Agent of Heaven

Chapter 260 Iron Blood Demon Soldier

Chapter 260 Iron Blood Demon Soldier
Jin Chanzi sits cross-legged in the bloody corpse mountain of the witch clan in Jiuli Realm, reciting the Sanskrit "Sutra of Rebirth".Buddha's light kept gushing out from behind him, turning into scriptures and fluttering in the wind.The bloody breath seemed to have been diluted a bit.

Mu Feng said to Jin Chanzi: "The holy monk is merciful, and he actually lost 500 years of cultivation for these souls that cannot be saved."

Jin Chanzi slowly opened his eyes and stood up from the ground: "I just tried my best."

Yang Jian said: "500 years of hard work, just a few scriptures are all given to those witches. They have obtained your Dharma, so they can avoid falling into hell and karma. But you don't know how many lives you have worked hard for."

Jin Chanzi said: "I have been reincarnated for ten lives before learning the scriptures, so I do have some cultivation."

The old pig said: "Master, you have forcibly saved these witch clans, so let's move on." Unexpectedly, he had just taken two steps, and then turned around and smiled at the crowd: "It seems that someone is blocking the way!"

Everyone looked together and saw a person standing not far in front of Laozhu.This is an old man with white beard and hair, dressed like Wu Xie, wearing a white robe that covers half of his face, but his demeanor is less dry and more serious.

Yang Jian stepped forward with a three-pointed and two-edged gun in his hand and said, "Who is here?"

The old man said slowly, "In the witch ceremony, he ranks seventh among the ten witches in Jiuli."

Yang Jian's forehead shot out an inch-long light and said: "Either give way, or die!"

But Wu Li said with a smile: "I've heard that Erlang has shown his name as a sage and a true emperor, and I've wanted to learn it for a long time."

Yang Jian snorted coldly: "Taking your dog's head is like picking something out of a bag!" The blue light of the three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand flew straight out, stabbing at the rude throat.After thousands of years of exploring martial arts, Yang Jian's moves are no longer fancy, and every move will directly hit the opponent's vital points.

Unexpectedly, the three-pointed, two-edged spear flew three feet in front of Wu Li, but it was unable to move forward again, and was directly blocked by a layer of black turbidity.The turbid air kept rippling, but it would never be pierced by the three-pointed and two-edged spear.

Yang Jian said: "What a strong turbid air! You already have a little bit of Chi You's power in your body!"

Wu Li said: "Although Master Chi You is still not fully awake, he can already give us some power through the statue."

Pointing at the impoliteness, Yang Jian said, "So what? Even if Chi You came in person, I, Yang Jian, might not be afraid of him!" After finishing speaking, he stomped on his feet and took back the three-pointed and two-edged gun. The white light directly defeated the turbid air.Then without stopping, he raised his gun and stabbed at Wu Li again.

Naturally, Wu Li would not sit still, he took out a slender iron whip from his waist, pointed at Yang Jian's three-pointed and two-edged spear, and went up to meet Yang Jian.The iron whip also exudes boundless turbidity, and its power is still above Yang Jian's three-pointed two-edged spear.

Mu Feng looked at the iron whip and said, "Second brother Yang, be careful, this thing is called 'Fire Lin Bian', and it was one of the best magic weapons in Chi You's Iron-Blooded Legion back then."

Chi You traveled across the human world back then, and defeated Emperor Yan's troops several times, and he led an army called the Iron Blood Legion.There are 81 people in this legion, and each of them has a cultivation level no less than that of the ten great witches in Jiuli.And good at casting all kinds of powerful magic soldiers.Although many were destroyed by the Xuanyuan Sword during the Battle of Zhuolu, some of them were still kept in the hands of the Jiuli Witch Clan, and this 'Fire Lin Transformation' is one of them!It is rumored that Chi You personally beheaded a fire unicorn at the foot of Buzhou Mountain and refined it with its spine and fangs. It is extremely fierce!
The three-pointed and two-edged spear in Yang Jian's hand danced like a silver dragon. Although facing a magic soldier like Huo Linbian, he could not win for a while, but he would not be suppressed too much.

"Let's go first! I will deal with this witch ritual!" Although Yang Jian could not win for the time being, he had the confidence to win.

Mu Feng nodded and said, "Let's go!" After speaking, he took the lead and flew towards the Ancestral Witch Hall in the center of Jiuli Realm.It's not that he doesn't care about Yang Jian.But he knew Yang Jian's character very well. If he intervened rashly when Yang Jian was fighting with others, it would be the greatest distrust for his brother.

Who knew that Mu Feng and the others had just flown for a short distance, but stopped again.

Because there was another person standing in front of him blocking the way, this time he was also dressed like Wu Li, with white robes covering half of his face, but he seemed to be much stronger than Wu Li, and he was more than one foot and two feet tall!

The height of Jiuli Wu Clan is generally much higher than that of ordinary people, but it is rare for him to be more than one foot tall. The big man spoke with a voice like Hong Zhong: "I am Wudi! Ranked eighth! I don’t know who will advise you?”

The old pig stepped forward and said, "I'll come!"

Mu Feng glanced at Lao Zhu and said, "Be careful!"

The old pig smiled and said: "You don't know me, old pig, you can run away if you can't beat me!"

This is undoubtedly Lao Zhu's joke, but when Mu Feng heard it, he felt a little bitter.What he meant by that was probably that he would fight to the death, and the old pig really regarded him as a friend.

Jin Chanzi said: "Bajie, leave it to you!"

The old pig nodded, with a flash of Buddha's light in his hand, the nine-toothed rake appeared in his hand, and said to the witch, "You birdman, what are you capable of! Use it quickly and let your grandpa pig see!"

Wu Da seems to be a taciturn character, he just has a surge of turbid air between his hands, and a pair of sledgehammers that weigh more than ten thousand jun suddenly appear.

Mu Feng said in surprise: "This is Xiangliu Hammer!"

Xiangliu Chui was owned by one of the Twelve Patriarchal Witches, the Minister of Gonggong's family, and the Great Witch Xiangliu's family.Although this Xiangliu family is not an ancestor witch, his mana and supernatural powers are even higher than Yuanshi Tianzun's seated Twelve Golden Immortals.Once competed with Chi You for the position of the leader of the Wu clan, but after a disastrous defeat, he lived in seclusion.Legend has it that Xiangliu originally had nine heads, but when he failed in the battle with Chi You, Chi You broke off two of them.Infused with the paulownia of Beishan, this pair of hammers was cast.

The old pig said: "Looks like a good opponent!" His expression became extremely serious, and the nine-toothed rake was as fast as the wind, and rushed towards the witch.

Although Wu Da was huge, his movements were not dissatisfied at all. One copper hammer was protecting his chest, and the other was like a shooting star, heading towards the old pig's nine-toothed rake.

There was only a sound of "Dang Clang", the sound of metal and iron clashing overwhelmed the thunder.The old pig took four or five steps back, almost falling to the ground.But Wu Da only took half a step back, then raised his head again, and looked at the old pig coldly.

Jin Chanzi looked at the seemingly unfavorable situation for Laozhu, but smiled knowingly, and said to Mu Feng: "Let's move on, this battle, Bajie will not lose."

Although Mu Feng had doubts when he heard the words, he didn't want to ask more questions again. He could only follow Jin Chanzi to fly again and continue to fly towards the Ancestral Witch Hall.

At this time, in the Jiuli Realm, there is no longer any light on the entire sky, and everything is covered by thick turbid air!

(End of this chapter)

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