Agent of Heaven

Chapter 267 Killing the Witch Xie

Chapter 267 Killing the Witch Xie
The gate of the Ancestral Witch Hall was suddenly opened, and a figure covered in blood came out from inside.

Kui Mulang looked at the figure, and said dryly, "Mu Feng, you..." He didn't continue his words, because he had already seen Jiang Xiaoyue in Mu Feng's hands.

There was still a hint of a smile on Jiang Xiaoyue's face, but when she felt it carefully, there was clearly no breath of life on his physical body!
Jin Chanzi stepped forward and said: "Mu Feng, all appearances in the world are empty appearances, and their origins and extinctions have long been determined. If you can't force it, you can cure it."

Mu Feng raised his head and looked at Jin Chanzi, his face was expressionless: "Do you believe what you said?"

Jin Chanzi sighed and said, "I knew I couldn't fool you. The lies I teach in the west can only be used to educate fools." Those who resign themselves to it.Generally, it can only be used to persuade people who like to deceive themselves, but it is useless for people like Mu Feng.

At this moment, Mu Feng's eyes were full of ashes, and there was nothing more sad than heartbreak, and what he was talking about was his current state.

Kui Mulang looked into the Ancestral Witch Hall, and saw five corpses lying in disorder inside, which were the remaining five great witches in the Jiuli Realm.Each of them had either a broken hand or a broken foot, and the appearance of death was extremely ugly.

Back to an hour ago, Mu Feng entered the gate of Zuwu Hall.

Mu Feng looked at Aunt Wu and said, "I don't want you to waste your time talking, let's see the real chapter!" After speaking, he held the black iron overlord gun, and the four divine swords floated out of their sheaths behind him.

Except for Wu Xian who was sitting upright under the statue of Chi You, the other great witches drew out their weapons at this time.Facing Xuanyuan Canjian's aura, they did not dare to be careless.

The remaining four great witches are called the upper four witches within the Jiuli Wu Clan.There were originally ten great witches in the Jiuli witch clan, among which the four with the most powerful supernatural powers were called the top four witches.They are Wu Xian, Wu Ji, Wu Pan, and Wu Gu.

The names of the top ten witches of the Wu Clan are hereditary, not a person's name. This tradition has begun since Chi You's time.After Wu Xian died, no matter what his original name was, the next successor had to change his name to Wu Xian.

In addition to the four senior witches, there is one person standing in the Zuwu Temple today, who is the Wu Xie that Mu Feng had seen before.He was originally not qualified to stand here, but because he brought Jiang Xiaoyue back to Jiuli Realm, he has now been promoted to a position where he can sit on an equal footing with the Upper Four Witches.

Wu Xie was originally a person with a mean temperament. When he saw Mu Feng entering the ancestral witch hall alone, he naturally gave a strange laugh, and immediately appeared in the real body of the great witch, turning into a sea of ​​insects flying towards Mu Feng.

"Since you dare to enter the Ancestral Witch Hall alone, don't get out alive." Wu Xie continued to shout.

Mu Feng sneered and said: "Pearls of rice grains, also emit brilliance!" Above the four ancient swords that were originally suspended behind the sky, a tiny sword energy emerged from the sky, hovering around Mu Feng's body continuously, no matter what kind of flying insects, as long as Once within three feet of Mu Feng, it will be wiped out in an instant.

"Listening to the rain!" Mu Feng sprang out the listening style that he hadn't performed for a long time!Now that he has used this move, he has already entered the realm of transformation, and as soon as he finished speaking, the sword energy around him has turned into raindrops all over the sky, and Wu Xie's swarm of insects are clamoring to attack.

Wu Xie and Mufeng must be killed. This person not only took Jiang Xiaoyue away with a conspiracy, but also killed Jiang Quan.Mu Feng must avenge this revenge, otherwise he will be a seven-foot man in vain!

Mu Feng shot with hatred, the power was naturally extraordinary, the rain of sword energy directly killed the black insect swarm.

Wu Xie let out a scream, and gathered himself from the swarm of insects.But after the incarnation came out, his body was already covered with scars, and there was no good piece of meat in sight.Obviously, if you hurt those bugs, it would also be a great harm to Wu Xie, and after a while, it would be impossible to recover!
"This guy's Xuanyuan sword energy is so powerful, let's attack together! Kill him, quickly!" Wu Xie pointed at Mu Feng and said loudly

Who knew that the four great witches standing aside ignored Wu Xie at all, they just kept injecting turbid air into the statue of Chi You.With the continuous input of turbid air, the originally lifeless icon giant has become alive.Although Jiang Xiaoyue, who was held in the hand of the statue, was still asleep, she showed a painful expression.

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Let her go, or you will all die!"

Wu Xie said: "You are too rampant! Let me tell you..."

"Noisy!" Mu Feng snorted coldly, holding the Longyuan sword in his hand, and went straight for Wu Xie's throat.

As the sword flashed by, Wu Xie didn't have time to shout out the whole text, because his head was already spinning on the ground.

Mu Feng put his sword back into its sheath, pointed at the four great witches who had poured mana into the statue of Chiyou and said, "If any of you dare to hurt Xiaoyue's hair, Wu Xie will be your fate!"

Among the four people, Aunt Wu stood up, looked sideways at Mu Feng and said, "Don't be ashamed, let me see how capable you are!" After speaking, she drew a soft sword from her waist and pointed it at Mu Feng. attack.

Mu Feng dodged left and right, then easily avoided the software stabbed by Wu Gu, and said with a joke: "I have heard people say for a long time that if a woman lives alone for a long time, she will easily pervert..."

Aunt Wu seemed to have been hit by Mu Feng's words, and said angrily, "Presumptuous!" The software in her hand was biting towards Mu Feng's eyebrows like a snake spit out a letter.

Mu Feng sneered and said, "The mantis' arm is like a cart!" After speaking, he randomly pulled out a divine sword from the sword box behind him, and slashed at Aunt Wu's software.Only the sound of metal breaking was heard, and Aunt Wu's soft sword was directly split into two pieces.

Seeing this, Aunt Wu knew that if she didn't show some real skills, she might be trapped inside today.

"Let you see my real body, the great witch!"

A strong turbid air enveloped Aunt Wu in it, and various strange auras appeared in it continuously, as if a new life was being conceived.

Mu Feng didn't stop when he saw this, he just held the sword box and waited for Aunt Wu's transformation to end.

Finally, the black turbidity dissipated, revealing a big witch whose whole body was made of white bones!He sneered at Mu Feng and said, "Have you seen the Pink Skull?"

Mu Feng said bluntly: "You are so ugly!"

Aunt Wu was the most jealous of others calling him ugly, and immediately flew into a rage when she heard this: "When I catch you, I will cut off your little lover's flesh piece by piece. Make him look like me!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I'm afraid you will have no chance!" As soon as the words fell, the four divine swords flew out together, pointing at Aunt Wu at the tip of the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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