Agent of Heaven

Chapter 262

Chapter 262
The cloud of black air kept churning in the air for a while, and finally turned into a unicorn. It looked the same as the fire unicorn just now, except that the originally rushing flames around it turned into turbid air.

Seeing this, Yang Jian bowed his bow and shot an arrow. This time, he used all his strength, and it was still a seven arrows in a row. The seven flying arrows formed a straight line and shot directly at the black unicorn!

Although the black unicorn still has the shape of this unicorn, it is obvious that it has lost its sanity, and it can only move forward by relying on the manipulation of witchcraft.Facing Yang Jian's seven arrows in a row, he didn't dodge or dodge, and hit him directly with his head covered!
The seven flying arrows hadn't even shot into the black unicorn's body, but as soon as they were contaminated by the turbid air in front of him, they shattered inch by inch, turned into loess and scattered on the ground.

Yang Jian couldn't help being surprised when he saw this, his arrow was not an ordinary arrow, but it was given to Immortal Yuding by Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace back then!Known as "Hunting God's Arrow", Yang Jian came out of the mountain to participate in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, and lacked a weapon in his hand.The Jade Cauldron sent him a three-pointed two-edged spear and this pot of arrows.And at that time, he said bluntly that this arrow is extremely powerful and should not be used lightly at ordinary times.

Yang Jian was cautious throughout the entire Battle of the Conferred Gods, and did not use one.It wasn't until the time when the monkey made trouble in the Heavenly Palace and bet against Yang Jian to change, that he used one and shot the monkey with an arrow, which directly broke his indestructible body.

Otherwise, Huolin Bian is a magic weapon, and after all, it was forged by Chi You himself, and it also shined brilliantly during the Battle of Zhuolu.Could it be that other ordinary arrows can be damaged?

But this is the "God Hunting Arrow" bestowed by Yuanshi Tianzun, which can shoot down Monkey King and destroy Chiyou's demon soldiers, but it just touches the aging turbidity, and it directly turns into loess, without a trace of power.

"Hahaha, don't struggle anymore! Yang Jian, nothing in the world can escape the erosion of time! You can't escape either!" Wu Li's laughter became more and more complacent: "In fact, since I cultivated into the real body of the great witch , I never dared to launch it with all my strength. Because if I used all my strength, even I myself would grow old quickly. But just before you came, we held a sacrifice, and the Great God Chiyou was about to be resurrected, and we all absorbed the power from the statue Your vitality. I will absorb all your vitality after a while, and I will definitely become the most powerful existence among the great witches of Jiuli!"

Yang Jian turned his head suddenly, and the vertical eyes on his forehead released a white light, covering the black unicorn!

When the black unicorn encountered this white light, its actions became slow for a while, but under the erosion of the turbid air, the white light also began to slowly fade away!

Wu Li sneered and said, "Erlang God's Heavenly Eye is really extraordinary, it can even resist my turbidity! Unfortunately, it can only resist for a while, and even your Heavenly Eye will be corroded in less than a stick of incense. disappear completely.

Yang Jian sneered and said, "It's enough time for a stick of incense!" After finishing speaking, a clear light appeared above his head, and he shouted, "Friend Daoist, help me!"

A young man wearing green clothes and holding a giant axe suddenly appeared in the clear light above Yang Jian's head. His eyebrows were exactly the same as Yang Jian's. He raised the giant ax above his head with both hands, and said, "Kill!"

The giant ax fell, and an edge containing infinite evil spirit gushed out from between the blades of the axe, directly hitting the body of the witch ritual below!Hearing only a soft sound, Wu Li's whole body was split into two halves!

Wu Li's severed upper body was still looking at Yang Jian with his eyes open and said, "It's impossible, you are from the Heavenly Court, and you are on the list of gods, how could you kill the evil corpse!"

The boy holding the huge ax is naturally the incarnation of Yang Jian's evil corpse. He proudly said: "You probably don't know that the killing has already begun! The list of gods was re-signed, and the original 360 five-way righteous gods have been released! I The real Yang Jian is now free!"

Finally, Wu Li looked up to the sky and sighed, "It's not a crime of war if the sky doesn't help me!" After finishing speaking, he lost his breath.

