Agent of Heaven

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

Lao Zhu looked at Wu Da, who was finally injured by him, and in just a split second, he healed from his injuries directly in front of him.Almost spurting out a mouthful of old blood, he jumped and pointed at Wu Da and said, "Did you hang up! Why did you bring yourself back to blood?"

Wu Da ignored the excited old pig, and just said one word: "Death!" After speaking, he raised his fist like a hill, and threw it down at the old pig.

The avatar of Marshal Canopy in the distance shouted: "My deity, be careful!" Then it turned into a stream of light and greeted Wu Da's fist.Unexpectedly, it was just a collision, and the figure of Marshal Tianpeng was beaten back pityfully, and he said in shock: "This guy's strength is much stronger than before!"

The old pig said: "His avatar is a bit strange! Let's go all out!"

Marshal Canopy nodded and said: "Okay! Let's do it with all our strength!" After speaking, a pair of radiant wings suddenly appeared out of thin air from behind, as bright as a galaxy and as peaceful as a lake.

Lao Zhu clasped his hands together and slowly floated up, with lotus flowers emerging under his feet, and Buddha's light shining behind his head.A huge "卍" character began to slowly appear above his head.

Seeing this, Wu Dai snorted: "The mantis arm is like a car!" After speaking, the entire huge body flew up, with the power like billions of stars, and directly smashed down on the old pig and Marshal Tianpeng.

Marshal Tianpeng pointed his sword at the sky, and an authentic Taoist aura emanated from his sword aura.The old pig kept chanting scriptures in a low voice, and the majestic Buddha light continued to expand on the "卍" character above his head.

Finally, the authentic sword energy representing Taoism and the unique Buddha light of Buddhism converged in the air!Two completely different forces began to constantly entangle, merge and repel each other, and strong fluctuations were continuously generated in the two forces, and then they turned into a chaotic force, and moved toward the Wudao who descended from the sky. Call!
Wu Da's huge body flew upside down, crashed into two big mountains, and then slowly stopped.There was blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and his chest was already bloody.The breath of life in the eyes seems to have almost completely extinguished.

The old pig stepped forward and said, "Wudai, you should take refuge! Let go of the hatred and attachment of the shaman clan, and convert to my Western religion. You will have great peace and freedom."

Wu Da's panting voice was like a dilapidated bellows, as if the whole person would die at any moment, his mouth opened and closed, making it difficult to hear what he was saying.

The old pig stepped forward and said: "You are willing to put down the butcher knife, if you are willing, I will let you leave Jiuli Realm."

Wu Da: "I...I..." He just kept saying "I" in his mouth, but he couldn't say a complete sentence.It seems that the oil will soon run out and the lamp will dry up.

The old pig squatted down and said softly, "Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha!"

"Haha! Become a fart Buddha, I'll send you to reincarnation!" Wu Da suddenly picked it up, and the Xiangliu hammer emerged from his hand, and hit the old pig directly on the chest.

Caught off guard, the old pig only heard a broken sound coming from his chest, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fell flat on the ground.

Seeing this, Marshal Tianpeng flew over in a hurry, with the demon-slaying sword in his hand, attacking the witch with all his strength.

Unexpectedly, Wu Da seemed to have been completely reborn, his strength became even greater, and his injuries healed in an instant, then he stretched out a hand, pinched Marshal Tianpeng's demon-slaying sword, and squeezed it hard!Only a crisp cracking sound was heard, and the explosives were directly turned into countless fragments and scattered all over the ground.

Before Marshal Canopy had time to react, a fist shadow began to magnify in front of him again and again.A smear of bright red blood pierced the sky.Marshal Canopy flew upside down and flew three feet away, before hitting his head on the ground.

The old pig clutched his chest and struggled to stand up. He shouted hysterically at Wu Dai: "Despicable! We let you go with good intentions, but you secretly murdered us."

Wu Da showed a ferocious expression on his face and said: "Childish! This is war!" He walked towards the old pig step by step, and every time he took a step, the aura emanating from his body became stronger.

The old pig said: "What kind of power is this!"

Wu Da ignored the old pig, and raised the Xiangliu hammer in his hand high.

The old pig closed his eyes and growled: "Can't you make me four understand?"

Wu Da finally put down the Xiangliu Hammer in his hand, and said coldly: "The talent given to me by my great witch avatar is the power of revenge."

The old pig was astonished and said: "Revenge? You have never had any enmity with you before!"

Wu Da said: "If you hurt me by one point, my strength will increase by one point! If you hurt me ten times, my strength will increase by ten points. As long as I don't die, my strength will become stronger and stronger. Until I can surpass all my opponents!"

The old pig sighed: "With your cultivation, there are very few people in the Three Realms who can kill you with one blow."

Wu Da said: "Let me send you on your way! I will remember you."

The old pig said: "Wait! I'll take you on the road!" He stretched out his hand and threw the nine-toothed rake, flying directly towards Wu Dai.

Wu Da flicked his fingers, and the nine-toothed rake flew backwards. He snorted coldly and said, "Stubbornly resist." But just after he finished saying this, the old pig disappeared!He looked around for the figure of the old pig, and when he finally looked up, he found that the old pig was floating above the sky.Marshal Canopy stood side by side with him, neither of them looked injured.

Wu Dai looked at the old pig who was back to normal, showing a different expression.The old pig seemed to see what he was thinking, so he said bluntly: "Before I left Wuzhuang Temple, I took a life fruit with me, just because I was afraid that such an invincible situation would happen. I can take it for an instant. Treat injuries.

Wu Da said: "Unfortunately, you still can't win!"

But the old pig smiled and said: "You said I can't win, so I can't win?" He shouted: "Fellow Daoist, help me!"

A rough voice came from the sky: "Fellow Daoist, rest in the wild! The pig has just arrived!" A huge wild boar came from the sky through the clouds and fog.

The wild boar was not polite at all, when he saw Wu Da, he bumped into Wu Da with his head.Wu Dan, who was unprepared at that time, bumped into a person on his back, and fell directly to the ground.

Wu Dai looked at the wild boar, then at Zhu Bajie and Marshal Tianpeng, and said in astonishment: "I know your cultivation level is high, but I didn't expect that you have already reached this level!
The old pig smiled and said: "It has been hidden for so long, and it is finally about to explode!" After speaking, he pulled up the nine-tooth nail rake and said, "Two friends, let us work together to kill this witch clan first."

(End of this chapter)

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