Agent of Heaven

Chapter 273 Wukong Tours the Demon Realm

Chapter 273 Wukong Tours the Demon Realm

Following the shout of Great Immortal Zhenyuan, the ferocious and unruly black dragon below stopped for a moment, as if it recognized the person who came.There was a constant roar in the throat, but the giant body began to retreat.

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan landed in front of Jin Chanzi and the others, looked at the scarred crowd and said, "It seems that the impoverished Taoist is one step too late after all, someone did it just now, and I was caught by the secret, which made me realize that it was six hours late. An accident will happen to you..." If Zhen Yuanzi's calculations can be tricked, the one who makes the move this time is probably one of the six sage masters.

Yang Jian pointed at the turbid black dragon and said: "Da Xian, you see that Mu Feng has become like this, you should quickly think of a way!"

Zhen Yuanzi frowned and said: "He was deliberately led into the devil's way by someone with a heart! Let me subdue him first to make a fuss!" After speaking, he waved his big sleeve and used the spell of heaven and earth in his sleeve to put Mu, who was full of turbidity. Feng couldn't help but get involved in the sleeve directly.

Jin Chanzi said: "In this battle, although we tried our best, Chi You escaped from the seal after all. I am afraid that the human race will face a catastrophe that is rare in tens of millions of years. I don't know what the Great Immortal is planning. "

Zhen Yuanzi was noncommittal: "Jin Chanzi, your time in the world is still too short after all, you have to believe me, the only thing that can destroy and hurt a mortal is the mortal himself." After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeve , Driving auspicious clouds to the five villages of Longevity Mountain.

The flowers bloom side by side, one for each.The human world over there has almost turned upside down, but the demon world is not at peace.Because they ushered in guests who thought they were different!Sun Wukong.

When the monkey first arrived in the demon world, to be honest, he was really taken aback by the scene here.Such things as monsters are actually not uncommon in the human world. Even after Empress Nuwa built this demon world with the map of mountains and rivers, there have been a large number of monsters staying in the human world.

These monster races lost their powerful cultivation ability after the spiritual energy in the human world gradually thinned out, but they had an extraordinary longing for the worldly affairs of the human world.Cross-racial love between monsters and humans often occurs.

However, there are still a small number of monster races in the human world. They like to hide their heads and show their tails, and even when enjoying the blessings and honors of the world of mortals, they will transform into human forms.

After Sun Wukong saw this scene in the demon world, he was immediately taken aback and almost didn't fall off the cloud.I saw thousands of people of all kinds walking on the streets of this city, each of them was a generation with scales and horns, they were like ordinary citizens in the world, and from time to time there would be a few evildoers, just like this. The blood-stained objects wandered randomly on the streets.

The monkey thought to himself: "This is the first time I have seen such a world completely controlled by monsters, but the scale is much larger than the lion and camel country I have seen before. Mu Feng said that I will have something to do in this monster world." Qi Yu, I still don't know what it is, so why not stay in this city and talk about it now." After thinking about it, he turned into an ordinary lion spirit, lined up at the gate of the city and entered the city.

There are two leopard spirits standing guard at the gate of the city. They hold Grandma Changge's guards in front of the gate. Every person who enters the city will be strictly and carefully checked before they let the monsters at the gate enter the city.

The monkey patted the back of a goat spirit in front of the team and asked, "Brother, why is the city gate so strictly checked?"

When the goat spirit saw that it was a lion that had become a spirit, it was unavoidable that he was a little afraid: "This... is an order from the heavenly court to make all our monster races be vigilant. It is said that the old master Traitor, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Monkey King, is going to sneak into the city in the next few days! Desire wants to do something wrong!"

The monkey thought to himself: "How come I haven't arrived in the demon world yet, but they have already taken precautions. Both Mu Feng and Zhen Yuanzi know that I have a chance in the demon world, and there are also people who are good at calculating the way of heaven among the demon clan in that court who figured out my old age." Sun will sneak into the demon world recently. It can be seen that he will definitely encounter something extraordinary this time... I think I will not disappoint my old sun!" He said and walked to the inspection place at the gate of the city.

The leopard spirit guarding the gate pointed at the monkey with a spear in his hand and said, "Take off your clothes!"

The monkey secretly cried: "Not good!" But this monster knew where the weakness of the Earth Sha 72 Transformation was, and 72 Transformation was a spell that could change the face without changing the body.So if you want to verify whether it is Monkey King, you only need to take off your pants and take a look at his buttocks (the monkey's buttocks are red).

The leopard spirit guarding the gate yelled at the monkey: "Why are you so ink-stained, take it off quickly! Could it be that you became a monkey?"

The monkey smiled and said: "The two military masters were joking. I am like this. How could it be that monkey?" After finishing speaking, he quietly plucked out a strand of hair, stretched out his fingers, and turned into a monkey in armor, waving With a stick, he drove towards the monsters at the gate of the city.

The monkey enjoys a great reputation among the monsters. He only heard that the rear was like a bursting frying pan, and they were rushing towards the city gate. The crowd rushed forward, and soon broke through the restriction of the city gate, and they all entered the city gate together. Inside, the leopard spirit guarding the door couldn't stop such a large number of monsters from rushing in, so they had to give up.Hundreds of demon soldiers appeared inside the city gate, and they surrounded the monkey's fur at the gate of the city. It looked like a formidable enemy!

The monkey mingled among the demons entering the city, and turned into a horse demon in a blink of an eye, and mingled into the street.In a blink of an eye, he swaggered towards the most prosperous place in the city.

Seeing the bustle and bustle on this street, the monkey looked at it very kindly.In fact, Houzi also went to the street a few times with Mu Feng and others.The feeling of the modern city may be fresh to him, but it is definitely no longer the street in his memory.The approximate time when he attained enlightenment was in the Han Dynasty, and the time when he learned Buddhist scriptures was in the Tang Dynasty. These two eras have left indelible images in his mind.

But the appearance of the street in the demon world has a bit of Han and Tang style, which is very popular with monkeys.This gives the monkey the feeling that this place seems to be designed by himself.From the first moment of entering this monster city, there is an extremely cordial feeling.It was as if this city was built by himself.

"Good old wine, guest officer, do you want to go up and taste it?" A man dressed as a shop waiter grabbed the monkey's sleeve.

Hou Zi looked at the hotel behind the waiter of this famous shop, which was an elegant two-story building, and said with a smile, "Prepare me a private seat. If you want to be near the window, you will benefit from it!"

Xiaoer is a crow spirit, and he was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Guest officer, come with me quickly, there is a private seat suitable for you on the second floor!"

(End of this chapter)

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