Chapter 30
The matter of the "mummy case" finally came to an end, and Mu Feng finally ushered in his rare leisure.At this time, he was watching TV with Lao Zhu and Yang Jian on the sofa in the living room.

"Erlangshen, you are really not a thing, you can be so cruel to your own nephew!" Lao Zhu looked at the TV and suddenly yelled.

Yang Jian said: "Be careful! Who are you scolding?"

The old pig hehe said: "I scolded the one on the TV." He pointed to the TV, which was playing the CCTV version of Lotus Lantern, in which the Erlang God played by Jiao Enjun was chasing and killing Chen Xiang.

Yang Jian watched TV for a while and said silently: "This Erlang...he is really not a thing!"

Mu Feng lay leisurely on the side eating potato chips and said, "Don't worry, it will be cleared later, this Erlang God is actually a good man!"

At this time, Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly came down from upstairs with a plate of things.When Lao Zhu saw that there was something to eat, he immediately became excited, and instead of watching TV, he just stared at the plate in Xiaoyue's hand.

"Hey, Miss Xiaoyue, what is this?"

"Snowskin mooncake, haven't you eaten it?" Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and put the plate on the coffee table.

"I've eaten this mooncake before, and I've even eaten one made by Chang'e herself. I've never eaten a snowy mooncake before!" The old pig took one out of the plate, swallowed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and said, "Well, Delicious! So delicious!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What kind of mooncakes did you like to eat before?"

The old pig said: "Moon cakes with five kernels."

Mu Feng couldn't help feeling chills after hearing the five kernel moon cakes, and looked at Lao Zhu with a perverted look.

Jiang Xiaoyue squinted her eyes and asked, "Why, is it my delicious food or Chang'e's?" The old pig said that he had eaten mooncakes made by Chang'e, but Jiang Xiaoyue only thought he was joking.

Anyone who has read "Journey to the West" knows that the old pig is actually more skilled than a monkey. He opened his mouth and said, "Of course Miss Xiaoyue made delicious food! Chang'e's craftsmanship is far worse than yours."

Yang Jian also took one and took a bite: "Not bad, it's cold and refreshing, with a special flavor."

Mu Feng asked: "Why do you suddenly think of making moon cakes?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "It will be Mid-Autumn Festival in a few days!"

"It's the Mid-Autumn Festival soon?" Mu Feng took out his phone and glanced at it. Sure enough, the Mid-Autumn Festival is only a week away. "Unknowingly, time flies so fast."

Jiang Xiaoyue fed a mooncake to Xiaotiangou who was lying on the side and said: "Every Mid-Autumn Festival, I have to go back and spend it with my dad, so I pack up and leave in the afternoon."

Mu Feng said: "You want to go?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What? Can't bear to part with me?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Of course."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Why don't you go home with me for the holidays, and I'll tell my dad that you are my boyfriend, anyway, you two have met, he seems to like you quite a bit."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Let's forget it, I will go home this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, and if I calculate it carefully, I haven't been home for almost half a year." become extremely serious.

Jiang Xiaoyue coquettishly snorted: "I'm just kidding you! You think I really want to take you home for the Mid-Autumn Festival!" After speaking, she turned and went back upstairs to pack up her things.

Mu Feng suddenly looked like Yang Jian and Laozhu and asked, "Have you celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Yang Jian didn't speak, but shook his head slightly.

The old pig said: "I used to learn scriptures with Master, but after I became a Buddha, I didn't have any more."

Mu Feng said: "You two also go back with me, and experience the festival in the mortal world."

Yang Jian and Lao Zhu looked at each other, and they nodded together.

In the evening, Jiang Xiaoyue packed up her things and left the villa with big bags and small bags.Mu Feng and others went to see him off, but before getting into the car, Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly jumped up quickly, pecked Mu Feng's face, and got into the car blushing.

The old pig covered his eyes and exaggerated: "Young people nowadays, I don't see anything!"

Yang Jian also patted Mu Feng's shoulder playfully: "The girl has already taken the initiative, so is it really appropriate for you not to say so?"

Mu Feng blushed and said, "Go back and pack your things. I'm leaving tomorrow to go home for the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Early the next morning, Mu Feng appeared at the door of the villa with large and small bags.With Lao Zhu and Yang Jian, he naturally didn't need to take any means of transportation. Yang Jian picked up a gust of wind and took the three of them to Mu Feng's hometown.

The distance between the two places is not far, and in less than half an hour at Yang Jian's speed, Mu Feng had already seen the small county called Xin County underground.