With the death of Wu Li, the black unicorn shrouded by the sky eyes on Yang Jian's forehead also collapsed directly!Yang Jian spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

The boy with the giant axe directly caught Yang Jian, put him on the ground and said, "My lord, are you alright!"

Yang Jian coughed twice and said: "Ahem, it doesn't matter, it's just that the movement of the black unicorn was forcibly mobilized just now, which damaged the original source."

The boy said: "I'll help you heal your wounds."

Yang Jian nodded and said, "Okay, let's go as soon as possible! I hope we can rush over to help Brother Mu Feng in time!"

On the other side, in the battlefield between Lao Zhu and Wu Da.

Compared to the battle between Yang Jian and Wu Li, this is undoubtedly a truly evenly matched battle.The nine-tooth nail rake in the old pig's hand was refined in the furnace of the Taishang Laojun.Wudai's Xiangliu hammer was also forged by the demon god Chiyou with the head of the great witch Xiangliu, so they are naturally comparable to weapons!

Compared with martial arts, the two of them also walked with a fierce wind. The hammer and the rake collided in the air again and again, sparks shot out from time to time, and the fight was naturally inextricable!

Finally, after the two had fought for more than 80 rounds, Laozhu took the lead and took a step back: "If we continue to fight like this, you and I may not be able to tell the winner for three days and three nights!"

Wu Da seems to be a person who cherishes words like gold, he said with a deadpan expression: "You lose!"

The old pig spat twice on his hand, picked up the nine-foot nail rake again and said, "If my old pig doesn't change your mind, you will think that I'm really easy to bully!" Qingguang emerged, and he shouted loudly: "Fellow Daoist, help me!"

A divine future came out of that clear light, and I saw him with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a face like a crown jade, three heads and six arms, holding ax, bow and arrow, sword, duo, halberd, and rope six things, fifty feet long, black clothes, black crown and golden crown First.It is the incarnation of the old pig's canopy marshal!
As soon as Marshal Tianpeng came out, he was naturally not polite, and he and Laozhu left and right, and attacked Wu Da at the same time!

Wudai was under attack, so he was in a hurry. Xiangliu Hammer was a heavy weapon, and he wasn't very good at defending it. In less than a moment, he was covered in bruises all over his body.

The old pig smiled and said, "What! You bird man, how dare you look down on me, old pig!"

Wu Dai snorted coldly: "That's all!"

The old pig said: "How dare you speak hard! Tianpeng, beat him to death!"

Marshal Tianpeng and Lao Zhu were originally one person, so they naturally connected with each other. They swung their three heads and six arms at the same time, and the six weapons fell on Wu Dai's vital points like raindrops.

Wu Dai spat blood from the mouth of the beating, he didn't dodge for a while, and was hit on the chest by the old pig with a nail rake, and the whole person flew upside down!
Wu Da clutched his chest, forced himself to stand up and said, "The real body of the great witch!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a strong turbid air covering his whole body.In just a moment, the human body has become more than ten times larger.The willow hammer in his hand also became bigger, which made the sky that was already shrouded in stale air even darker!
The old pig said: "You think that my old pig will be afraid of you when you grow up!" After speaking, he swung the nine-toothed rake in his hand and threw it at the witch's chest!

Wu Da did not dodge or dodge, and directly took the old pig's blow with his chest!
Marshal Tianpeng also fell from the sky, and the demon-slaying sword in his hand directly checked Wu Dai's throat!It looks like he wants to take his life!
Wu Da just stretched out a palm, and blocked the front of Marshal Tianpeng, the demon-slaying sword directly pierced Wu Da's palm, but he couldn't move forward!
Wu Dahu's body was shaken, Laozhu and Marshal Tianpeng were all shot and flew into the air.

The old pig turned around in the air, stabilized his figure again, and hit Wu Da's head with another nine-toothed rake in his hand.

Wu Da still didn't dodge or dodge, and even turned his head directly, as if to bear the old pig's blow on purpose!
Sure enough, the old pig's nine-toothed rake left nine bloody holes on Wu Da's head, but his whole body was bounced away again.Just this time, the old pig finally found out what was wrong: "You come the bigger you are, the stronger your aura becomes!"

Wu Dai sneered, and the wounds all over his body healed in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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