Agent of Heaven

Chapter 261

Chapter 261

In Jiuli Realm, under the shattered barrier, in the sea of ​​corpses and blood of countless sacrificial heads.Yang Jian held a three-pointed and two-edged gun and was fighting heartily with Wu Li, who was in charge of the Huolin Transformation!
Who is Yang Jian?He is now the well-deserved No. [-] God of War in the heavens. If it is just about martial arts, he even surpasses monkeys.Although this witch ritual is a great witch, with the help of magic soldiers like Huo Linbian, it is difficult to match.It was only less than twenty rounds, the palms of the beaten hands trembled, and it was almost impossible to hold the fire lin turned iron whip.

Yang Jian, however, became more and more courageous as he fought more and more. While suppressing the witch ceremony with a three-pointed and double-edged gun in his hand, he could still find time to laugh and said, "It turns out that the great witch of Jiuli is only capable of this! Among you is a man named Wu Xie, who ranks first. But Jiu can still do a few more tricks under Monkey King. Why are you ranked seventh, but you are so incompetent? Could it be that the ranking of your Jiuli witch clan is based on age?"

Wu Li said: "God Erlang! Don't get carried away!" The Huo Linbian in his hand suddenly let go and fell to the ground.

Yang Jian said: "What? Are you going to abandon your weapon and surrender?" Unexpectedly, Yang Jian was forced back more than ten feet by a scorching breath before he finished speaking.Looking intently, I saw that the falling iron whip turned into a huge fire unicorn at some point, roaring at Yang Jian!

"Good bastard! You almost burned the clothes of your master Zhenjun! Be careful, I will skin your skin and cramps!" Yang Jian was not afraid after seeing it clearly, and instead pointed at the fire unicorn and began to curse.

The fire unicorn seemed to understand Yang Jian's words, and a fire breath more than three feet long spewed out from its nostrils, and ran towards Yang Jian!Wherever the footsteps passed, an inch-long flame was also ignited on the ground.

Naturally, Yang Jian would not be afraid of the fire unicorn, but he was also afraid that the flames would damage his armor and clothes, and he would be ashamed and ridiculed by that idiot old pig.It's okay if the old pig laughs at it, but it will be a big deal if he tells the monkey!That monkey will definitely think that it will take a lot of trouble to deal with a mere fire unicorn!
No, I, Yang Jian, will never let this happen.

He became determined to win, and became more serious. He stepped back, and the three-pointed and two-edged gun in his hand shone with blue light, turning into a bow and arrow!He jumped back, drew his bow and shot an arrow at the fire unicorn!
When Huo Qilin saw the arrows flying towards him, he rushed up too fast and couldn't retreat!He could only tilt his head slightly, letting the sharp sword hit the scales on his left shoulder.

But who is Yang Jian? The bows and arrows he shoots can even be shot down by Sun Monkey, who is known as the indestructible body of stainless steel, let alone the scales of a mere fire unicorn?

The scales shattered immediately after being shot, and the arrow penetrated into the Huo Qilin's collarbone, causing the Huo Qilin to howl in pain!
Yang Jian sneered, and pulled out three feathered arrows from his quiver, placed them on the bowstring, and shot at Huo Qilin together!
Two flew towards the fire unicorn's eyes, and one flew towards its injured shoulder.

Huo Qilin was still in pain just now, and the sword and arrow flew towards him, naturally he wanted to do his best to avoid it.But the angles of these three arrows were very tricky, if he dodged the one shot at the shoulder wound, he would definitely not be able to dodge the two arrows shot at the eyes, and vice versa!

The sound of three piercing sounds sounded, and Huo Qilin knelt down directly on the ground, tears of fire flowed from his eyes, like magma, just dripping on the ground, it will melt the ground.

The three arrows all hit the fire unicorn, its eyes are now blind, its shoulders have tripled in size, and the flames all over its body have become weaker and weaker.