It was not very early at this time, and the pace of life in the town was not very fast, so most of the residents hadn't woken up yet.Mu Feng picked a place close to home and set down, and the three of them started walking.

Unexpectedly, not long after walking, I heard a familiar voice calling to me from the side of the road.

"Muzi!" The only ones who could call him that were his acquaintances. Mu Feng looked back and saw that it was his high school classmate and buddy Zheng Hua.He was riding a bicycle at this time, and there were still two bags of vegetables hanging on the front of the car.

"Brother Hua! Why are you here?"

Zheng Hua said: "Of course I'm back for the holidays, but I arrived a few days earlier and went out to buy groceries this morning."

"I just came back today, and I'm not home yet."

"Then go home quickly, let's get together with our old high school classmates tomorrow!"

"Okay, I'll definitely be there."

After bidding farewell to Zheng Hua, Mu Feng led Yang Jian and Lao Zhu to the front of a small courtyard after a while.He stood in front of the door and yelled inside: "Dad, Mom! I'm back."

A middle-aged woman with a kind face opened the door of the yard, looked at Mu Feng and said with a smile, "You're back, come in quickly." She looked at Yang Jian and Lao Zhu again: "Who are these two?"

"This is my friend. Their home is far away, and they can't go back for the Mid-Autumn Festival, so I let them come together."

"Okay, since we are friends, let's come in together."

The three of them entered the yard together, and Mu's mother shouted into the room: "Stop practicing calligraphy, my son is back!"

Papa Mu's still powerful voice came from inside: "I'll be back when I come back, what are you excited about?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Dad, I brought you two bottles of Wuliangye."

Papa Mu's plain voice was immediately filled with joy: "Oh, my son is so filial, come in!"

Mu Feng carried Wuliangye and led Yang Jian and Laozhu into the room together.

Papa Mu immediately came up to take Wuliangye and put it aside, looked at Mu Feng for a while and said, "Not bad, very handsome, just like your dad and me back then."

Mu's mother's voice came from outside: "How dare you look like that old tree bark, my son probably looks like me!"

Mu Feng smiled and watched the familiar bickering between his parents.

Both Yang Jian and Lao Zhu walked to the table lightly, where there was a brush with wet ink on it, and a preface to Lanting that Mu Feng's father copied.

Seeing that his son's two friends seemed to be quite knowledgeable and admiring his handwriting, Mu's father regained his energy immediately, put Mu Feng aside, and said to Yang Jian and Lao Zhu, "How are you? Both of you!"

The old pig smiled and just nodded.

Yang Jian frowned, picked up another piece of white paper from the table, and started writing on the paper like flying.

Mu's father was a little unhappy when he saw Yang Jian's expression, but he couldn't help being shocked when he saw the words in his pen that were so strong that the back of the paper was written.

After a while, Yang Jian put down the brush.

Mu's father couldn't help but shouted: "Amazing! It's really amazing! This word is not much better than Yan Liu! It's actually written by a person who is less than 30 years old."

Yang Jian smiled slightly, pretending to be inscrutable.Looking at Mu Feng with a look like looking at a piece of shit, he said: "Finally, I have met a knowledgeable person. I usually write a few words, but some people say that I am wasting paper."

Mu Feng has already turned on the mode of complaining in his heart. Yang Jian is an ancient man who can write calligraphy. Besides, he is older than the sum of Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan multiplied by ten. There is no need to pretend to write a few calligraphy.Thinking about it, he looked at the old pig.

The old pig smiled, picked up the brush, and wrote a Heart Sutra on the paper.Then he cupped his hands and said to Mu's father, "You're making a fool of yourself!"

Mu's father looked at Xiang Laozhu's handwriting, and saw that although his handwriting was not as sharp as Yang Jian's, it was round and elegant, implying Zen.

Papa Mu hesitated and said, "Why does this handwriting look familiar to me?"

Mu Feng was stunned: "No way?"

Papa Mu suddenly slapped his head and said: "I remembered! Master Xuanzang's handwriting in Yuhua Temple is authentic! This friend's handwriting is quite similar to Master Xuanzang's."

Mu Feng thought in his heart: I guess Lao Zhu asked his master to copy the Heart Sutra.

Laozhu cupped his hands to Papa Mu and said, "If you don't dislike it, I will give these two characters to the old man."

Mu's father said: "Why is this so embarrassing?" He said he was embarrassed, and at the same time he put the two words into his copybook.

Yang Jian said: "Take the liberty to bother me, it's a mere courtesy, please accept it with a smile."

(End of this chapter)

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