Agent of Heaven

Chapter 264 The Battle of the Ancestral Witch Palace

Chapter 264 The Battle of the Ancestral Witch Palace

The wild boar called Zhu Gang Mane is the incarnation of the old pig's evil corpse.In the old days, when the old pig was cast down from heaven for "molesting" Chang'e.Because I cast a pig fetus by mistake when I was reincarnated, I became a pig body.But after all, he is the marshal of the canopy who came down to earth. Naturally, the former fairy will not really become the meat on someone else's chopping board.So he directly killed the sow and all the other piglets, and escaped from the pigsty.

Later, after a hundred years of practice, after recovering a little bit of cultivation, she changed her name to Zhu Gangli, and met a banshee named Sister Mao in Yunzhan Cave.Seeing that Zhu Gangli had some strength, Second Sister Mao asked him to act as a janitor for herself.But who would have expected that at this time, because Zhu Ganglian was cast into a pig fetus for the first time, his chest would be full of hostility!It didn't take long for a nail to kill Second Sister Mao, and took the Yunzhan Cave by force.

At this time, Zhu Ganglian was extremely ferocious. He was neither the canopy marshal of the Taoist sect's majesty in the past, nor was he the benevolent emissary of the Buddhist altar later.He is now a pig demon!A pig demon that feeds on mortals around Yunzhan Cave every day!Until I met the Avalokitesvara who went to the east to look for Buddhist scriptures.Transform the pig's mane with the Dharma, so that all the evil spirits will be dissipated, and the five meat and three disgusts will be abstained.This made Zhu Gangguan become the later Zhu Bajie.

If Marshal Canopy is the incarnation of Lao Zhu's kindness, then this Zhu Gangman is the embodiment of Lao Zhu's evil!

At this time, Marshal Tianpeng is on the left, and the Taoist Xuanqing spirit is surging behind him.The old pig lives in the middle, and the Buddha's light is dazzling behind his head. When he recites the Buddha's name, he can see golden lotus springing up all around.Zhu Gang was on the far right, with a monstrous black demonic aura permeating the sky, and a pair of three-foot-long fangs exuded a cold light.

Qing Qi, Yao Qi and Buddha Light, three completely different forces.Representing the three different sects of Taoism, Yaozu, and Buddhism respectively, these three forces are integrated into one in the air.Turning into a big hand, it grabbed Wu Ding straight.

Seeing the power of the old pig, Wu Da actually felt a little timid in his heart.He also knows these three spells, but he has never seen a person who can master all these three spells.This powerful mixed force made his heart jump instinctively after a glance.

But in the end, Wu Da still mustered up all his courage. He raised Xiangliu's hammer, jumped up, and hit the big hand.Unfortunately, what awaited him was ruthless suppression.The big hand that fused the magic power of the three sects seemed to be like the Buzhou Mountain containing hundreds of millions of average weight. It directly suppressed Wu Dai, and it became lower and lower. Gradually, Wu Dai felt all the magic power in him. They have all been sealed.

That big hand held Wu Dai in it, as long as the old pig had another thought, Wu Da, the mighty Jiuli great witch, would be blown away!But the old pig finally sighed: "God has the virtue of good life!" He raised his hand, and that big hand turned into a mountain peak, directly suppressing Wu Dai below.

Wu Dai roared angrily, "You pig, what are you trying to do!"

The old pig chuckled and said, "Just like Tathagata did to my senior brother back then, trapping you at the foot of this mountain, and when you get enlightened, you will be out of trouble."

Wu Da said: "If you want to kill, kill it! Why humiliate me!" He seemed to recognize that the old pig was a kind of humiliation to his kindness, so he just opened his mouth, and all kinds of filthy words started from his Pop out from the inside.

But Lao Zhu didn't seem to hear it, still smiling, sitting cross-legged and meditating to recover his mana.

In front of the gate of the Ancestral Witch Hall, Mu Feng, Jin Chanzi, and Kui Mulang stood side by side.They didn't go directly into the Ancestral Witch Hall because there were two people standing in front of the door.

These two came here specifically to stop Mu Feng and the others, and they were a pair of twins.They all wore the standard white robes exclusive to the Jiuli Dawu.Their actions seemed to be extremely synchronized, and they all said: "Wu Zhen, Wu Peng, waiting for you!"

Jin Chanzi looked at Mu Feng and smiled helplessly: "It seems that we can't accompany you in either!"

Kui Mulang directly drew out his ghost-headed sword and said, "We will deal with them as soon as possible!" After speaking, he swung his sword and slashed at Wu Zhen!

Wu Zhen also moved quickly, took out a long-handled broad-bladed knife from his sleeve, and started fighting Kui Mulang.Apparently Wu Zhen also practiced martial arts hard.Kui Mulang is the most powerful person among the 28 stars in the Heavenly Court. He can fight even against Monkey King, but he can suppress Wu Zhen for a long time.

Jin Chanzi looked at Wu Peng and said with a smile: "The poor monk doesn't know how to fight!"

In Wu Peng's hand appeared a long-handled saber that was just like Wu Zhen's, and he stabbed directly at Jin Chanzi without saying a word.

Jin Chanzi's footsteps only moved slightly, and he didn't see any big movements, but the saber just happened to pass directly across his face.The sound of the saber in Wu Peng's hand tearing through the air continued to be heard, and he swung it to the limit. The sky was filled with dense shadows of the saber, filling the entire space.

Jin Chanzi still had a smile on his face, and his movements were casual, he just raised his hand and shrugged slightly, but the blade light couldn't hurt him at all.

Seeing that the two of them could also deal with these two great witches, Mu Feng sighed, pushed open the door of the Zuwu Hall, and walked in directly.

Inside the Ancestral Witch Hall, there were only a few dim torches shining, making it difficult for people to see the scene clearly.

But Mu Feng could still see four men in white robes standing in front of him, looking at him fiercely.That look seemed to be looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Ying Long! You're here! It's time for us Wu Clan to settle our thousand-year feud with you!"

"Haha, I'm Mu Feng, I'm no longer Ying Long, and I don't have any millennium old feud with you Wu Clan!" Mu Feng laughed loudly.

A female witch snorted coldly: "Then why did you break into my Jiuli Realm!"

Mu Feng asked back: "I still want to ask why you Wu clan violated my human world!"

The female witch seemed to be choked by Mu Feng's words, and she said angrily, "Ying Long, don't use your tongue! Since you have come to the Ancestral Witch Palace, Britain knows that this time it will be a dead end. "

Mu Feng jokingly said: "Actually, many things are negotiable. For example, if we don't have to do anything, if you let my wife go, how about I take my brothers and leave this ghost place right away?"

The female great witch said: "You mean to say that you came from the human world just to save that little jerk!" He pointed at Jiang Xiaoyue who was lying in the palm of the Chi You statue and said coldly.

Mu Feng thought to himself, she had never seen this witch herself, but from her words and demeanor, she seemed to hate Jiang Xiaoyue very much, why?

(End of this chapter)

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