Agent of Heaven

Chapter 276

Chapter 276
"How is Mu Feng?" Laozhu came to Wuzhuang Temple and asked Qingfeng with a worried face.

Qingfeng sighed: "Junior brother is still the same, he doesn't eat, drink, or talk."

The old pig said: "When the cultivation base reaches his level, nothing will happen if he doesn't eat or drink for 1 years. But he keeps silent...everything is kept in his heart, and he is afraid that something will happen sooner or later! No, I will definitely Go see him."

Qingfeng said: "But junior brother is just in a daze now, no matter what we say he doesn't care. It's the same even when master is gone!"

The old pig looked sad when he heard the words, but he still walked firmly towards the room where Mu Feng lived.

The moment the door was pushed open, one could see that the furnishings inside the house were very simple.There is nothing else but a futon and a square table.Mu Feng sat cross-legged on the futon, with his back facing the door.People can't see his expression.

The old pig walked in and said with a smile: "Brother Mu Feng...don't just sit there in a daze, I brought you something good today. Pantao! You must have only heard of it. Today, the court has long been taken by Dapeng and the others." I took these two, and I turned into a crane and flew up secretly to pick them off for you."

Mu Feng faced the wall without saying a word.

The old pig forced himself to laugh again and said, "Come on, have a taste, you'll definitely like it."

After a long while, Mu Feng still didn't respond, Lao Zhu finally couldn't bear it anymore, he stepped forward and grabbed Mu Feng by the collar and lifted him up, "Mu Feng! We are all very sad that Xiaoyue died! But can you Face all this like a man? It has been three months since you came back, and you have been like this all day. If Xiaoyue is still alive, would she be willing to see you like this!"

Mu Feng raised his head, and looked at Lao Zhu with eyes as dead ashes: "But she died, not even a soul left behind."

The old pig looked sad when he heard the words, he put Mu Feng down and said: "Brother, listen, you must cheer up."

Mu Feng said: "You always like to talk about these great principles, but when it's your turn to face them, you are also vulnerable."

The old pig said angrily, "What did you say?"

Mu Feng said: "You look up at the moon every day, but you never dare to go up there yourself."

The old pig sighed: "Naihe, Naihe..." After finishing speaking, he turned his head and walked out.

Qingfeng came in and said: "Junior brother, you shouldn't say that about the messenger of the altar, you must know that he is also for you..." After all, he didn't finish his sentence.Because Mu Feng faced the wall again without saying a word.

Outside the Wuzhuang Temple, the monkey was about to descend on the somersault cloud, but saw the old pig walking out of it with a worried face.

"Hey! Idiot, where are you going?" Sun Wukong lowered his head from the cloud and asked the old pig by his sleeve.

The old pig saw that it was a monkey, so he hurriedly said: "Brother, you are finally back, what do you gain from this trip to the demon world?"

The monkey smiled and said: "The harvest is not small, cut off the evil corpse."

The old pig said: "Congratulations, Brother Hou, you killed the two corpses, you are only one step away from the Hunyuan Daoguo.

The monkey said: "One step is a difference, but it is also a thousand miles. By the way, what about Mu Feng, I dared to pass by the lakeside villa, why didn't I see him?"

When the old pig heard the words, he immediately showed a hesitant look: "Alas...""

The monkey said: "If you have something to say, just say it, don't hesitate."

The old pig said: "Miss Xiaoyue is dead."

The monkey was furious: "What? Who did it?"

The old pig said: "It's Chiyou. The Jiuli witch clan used the soul of Miss Xiaoyue as a sacrifice to resurrect the demon god Chiyou. Mu Feng couldn't bear the blow of Xiaoyue's soul-smashing soul, and he became possessed and destroyed the Jiuli Realm. Thanks to the Great Immortal Zhenyuan Arriving in time saved the human world from being affected. But Mu Feng has never recovered from the setback, and his will has been depressed."

The monkey said: "Mu Feng must not be allowed to go on like this. Now that the catastrophe has started, the witch clan and the monster clan are ready to move, Shakyamuni is ambitious, and internal and external troubles continue. He is the leader of the list of gods. If he is depressed like this, I'm afraid The entire human race will be wiped out!"

The old pig said: "The heart-piercing injury he is suffering now is not something we can persuade."

At this time, suddenly saw a large cloud of auspicious clouds flying over Wuzhuang Temple.The monkey opened his golden eyes and saw banners and flags above the clouds, and tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers lined up for orders.

"How could there be heavenly soldiers here..." Monkey was full of doubts: "Could it be the trick of the monster clan?"

The old pig said: "No, no, the visitors are like Wen Taishi and the gods of Leibu who sat down with him."

Suddenly, the door of Wuzhuang Temple opened wide, and Zhen Yuanzi sat down with 72 highly cultivated disciples.Zhen Yuanzi came out to greet him with a jade whisk in his hand and said, "I didn't know that the Grand Master was coming, so I'm too far away to welcome you."

On top of the auspicious cloud, Wen Zhong immediately lowered the cloud head, saluted Zhen Yuanzi, and said, "What's the virtue and the ability, Mr. Excuse me, I'm really ashamed."

Although Wen Zhong's ability is not small, and he has quite a status in the Jiejiao, but compared to Zhen Yuanzi, who is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, he doesn't dare to entrust him with any bigness.

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Master Wen, you are being polite. Your Excellency is a loyal minister and righteous man. No matter where you go, you should be treated courteously." For his position.

Wen Zhong smiled when he heard the words, and greeted the monkeys and old pigs nearby: "Great Sage, Marshal Canopy, I haven't seen you for many years."

The monkey said: "It's true that I haven't seen you for many years, you old official came to the next session anyway."

Wen Zhongdao: "Now the killing and calamity is happening again, the seal of the Conferred God List on us and the other immortals has been lifted, and we have all regained our freedom. But we also want to find a master and make a career. I heard that Zhenyuan There is a disciple of the Great Immortal, who is the reincarnation of Yinglong, and he is in charge of the list of gods under the decree of the Grand Master of Yuqing Palace.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wen Zhong finished speaking, the old pig and the monkey looked at each other, both showing embarrassment.

Wen Zhong didn't realize it yet, and continued: "I don't know that Mr. Mu Feng, but at the moment in Wuzhuang temple, I brought the immortals of Jiejiao and [-] heavenly soldiers to join him."

The old pig thought secretly: Wen Zhong brought a strong army, and he must not let him see Mu Feng's depression now.Otherwise, he will be disheartened, and we will lose a lot of help.

"Oh! Master Wen! I haven't seen you, old pig, for a long time. Why don't you catch up with me!" The old pig hugged Wen Zhong's shoulder and shivered.

Wen Zhong knew that Laozhu was never a good person, so he was not surprised, he just smiled and said: "Marshal Tianpeng wait a moment, I will come to catch up with you after I meet Mr. Mu Feng!"

(End of this chapter)

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