Agent of Heaven

Chapter 275 The Truth

Chapter 275 The Truth
In the demon world transformed by the map of Shanhe Sheji, on the small Sumeru Mountain, at the entrance of Wenfeng Cave.Monkey King's figure turned into a long rainbow and landed, startling countless flying stones and debris.

The little demon guarding the gate outside the mountain seemed to be unkind, so he pointed his spear fiercely and asked, "Who is here? How dare you make trouble here! Do you know who our king is!"

The monkey smiled and said, "I know who your king is! It's your king I'm looking for!"

Xiao Yao asked: "Then what do you say is your last name? I will go and report."

The monkey sat leaning on a bluestone at the entrance of the cave, smiled and said, "Go and tell your king that his real father is here."

The little demon turned around and ran into the cave.Running all the way, seeing the six-eared macaque drinking in the cave, he quickly knelt down and said, "My lord, your father is here!"

The six-eared macaque was furious when he heard the words, grabbed the little demon and slapped him twice, causing his mouth and nose to bleed, and staring eyes: "What did you say? Say it again!"

No matter how stupid the little demon was, he knew that he was being played by the monkey, so he reported: "My lord, there came a monk with a rough face and a thunderous mouth, who was eight times like you, and clamored that he was yours... yes Your dear father!"

The six-eared macaque threw the little demon aside, and said with a sneer: "It turns out that the old enemy has come, anyway, today I happen to settle the old and new accounts together! Someone, come and take my clothes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a little demon presented him with a gilded phoenix-winged crown, a golden chain mail, cloud-climbing broken silver boots, and a large scarlet cloak.

The six-eared macaque was fully dressed and came forward and smiled at the monkey: "Sun Wukong, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you come in! Today I will avenge you for sitting in the Tathagata!"

The six-eared macaque pretended to be Monkey King in the past, and after injuring Jin Chanzi, he went to heaven and earth with Monkey King to find someone who could tell him apart.In the end, the trouble came to Sakyamuni, and the Tathagata beat the six-eared macaque with a bowl to show the prototype.Monkey King stepped forward and beat him to death with a stick!If it weren't for the Tathagata's secret rescue, the grass on the grave of the six-eared macaque would be three feet deep.

Therefore, the six-eared macaque naturally hates monkeys.He took a step forward, slapped his ears, and an embroidery needle flew out of it, spinning in the air and turning into an iron rod as thick as the mouth of a bowl.Throw it at the monkey.

If you want to say that he is an iron rod, there are indeed some origins.Monkey King's Ruyi Golden Cudgel turned out to be a sea-fixing needle left by Dayu when he was controlling the water!And the six-eared macaque's iron rod is a pillar pulled up from the foot of the Great Barren Mountain in the past, and it is used to stabilize the breath of the mountains and rivers.

Seeing the six-eared attack, the monkey naturally would not show weakness, and took out the Ruyi golden cudgel from its ear to fight against it.As soon as these two fight against each other, they really meet their opponents and meet their talents!From agility to weapons, even the moves used are exactly the same.

The little monsters on the little Sumeru Mountain were dazzled, and after a while, they were surprised to find that... they couldn't recognize their own king!
There is no other reason, only because Monkey King is now wearing a gold crown with wind wings, gold chain mail, and silver boots that climb the clouds.From a distance, it is impossible to tell who is the Monkey King and who is the six-eared macaque!
The two fought well together in the air, and they didn't feel that time was lost. After more than 300 rounds of fighting, the sun had already set to the west.The six-eared macaque jumped away with a somersault, laughed and said, "Monkey King, after all these years, you still can't beat me."

Monkey King shook his head and said: "It's a pity, Liu Er, you have already lost!"

Liu Er smiled and said: "Monkey King, do you want to win? I'm crazy!"

Sun Wukong suddenly put the golden cudgel on the other side, opened his hands and said to the six-eared macaque: "Come on, give me the stick, and pay back the karma of the year."

Liu Er narrowed his eyes: "What did you say? Don't you think I dare not."

Monkey King said: "I don't think you are afraid, but I have already recognized who you are!"

Liu Er was surprised when he heard the words: "What... you, this is impossible, you lied to me!"

Sun Wukong suddenly laughed, and he smiled happily: "Actually, I should have known your identity a long time ago. It's just that I was obsessed with obsession back then and didn't want to admit it. That's why Tathagata took advantage of you."

"Shut up!" The six-eared macaque directly hit Monkey King with a stick. The strange thing is that the iron rod hit Monkey King's head, but he was unscathed!

The monkey smiled and said, "I can't hurt you, and you can't hurt me either."

Hearing the words, Liu Er was furious again, and the iron rod in his hand brought a strong wind and fallen leaves, hitting Sun Wukong's body in bursts, but no matter how powerful the moves were, he was unscathed.

Sun Wukong held the iron bar that the six ears were about to smash down and said with a smile: "There are no six ears here..."

When the six-eared macaque heard these words, it knelt down on the ground with a bang, and burst into tears.After crying, he said like crazy: "The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is a mirror stand. Wipe it often, so as not to stir up dust..."

Sun Wukong placed his palm on his chest and said: "Bodhi has no tree, and a bright mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, where is the dust... Six ears, I have been wrong all these years."

Liu Er raised his head and said, "You finally admitted it willingly. You finally confessed to me!"

The monkey said calmly: "You are me, and I am you. We are one person. What's the matter if I admit my mistake like you? If I hadn't been blinded by the Tathagata in the past and refused to admit that there was an evil side in my mind, You won’t wait until today to admit your mistake.”

Liu Erdao: "Never mind, never mind, you've already realized that it's time for me to return to my place."

The monkey smiled slightly when he heard the words, and a clear light appeared in the back of his head. Among them stood a Buddha with a golden body of six feet, which was his incarnation of the good corpse, fighting against the Buddha.

And the giant six-eared macaque turned into a black air, merged into the clear light behind the monkey's head, and stood side by side with the fighting Buddha.It's like the incarnation of Monkey King's evil corpse.

The true identity of the six-eared macaque actually starts from the journey to the West in the past.Sun Wukong was originally an unruly character, he has done all the things such as disturbing the heavenly palace, destroying the underworld, and trampling on the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.Naturally, he would not be controlled by Jin Chanzi who was reincarnated as a mortal at that time.Guanyin secretly trapped Monkey King with a magic spell, so that he had to be driven by Tang Seng.

What Tathagata did not expect was that even if Jin Chanzi was reincarnated as a mortal, his cultivation of Buddhism would still be profound.Along the way, explaining the principles of Buddhism to Sun Wukong actually made the monkey realize his epiphany and cut out the incarnation of the evil corpse.Moreover, there are vague signs that he will become a Buddha immediately and kill the two corpses.

Tathagata himself is just a quasi-sage who beheaded two corpses. If Sun Wukong became a Buddha directly on the way to learn scriptures, and his strength is comparable to him, then who will have the final say in the future Daleiyin Temple?Originally, there is a Maitreya Buddha who has been thinking about his position, which has already made Tathagata very uncomfortable. Now if there is another Monkey King, then where is there room for him in Xitian?
So Tathagata made a secret move, blinded Sun Wukong's mind, and washed his memory.He also secretly controlled the six-eared macaque in his own hands for his own use, causing Monkey King's body to turn against the evil corpse, and he would never be able to become a quasi-sage.In this way, Tathagata can always sit back and relax.

And Mu Feng and others guessed that the opportunity of Sun Wukong was also here with the six-eared macaque.From now on, Monkey King is considered a complete quasi-sage master, and his personal combat effectiveness is no longer inferior to Tathagata.

(End of this chapter)

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