Agent of Heaven

Chapter 266

Chapter 266
Kui Mulang took advantage of the moment when the two-headed giant's iron rod was dragged by the golden cicada's Buddha light, and turned into a gust of wind again, its sharp claws tore through the void, and grabbed the two-headed giant's neck.This giant has two heads, but only one neck, which is undoubtedly his fatal weakness.

Unexpectedly, the two-headed giant seemed to have expected it a long time ago, the left and right heads opened their mouths together, and the cold wind gushed out along with the fire at the same time, hitting towards it!Kui Mulang couldn't dodge it for a while, so he had to use mana to protect his body, and his offensive remained unchanged, hoping to fight this two-headed giant and lose both sides.

But the cold wind and raging fire are extremely fierce, the wind takes advantage of the power of the fire, and the fire takes advantage of the power of the wind to make it more violent.Moreover, the cold wind and raging fire come from the same source, and they will not cancel each other out.So the cold wind still freezes the soul, and the fire still burns the body.The mana shield released by Kui Mulang was broken in an instant, and his body was immediately covered with burns and frostbite!At this moment, his sharp claws were already close to the neck of the two-headed giant.

Blood splatter!The two-headed giant held his neck and kept backing away. After more than ten steps, he even fell directly to the ground.

Kui Mulang fell from the sky, and naturally suffered some injuries, but he was a monster after all, and he was not hit critically.So the state is much better than that of the two-headed giant.He shouted: "Hey, you conjoined twins! Why don't you get up! If you have the ability, you can breathe fire at grandpa again!"

Jin Chanzi said silently: "Be careful he really sprays you..." Unexpectedly, before Jin Chanzi finished speaking, he saw a pillar of fire directly attacking Kui Mulang.

Kui Mulang dodged quickly, and cursed at Jin Chanzi: "You are such a crow's mouth! I should have eaten you in the first place!"

Jin Chanzi laughed and said: "The crow meat is bitter, I'm afraid it doesn't suit your appetite, Your Majesty."

The two-headed giant who was knocked down by Kui Mulang stood up from the ground again, a strong turbid air gushed out from his body, and soon, the two-headed giant split apart.It turned into two giants, one red and one blue!The iron rod also turned into two Canghuai swords again, which were held in their hands respectively.

Kui Mulang said: "Come on, not only did I not kill them, but I also cured their congenital deformities!"

The red giant was transformed by Wu Zhen. At this moment, his whole body was full of flames, and he put the single knife in his hand across his chest and said, "Look at the knife!" The figure left behind flame-like shadows on the spot.In just a blink of an eye, the Canghuai single-handed sword had already arrived in front of Kui Mulang!
"Presumptuous!" Kui Mulang is naturally not a vegetarian, his figure changes rapidly, and there are stars surging all over his body from time to time, turning into 28 stars, fighting with Wu Zhen's Candle Dragon Fire all over his body!

On the other side, Jin Chanzi also said to the blue giant transformed by Wu Peng: "Please!"

Wu Peng, on the other hand, was filled with the boundless wind of the Canghuai River. Every time he took a step, even the ground would be frozen and cracked.The single knife in his hand also turned azure blue.

Jin Chanzi smiled bitterly and said: "The poor monk is most afraid of the cold." After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and radiated Buddha's light in the back of his head, and the white monk's robe fluttered in the wind.

Wu Peng didn't care about it at all, and cut off his head with a single sword in his hand!He said angrily, "If you recite the scriptures again, your mouth will be cut off!"

Jin Chanzi put his hands forward and shouted angrily: "Tathagata Palm!"

Seeing this, Wu Peng hurriedly drew his knife back and made a defensive move!But after waiting for a long time, I found that there was no movement.

Jin Chanzi changed his gesture, and said again: "Tathagata palm!"

Wu Peng once again blocked the single knife in front of him, and then took another peek at Jin Chanzi.

Jin Chanzi laughed dryly: "I'm lying to you! Actually, I don't know how to do this!"

Wu Peng was furious: "How dare you play tricks on me!"

Jin Chanzi laughed and said: "A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, why don't we discuss Buddhism!"

The single sword in Wu Peng's hand brought a cold wind all over the sky, condensed into a sword glow of more than ten feet, and slashed at Jin Chanzi!Then with a loud bang!The ground was cracked inch by inch, but Jin Chanzi's figure disappeared!
Wu Peng thought to himself: "Could it be that I was beaten into scum?" But a surge of monster energy suddenly rose from behind, and a huge golden cicada phantom appeared majesticly, and let out a piercing cry!

There was a silence after the tweet!Wu Peng stood still for a moment, blood flowed from his seven orifices, and he fell directly to the ground, he seemed to be dead!

Jin Chanzi's complexion became pale, and he covered his chest and shouted at Jin Chan who was behind him, "Stand back!" Jin Chan seemed a little reluctant, but under Jin Chanzi's stern shout, she was still reluctant. Disappeared.

On the other side, the battle between Kui Mulang and Wu Zhen has also reached a fever pitch.Na Wu Zhen and Wu Peng are brothers who are connected by heart.As soon as Wu Peng died here, Wu Zhen immediately spit out a mouthful of blood.His expression was full of grief and madness: "I want to kill you all!
Wu Zhen directly abandoned Kui Mulang and came to kill Jin Chanzi.Jin Chanzi was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his hands on his chest, seeing that he had lost the ability to resist.If Wu Zhen got close to him, his life would be lost in an instant.

"That Wu Clan doll! Your opponent is me!" Kui Mulang's voice came from behind Wu Zhen.He opened his mouth, spat out an inner alchemy, twirled in the air for a while, and then smashed it directly at Wu Zhen!

Kui Mulang's inner alchemy was accumulated over ten thousand years of cultivation, and it contained countless immortal magic spells from the Shangqing school, which was definitely not weaker than any acquired magic weapon.Even Sun Wukong dared to fight Kui Mulang head-on after deceiving this inner alchemy back then.

When Wu Zhen was hit, the back of his head burst and his brains spilled out.He fell to the ground and yelled: "Despicable!" After that, there was no more life.

Kui Mulang looked at Wu Zhen's body, and said with a strange smile, "You say I'm mean? That's because you haven't experienced the battle of the Conferred Gods! Those Jinxians from Chanjiao are really mean." After speaking, he changed back Humanoid.He snatched the pair of Canghuai Candle Dragon Knives from the corpses of Wu Zhen and Wu Peng, and said with a strange smile: "This trip is not in vain, and I picked up such a treasure!" Although he also has a ghost-headed sword, But compared to this Chiyou demon soldier, it is not known how bad it is.

Jin Chanzi said: "These demonic soldiers contain overwhelming turbidity, if they stay with them all the time, they may lose their minds."

Kui Mulang said: "Then what to do, this is a pair of precious swords, if you let me give up, I will not be willing to part with it."

Jin Chanzi said: "It's okay, I have a purple gold bowl here, which can refine the turbid air in the world."

Kui Mulang was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Then why don't you quickly take it out!"

Jin Chanzi took out the purple gold alms bowl from his bosom, and a beam of Buddha's light shot from the alms bowl onto the pair of knives. After a while, the turbid air of the two knives was refined and cleansed.

Kui Mulang got such a pair of treasured swords, so he was very happy in his heart, facing the gate of the Ancestral Witch Hall!The cold wind and raging flames slashed across the blade, and the originally closed door was directly split open!

(End of this chapter)

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