Yang Jian said: "Then I will send you on your way!" After speaking, he took out three feather arrows from his back, but this time he used Lianzhu arrows!The three arrows formed a straight line and shot towards the fire unicorn's throat!
The arrow pierced into the flesh, and the flames all over the fire unicorn suddenly extinguished, and a burst of brilliance flickered, turning into a broken iron whip!

Yang Jian snorted coldly: "Chiyou's demon soldier, so it's just like that!" He pointed at Wu Li and said, "Now, it's your turn!"

Unexpectedly, an extremely weird laughter came from Wu Li's throat: "Hehe...Yang Jian, you are too conceited!"

Yang Jian said: "What do you want to say? Death is imminent, and you still have to speak hard?"

But Wu Li ignored Yang Jian, still giggling, but the turbid air around him began to churn, getting thicker and thicker, like a ball of ink, thick, sticky, and disgusting.

Yang Jian took half a step back unconsciously and said, "What kind of trick are you doing? Why are you so disgusting?"

Wu Li laughed and said, "This is my great witch's real body!" After speaking, a little black turbid air popped out from his fingers, and flew towards Yang Jian.

Seeing this, Yang Jian naturally wouldn't be polite, so he stretched out his hand and slapped a blue palm wind towards the black turbid air.But a strange thing happened, when the black turbid air met the palm wind, the blue palm wind dissipated directly into nothingness.The turbid air still moved forward rapidly, and directly hit Yang Jian's palm.

Yang Jian withdrew his palm and glanced at his fingertips with a complex expression. He didn't turn bloody as he imagined, but the skin there became wrinkled, as if it was the skin of an old man.

"This power is..." Yang Jian's eyes looking at his fingertips became frightened. This kind of damage is not that big, but his significance is extraordinary.

Aging... Yang Jian's body felt the power of aging for the first time.

When he was 14 years old, he had already worshiped Yuding Zhenren, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, as his teacher. In less than a few hundred years, he had cultivated the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu and practiced the magical power of immortality!What kind of feeling is aging, he has never even thought about it!

But now, he felt it himself!Although it was only a little bit, this feeling was extremely real, and I couldn't resist it!No matter how mana is used, the aging of the fingertips cannot be cured.

Wu Li still smiled strangely and said, "How about it, Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun! Why do you show such fear in your eyes like a mortal?"

Yang Jian said dryly: "Let the gods did you do it!"

Wu Li smiled and said: "This is normal. The power attached to my great witch's avatar is aging! Do you know that this is simply the most terrifying power in the world! Because he can't be resisted or healed at all! My favorite Look at the helpless eyes of you high gods when facing my power!" He pointed to Yang Jian's expression and said excitedly: "Yes! That's it! It reveals incredible, but it is helpless, and it also contains the deepest feelings in your heart. The most frightening thing! Isn’t the reason why the gods can be high above you is because you have an immortal body? If you will age and die, what do you have to rely on?” After finishing speaking, the turbid air around him immediately melted. As a cloud, it enveloped Yang Jian!

Naturally, Yang Jian couldn't resist, so he leaped directly, avoiding the power that could make the gods age everywhere.

Wu Li laughed wildly: "Run away, run away! You can't escape no matter what, you can only watch yourself grow old a little bit, and finally change from a high god to a worthless cripple , and even a coffin that everyone hates!"

Yang Jian didn't say a word, just kept running and avoiding the mysterious force.As soon as he walked forward, the black air would immediately pounce on him.Where the black air passes by, the land will become sandy, the vegetation will become barren, and the running water will become dry.In short, all the good things have disappeared in front of this aging power!
"Yang Jian, you can't escape!" Wu Li himself started to grow old, his gray hair gradually turned silvery white, and his teeth even started to fall out!

But as Wu Li got older, that black energy became stronger and stronger!He stepped forward, picked up the broken fire lin on the ground and said, "You are useless! Go! Contribute your last bit of strength!" He threw the fire lin directly into the into the black air chasing Yang Jian!

Huo Lin turned into black turbid air, made a sound of metal breaking like a mournful cry, and finally turned into nothingness!Completely integrated into the black air!

(End of this chapter)

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