Agent of Heaven

Chapter 270 Chi You Rebirth

Chapter 270 Chi You Rebirth
"The way of heaven is boundless, the way of humanity is insignificant, the way of ghosts is joyous, the way of ghosts is joyous..." A soft chant came from Wu Pan's mouth, the tone of which sometimes turned from mournful to sad, and sometimes excited and warlike.The instruments in the eighteen hands on the back played together, and the drums sounded in unison, turning into bursts of sound waves, and blocked the real body of Ying Long who was rushing towards Wu Xian.

Ying Long's body radiated golden light, and he kept flashing and moving in the air, and let out a loud and clear dragon chant.As soon as the dragon chant came out, it also turned into circles of golden ripples, colliding with the sound waves from Wu Pan.

For a brief moment, the voice of the magic voice in Mu Feng's mind became weaker. He quickly raised Xuanyuan Canjian and stabbed at Wu Xian.

Wu Xian chanted complicated and awkward spells, his body was still twisting weirdly, as if he didn't care about Mu Feng's attack at all!
But!Just when the Xuanyuan Canjian in Mu Feng's hand was about to stab Wu Xian's throat, the Chi You statue that had been standing in Zu Wu's shop suddenly moved.The statue's eyes rolled and looked at Mu Feng coldly.There was extreme hatred in those eyes, like a sharp knife that had been poisoned thousands of times, it pierced Mu Feng's heart fiercely.

Mu Feng felt a chill in his heart, and the sword in his hand inevitably slowed down by three points. At this moment, a guqin behind Wu Pan flew out of his hand, and threw it directly at Mu Feng's Sanyang leader.

The leader of the three yangs is one of the most vulnerable dead spots for every practitioner. If he is hit, he is afraid that his soul will be wiped out.Mu Feng turned around and cut the Guqin in half with a sword.

The moment the guqin shattered, Wu Pan opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and read: "The heart of the qin is broken!" As soon as the voice fell, there was a piercing wail from the broken guqin!This wail seemed to be the shrill scream of a female ghost who had died unjustly for a thousand years, and it was also like the sharp piercing of iron nails on the glass.All in all, an extremely sad sound!

With the sudden sound, Mu Feng felt that the sea of ​​consciousness became blank, and the whole person fell directly from the air!The sound of the dragon chant was also completely suppressed, and the ripples emitted by the magic sound directly hit Yinglong's real body, and the golden dragon scales fell in the air like rain.

It's a pity that the ear-piercing sharp sound waves only lasted for a moment, and soon disappeared without a trace. Wu Pan fell to his knees with bloodshot eyes, and shouted to Wu Xian with an overdrawn appearance: "Boss! You Okay, I can't hold it anymore!"

Mu Feng stood up from the ground leaning on Xuanyuan Sword, wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "It's a pity, you don't have time anymore!" Eighteen hands were directly chopped off.

Wu Pan roared angrily: "I will fight you!" The aura around him suddenly became extremely terrifying.It began to swell continuously from the belly, and finally became like a ball, and with a "bang", it exploded directly!
Mu Feng held the Xuanyuan Remnant Sword across his chest, and the golden sword energy diffused out, directly protecting his vitals, but even so, the huge force generated by Wu Pan's self-explosion still made him take seven or eight steps back. Just stand still!After standing up, there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and the violent impact still caused him to suffer a lot of internal injuries.

Mu Feng pointed at Wu Xian with his sword and said, "It's your turn!"

Wu Xian stopped the weird dance, lifted the peach tree high and said, "Resurrect! God Chi You!" A powerful turbid air gushed out from his body, towards Jiang Xiaoyue's wounded body, and from his Tiny wounds all over his body penetrated.

Jiang Xiaoyue's body moved, and he stood up from the ground like a marionette.A huge red demon god emerged from behind.This demon god has three heads, six arms and eight legs, a red face and long beard, and exposed fangs. The giant looks exactly like the statue of Chi You in the Ancestral Witch Hall!
Wu Xian's breath had become extremely weak, but his face still couldn't hide his excitement. He knelt down to the red demon god and said, "Master Chi You! The Jiuli clan is finally waiting for your resurrection!"

The Demon God Chi You didn't open his mouth, but a hoarse and unpleasant voice came from Jiang Xiaoyue's body: "It's not enough!"

Wu Xian said, "What?"

The voice seemed a little angry: "Not enough sacrifices!"

Mu Feng suddenly remembered that when he entered Jiuli Realm, he saw many human heads piled up like a mountain. Now that he thinks about it, those should be sacrifices for Chi You.

When Wu Xian heard the words, he showed shame and said: "Now there are not many Jiuli people left, I hope Master Chi You can take pity on your descendants' blood!"

After a long time, the deep voice came: "In this case, then you will be the sacrifice!" After finishing speaking, the demon god behind Jiang Xiaoyue stretched out his scarlet tongue, rolled up Wu Xian, and swallowed it in one gulp. eat it.

Holding Xuanyuan Canjian in his hand, Mu Feng looked at Chi You behind Jiang Xiaoyue with a look of horror on his face: "You... finally came back!"

Chi You said: "Ying Long! I haven't seen you for thousands of years, but you are still alive, but your breath is much weaker than before... I am really disappointed!"

Mu Feng said: "It's not thousands of years ago now, what are you doing back here! Could it be that you want me to kill you again?"

"Haha? Kill me again?" Jiang Xiaoyue's body suddenly moved, turning into a cloud of turbid air, and in the blink of an eye, she came to Mu Feng's body, and her jaded hand stretched out to grab Mu Feng's throat: "Just now Is it you? Without Xuanyuan Sword, you are nothing but a waste!"

At this time, Jiang Xiaoyue's face was expressionless, and a powerful and evil turbidity flowed out from her gestures.Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue's familiar face, and the sadness and sadness in his heart were self-evident.He said: "Xiaoyue, I will definitely save you!"

Chi You said: "Looking at your tender eyes, this girl is probably your lover! But it's such a pity, I will kill you soon, and she will become my food!"

At this moment, a dragon chant came, and the avatar of Ying Long, who had been dormant all this time, finally caught Chi You's opening and attacked directly from behind!

"Too tender!" Chi You sneered all over, turned around and kicked Ying Long's real body upside down: "This time there is no Nine Heavens Xuannv, and no Eight Formation Maps, you don't even have Xuanyuan Sword ! Why do you fight with me?" The hand pinching Mu Feng began to exert force continuously.

Mu Feng has a body that has been washed by the dragon energy of his ancestors, but he still can't stop Chi You's powerful divine power.The feeling of suffocation came in bursts, and even his entire body was lifted.He could even clearly feel that life was disappearing from his body little by little.He had never been so close to death!
"Feng... run!" Jiang Xiaoyue's originally expressionless face suddenly showed a struggling look, and she finally regained a little sanity at the critical moment.

At the same time, Mu Feng also felt the jade hand pinching him around his throat lighten up.He shook his body, broke free from Jiang Xiaoyue's hand, and gasped for breath.

(End of this chapter)

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