Agent of Heaven

Chapter 271 The Death of Jiang Xiaoyue

Chapter 271 The Death of Jiang Xiaoyue

Jiang Xiaoyue gasped violently in her throat, with a painful expression on her face: "Leave me alone..."

Mu Feng took a step forward and said: "Hold on, I'll get you out right away!" He pressed his sword finger against Jiang Xiaoyue's forehead, and a clear light emerged from the top of his head, turning into a phantom of a golden dragon, which penetrated into Jiang Xiaoyue's sea of ​​consciousness middle.

This golden dragon phantom is naturally transformed by Mu Feng's primordial spirit, and now Jiang Xiaoyue has been controlled by Chi You, only by entering her primordial spirit and completely erasing Chi You's mind can she be completely freed from the sea of ​​suffering.If not, in just a few more days, Jiang Xiaoyue's primordial spirit might really be completely swallowed by Chi You.At that time, there will be no Jiang Xiaoyue in the world, only the revived Demon God Chi You!

A phantom of the Chiyou Demon God standing behind Jiang Xiaoyue saw Mu Feng's actions, and showed a strange smile, which also turned into a red light and penetrated into Jiang Xiaoyue's sea of ​​consciousness.

Mu Feng's primordial spirit landed in Jiang Xiaoyue's sea of ​​consciousness, and found that this place was actually an ancient battlefield full of desolate and murderous atmosphere, and the corpses of human race and witch race were piled up everywhere.On the tower in the distance, the words "Zhuolu" are written in oracle bone inscriptions.

"You should still remember this place!" Chi You's figure slowly fell from the sky.

Mu Feng looked at Chi You and said, "In the Battle of Zhuolu, Yinglong beheaded the demon god Chi You in the eight formations."

Chi You said: "It seems that although you have been reincarnated, you still remember many things from the past."

Mu Feng said: "Not only do I remember, but now I have to do it again!"

Chi You suddenly laughed: "Do it again? Do you really think you can kill me again? If it weren't for the conspiracy of Feng Hou, how could I be trapped in the eight formations? Empress Wa borrowed the heavenly book, and with your Xuanyuan sword, can you really decapitate me? Haha...Ying Long, are you a mortal who has been in reincarnation for too long, and you have degenerated? You have also learned it Make unrealistic fantasies?"

Mu Feng said: "I killed you before for the righteousness of the world, but now I kill you for the sake of my beloved woman!" After finishing speaking, he let out a long sigh: "Chi You, you are indeed a hero, but you and I must not coexist, let's fight!" Go!" After finishing speaking, Xuanyuan Remnant Sword emerged in his hand, and the golden sword energy turned into a dragon shape, surrounding him.

Xuanyuan Sword is the sword of the holy way, and its spirituality is far superior to that of ordinary magic weapons, so even if Mu Feng is out of the sheath with the primordial spirit, he can still be controlled.

Chi You stretched out his right hand, and the turbid air turned into a spear.Pointing with his right hand to the top of Zhulu Tower, Jiang Xiaoyue's figure appeared on it, her whole body was bound by the turbid air, unable to move or speak.He just stared at Mu Feng with dazed eyes.

Mu Feng said to Jiang Xiaoyue: "You wait for me!" After finishing speaking, Xuanyuan Canjian in his hand flourished in golden light, cutting out a huge crescent-shaped sword energy, attacking Chi You.

Chi You looked at the sword energy that could destroy the demon gods of the three realms, but showed a look of disdain: "In the past few thousand years, not only have you made no progress at all, but you have regressed!" After finishing speaking, he just threw the spear in his hand. , collided with Mu Feng's golden sword energy.

The spear turned into black turbid air, and in just an instant, it disintegrated the golden sword energy that Mu Feng slashed out.He rushed towards Mu Feng unabated.

The turbid air hit Mu Feng's chest, causing him to fly upside down two or three feet before he managed to stabilize his figure with the help of Xuanyuan Canjian.It was his primordial spirit who entered the sea of ​​consciousness this time, and he began to become vain under the heavy trauma.The primordial spirit is no better than the physical body, which can be reincarnated after death, but if the primordial spirit dies, it will be completely wiped out in the three realms.

Mu Feng completely ignored his injuries, and used the heaven and earth escape method under his feet, teleported behind Chi You in a blink of an eye, and swung the Xuanyuan Sword to chop off his head.

Unexpectedly, when the sword fell, it hit the empty space, and Chi You's voice came from behind: "It's too slow!" A punch hit Mu Feng's back.Mu Feng was directly beaten and fell to the ground, unable to get up anymore.

But Chi You didn't have the slightest intention to let Mu Feng go, he raised his huge fist and slammed it on Mu Feng's face.Under the heavy blow, Mu Feng's entire head sank deeply into the ground.

"It's getting more and more boring. I really don't know why I lost to a trash like you." Chi You squatted in front of Mu Feng, showing a bored expression.

At this time, Mu Feng's soul was already unstable and dying, but his eyes were still firm.The Xuanyuan Canjian in his hand trembled again, trying to stab Chi You.

Chi You slapped it casually, Xuanyuan Remnant Sword fell to the ground with a "clang", and the golden sword energy on it quickly dimmed.

"Suddenly I am not even interested in killing you, not because I have compassion, but because you are no longer worthy of me doing it myself!" Chi You stood up, stretched out his hand and let out a turbid air, and directly killed you. The Xuanyuan Remnant Sword on the ground broke into two pieces: "This broken sword is no longer the Holy Sword of Humanity!"

Mu Feng's primordial spirit is getting weaker and weaker, and he has lost the ability to act at this time, he can only say weakly: "I can still fight..."

Chi You sighed: "You have been washed away by the life of ordinary people, and you are no longer qualified to be my opponent!" After speaking, he pointed to Jiang Xiaoyue and said: "I don't need to keep this woman anymore. I was counting on her to inspire a little bit of your potential."

A stream of turbid air emanated from Chi You's fingertips, directly piercing Jiang Xiaoyue's heart.

"No!" Mu Feng roared angrily, feeling heart-piercing.

This desolate battlefield began to disappear rapidly, and Chi You walked out step by step: "Just watch! This time, I will destroy the human world. No one can stop me, even if Nuwa comes in person. "

But Mu Feng didn't listen to what Chi You was saying, he just stared at Jiang Xiaoyue's figure with his blood red eyes wide open.

Jiang Xiaoyue was also looking at Mu Feng, her face was full of reluctance but no grief: "You have to... live a good life."

"No! No! If you are dead, why should I live alone!" Waves of heartache came up, making Mu Feng feel dizzy out of breath.

Jiang Xiaoyue's figure turned into a little bit of haze gradually drifting above the sky, her voice remained in the air: "I really want to see this bustling world a few more times, you have to keep it for me, see it all for me it……"

That bit of haze drifted around and came to Mu Feng's body.Mu Feng struggled to stand up from the ground, trying to grab a little bit of what Jiang Xiaoyue left behind for a long time with both hands, but he couldn't grab anything.

Mu Feng knelt down on the ground, covered his face, tears finally couldn't hold back, and fell down drop by drop.The day and night with Jiang Xiaoyue began to emerge in front of his eyes, and the clearer the picture, the more heart-piercing he felt.That frown and smile all became the heartache that he couldn't let go of now.

After crying for a long time, Mu Feng finally stopped his tears. He looked at the direction Chi You left, and for the first time there was hatred in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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