Agent of Heaven

Chapter 272 Mu Feng Bewitched

Chapter 272 Mu Feng Bewitched
When Jin Chanzi saw Mu Feng walking out of the Ancestral Witch Hall holding the lifeless Jiang Xiaoyue, he knew that the child's heart was dead at this moment.

Kui Mulang stepped forward and grabbed Mu Feng's sleeve and said, "Brother, I can understand your feelings!"

Mu Feng looked at Kui Mulang as if he didn't answer, but just walked forward silently, and disappeared in Jiuli Realm in an instant.

Kui Mulang looked at Jin Chanzi and said, "Monk, do you know where he's going now?"

Jin Chanzi spread his hands and said: "The poor monk never dares to be contaminated by the world of mortals, how do you tell me to understand people who are dead?"

Kui Mulang curled his lips and said, "You sanctimonious masters usually have such a high level of chicken soup, why is it useless at critical moments."

Jin Chanzi said: "You also know that those are all chicken soup, and chicken soup can never solve practical problems. If you want me to say, let's go back and have a look, I hope Mu Feng can... Oh, my Buddha is merciful!"

The two turned into afterimages and flew out together.

But just after the two left the Jiuli Realm, they heard an earth-shattering dragon chant, which broke through the nine heavens and echoed throughout the Three Realms.It contains this infinite sadness and pain.

Jin Chanzi raised his head and said, "It's Mu Feng!"

Kui Mulang looked at the sky, only to see a phantom of Yinglong appearing between the sky and the earth. The powerful aura made him tremble: "What a strong monster! He! What does he want to do!"

Ying Long Xuying opened his mouth and spit out a golden light, which sprayed directly towards Jiuli Realm.The aura emitted by this golden light is not only powerful but also tyrannical, which is quite different from the spells Mu Feng usually uses.

The Buddha's light shone from the back of Jin Chanzi's head, and a lotus platform emerged under his feet, and he just stood up in the fierce shock.Then I saw Yang Jian and Lao Zhu flying out of Jiuli Realm together.

Yang Jian looked at Yinglong Xuying in the sky and said: "Mu Feng...he is actually burning the primordial spirit!" The primordial spirit is the root of all living beings, if the primordial spirit disappears, then this person will also be dissapeared and disappear from now on. Among the three realms.Therefore, even if it is a deadly battle, there will rarely be a situation where the burning primordial spirit fights.Because a person with a high level of cultivation, as long as he keeps his soul, no matter how big a failure he experiences, he can recover through Sangong and return to the peak again.And if the primordial spirit is damaged, then nothing will be left!

Everyone looked at the phantom of Yinglong in the air in surprise when they heard the words, the phantom between them became more and more solid, and finally, like a real dragon, it bumped into the Jiuli Realm.

"Mu Feng actually wants to destroy Jiuli Realm!" Lao Zhu's eyes widened: "What happened just now!"

Jin Chanzi said to Lao Zhu: "Miss Xiaoyue is dead..."

The old pig immediately fell to the ground when he heard the words, and burst into tears: "Miss Xiaoyue is such a good person, why did she die!"

Kui Mulang finally couldn't bear to shed tears. He and Jiang Xiaoyue have been together for a long time. Before waking up every morning, he ate the breakfast made by Jiang Xiaoyue. During these days in the mortal world, he had already He regards Jiang Xiaoyue, Mu Feng and others as his family members.It's just that he is actually a person who doesn't want to express his emotions, until he saw the old pig lose his temper, and finally couldn't help crying.

Yang Jian's eyes were like lightning: "Who did it!"

Jin Chanzi said: "The ten great witches in Jiuli have already been wiped out by us, so the one who will deal with Mu Feng in the end can only be the revived Chi You..."

The demon god Chiyou is a new generation of great witches that were condensed with the blood of the twelve ancestor witches back then. He has all the abilities of the twelve ancestor witches, and his strength is even infinitely close to that of a saint!If it wasn't for offending Empress Nuwa by beheading Fuxi, I'm afraid that in the battle of Zhuolu thousands of years ago, the human race would not be the opponent of the witch race at all!

Yang Jian gritted his teeth and said, "So what about Chi You, even if he risked his life, he would definitely avenge Miss Xiaoyue!"

At this moment, a pulling sensation of space tearing came.I saw that the Jiuli Realm, which was originally floating above the sky, had become fragmented at this time, and a golden dragon-shaped phantom kept waving its sharp claws in the air, tearing the entire Jiuli Realm apart.

Jin Chanzi said: "Mu Feng must be stopped quickly, otherwise the human world will be destroyed by him!"

Yang Jian nodded when he heard the words, set up auspicious clouds and flew into the sky, stood opposite the golden dragon and said, "Mu Feng, stop now! Otherwise the whole human world will be destroyed by you!"

The dragon-shaped phantom raised its head, but its eyes had already turned blood red.

Yang Jian and Long Xing Xuying looked at each other, and said with a cold heart: "Not good! Mu Feng is about to be possessed!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and they turned to the air together and surrounded Mu Feng.Jin Chanzi and Lao Zhu clasped their hands together, and chanted the "Daming Mantra", golden Buddha lights emerged, and the blood red color in the eyes of the golden dragon-shaped phantom gradually dimmed a lot.

Kui Mulang looked at the golden dragon, and said sadly: "What a good couple, they are all this damn world killing robbery!"

At this moment, Shenlong Xuying's eyes were filled with red again, mixed with a little turbidity, which directly reflected back all the Buddha light emitted by the old pig and Jin Chanzi.

The old pig anxiously said: "What's going on! How come there is such a strong turbidity."

Jin Chanzi said concentratingly: "It must be that Chi You manipulated Mu Feng's body and injected a lot of turbid air. It made his mind demonized! Our Dharma alone can't wake him up."

Kui Mulang said: "Then what should we do?"

Jin Chanzi said: "Hello, Yang Jian, let's subdue him first!"

Yang Jian nodded, summoned the three-pointed and two-edged knife, raised the clouds under his feet, and moved towards the dragon transformed by Mu Feng.

Unexpectedly, when he got in front of him, he heard a hoarse wind and dragon chant, which made him almost fall off the clouds!Seeing this, Kui Mulang also turned into its own body, and a huge blue wolf went to help.

Unexpectedly, the dragon let out a snort, and heard lightning and thunder between the sky and the earth, and the bucket-thick lightning fell from the sky, directly hitting the back of Kuimu wolf, scorching him black and unable to hold on. into a prototype.

Yang Jian looked at the dragon again, and the golden scales on the dragon's body began to come off one by one, and the black scales began to grow continuously.

Finally, a majestic dragon degenerated into a turbid dragon directly in front of everyone!

Jin Chanzi closed his eyes as if in despair: "He is still possessed after all!"

The old pig said: "After being enchanted, his mana aura is more than ten times stronger than before..."

Jin Chanzi said: "Are we really powerless to prevent this from happening?"

At this moment, there was a loud and angry shout from above the sky: "Sinister, hurry up and wake up!"

Jin Chanzi joyfully looked up at the sky: "It turns out that Immortal Zhenyuan has arrived!"

I saw another old fairy coming from the sky on the clouds, walking towards Mu Feng step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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