't hesitate to spend his true energy to heal your wounds."

Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue, at Lao Zhu, and at Yang Jian who was going away, and suddenly felt a little moved.He has known these people not long ago, but the friendship they only saw is true.

In early autumn, at night, the fog has not risen, and the moon and stars are thin.

Mu Feng was standing far away from Yang Jian.The autumn wind is coming, the reeds are shaking lightly, and some dew has been shaken off under the moonlight.

Just at this moment, Mu Feng made a move, the Black Iron Overlord Spear was raised, and he shot several times in a row, ruthlessly and quickly, stabbing towards him.The marksmanship is extremely proficient.

Yang Jian was actually shrouded in the shadow of the spear by him. With a wave of the three-pointed and two-edged spear, he swung the Overlord Spear away.

Mu Feng retreated a little, but his marksmanship became even sharper. The tip of the spear made a crackling sound in the air, only an inch away from the tip of Yang Jian's nose!
But this inch is only a thousand miles away, no matter how Mu Feng changes his tactics, he can't really hurt Yang Jian.

With a choking sound, the Qingming sword was unsheathed!

In the flash of the sword light, it was as if thousands of troops were attacking, and the power and murderous aura burst out in an instant.It was that magic-slaying move!

Yang Jian suddenly felt a sense of danger. This feeling told him that if he didn't deal with it seriously, his life might end here.

This feeling, he has not felt for 1000 years.

The eyes on Yang Jian's forehead opened!Blooming a bright brilliance.

Mu Feng was concentrating on drawing the sword, but suddenly felt a shock in his heart, and inadvertently lost his mind.

In Yang Jian's hand, the three-pointed and two-edged spear shot quickly, and with a touch on the Qingming sword, Mu Feng's moves were drawn to one side.

When Mu Feng reacted, Yang Jian's palm had already reached his throat.

"Not proficient enough." Yang Jian said lightly.

Yang Jian did not comment on Mu Feng's progress, because it was no longer needed.Today's Mu Feng has grown into a person who can make him use his supernatural powers.

In the future, it seemed that he would no longer be able to bully this kid with a feather duster.

(End of this chapter)

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