Agent of Heaven

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

Seeing that he couldn't stop Wen Zhong, Lao Zhu winked at the monkey beside him.They have been brothers and sisters for many years, and of course Monkey immediately understood what he meant.He also grabbed Wen Zhong's sleeve and said, "Old master, among the immortals you brought this time, are there any 28 constellations? Their boss, Kui Mulang, is also with us at this time, why don't you let us They are now down to rest for a while. They also say hello to their brothers whom they haven’t seen for a long time.”

It has to be said that the monkey is still smart, Wen Zhong himself is anxious to see Mu Feng, so he can naturally avoid the chills of others.But he can't represent Jiejiao to teach other immortals.After all, he is no longer the Thunder God Puhua Tianzun of the Heavenly Court, and these people have long been no longer his subordinates. No matter how much they are willing to let Wen Zhong rule, they are equal in personality at present.Wen Zhong needs to give them some respect.

Grand Master Wen nodded, and said to the heavenly soldiers and immortals above the auspicious clouds: "Since all fellow Taoists have already descended to the mortal world, let's rest for a while."

Zhen Yuanzi waved his sleeves when he heard the words, and the Longevity Mountain, which was originally only a hundred miles in radius, suddenly grew up and turned into a mountain of thousands of miles!The Wuzhuang Temple on it has also become a majestic fairy palace with a radius of hundreds of miles.In this way, even if all the tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers were rectified in Wuzhuang Temple, the place would not be crowded at all.

Those [-] heavenly soldiers and the immortals of Jiejiao descended into auspicious clouds one after another.The Heavenly Soldiers camped and rested in Wuzhuang Temple, the formation was neat, the military discipline was strict, and there was no noise at all. They were obviously elite soldiers trained by Wen Taishi himself.And those immortals from Jiejiao stepped forward one after another to salute Zhen Yuanzi and others.

The old pig took 27 stars and left Longevity Hill to find Kui Mulang in the human world.

Seeing the gathering of immortals, Zhen Yuanzi immediately ordered his disciples to hold a banquet and smashed the last three ginseng fruits, and all the immortals shared them and ate them.Seeing this, the monkey jumped straight to the heaven!In less than a quarter of an hour, he was seen riding the strong wind, rolling up countless peach wines and returning to Wuzhuang Temple.

Seeing this, the Nine Obsidian Kings all laughed: "After a thousand years, why did the Great Sage get involved in this matter of stealing peaches and wine again?"

Wen Zhong stroked his beard and said: "This is the nature that is hard to change! It's just that you can't steal Laojun's elixir this time."

The monkey blushed when he heard the words: "Why did Grand Master Wen mention that matter? It's not because my old grandson was young and ignorant. Come and drink!" After speaking, he poured a glass of fairy wine and walked towards Wen Zhong.He tried to persuade him to drink again and again, trying to resolve the embarrassment.

In fact, the Taishang Laojun above that court was an incarnation of the Hunyuan sage Lao Tzu who stayed in the heaven. When he had nothing to do, he would refine the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir in Tushita Palace when he had nothing to do.At that time, Laojun figured out that the monkey was a disciple of the Buddhist sage Zhunti, so he sold Zhunti to save face and let the monkey steal a lot of elixir.

After the monkey ate the elixir, his skills improved so much that he defeated the heavenly soldiers sent by the heavenly court to encircle and suppress it.

Later, Sakyamuni calculated that the monkey might compete with him for the position of the Buddha in the Western Heaven in the future, so he secretly caused Guanyin to go to the heavenly court, and beat the monkey to death with the jade bottle during the battle between the monkey and Yang Jian.It was also Laojun who spoke to stop him, but only used the diamond to capture Monkey King.

During the Battle of Conferred Gods in the past, Laozi and Yuanyuan Tianzun once invited Xixi Zhunti to pick them up and lead them to help him break through the Heaven-killing Sword Formation of Master Tongtian.Therefore, he owed Zhunti a great favor, and seeing that Sun Wukong was the disciple Zhunti placed high hopes on, he secretly helped him many times and repaid the cause and effect.

Even at the last moment, he secretly channeled mana in the gossip furnace, and trained the sharp eyes for Monkey King.

Otherwise, with the little ability of this monkey, even Honghaier's Samadhi True Fire can't deal with it.If it was put into Laojun's stove, I'm afraid it would have been turned into ashes long ago.

But the monkey didn't know these causes and effects at all when he was in trouble in the Heavenly Palace in the past. Every time he saw Laojun, he would call "Old Official" non-stop.Also think that the Supreme Lord is just an old pharmacist who concocted alchemy for the Jade Emperor.So now whenever someone mentions in front of the monkey that he stole the Nine Rank Golden Elixir in the past, he will feel ashamed and quickly change the subject.

Wen Zhong, Sun Wukong and Laozhu pushed glasses and changed glasses for a long time, seeing that they had drunk three rounds, they got up and asked: "I'm waiting here for a drink, why don't you see that Mr. Mu Feng coming?"

Seeing Wen Zhong like this, Hou Zi and Lao Zhu knew that he had to see Wen Zhong today, so they immediately fell silent.

Zhen Yuanzi stood up, sighed and said: "I heard that the grand master is here with the poor Taoist, and meet my unfilial disciple." After speaking, he took Wen Zhong to the bedroom where Mu Feng lived.

"Mu Feng... I'm here to see you as a teacher!" Zhen Yuanzi opened the door, pointed to Grand Master Wen and introduced, "This is Wen Zhong, the former Grand Master of a great merchant, hurry up and come forward Goodbye."

Facing the wall, Mu Feng still didn't say a word, as if he had already sat down.

Wen Zhong clasped his hands to Mu Feng and said, "I, Wen Zhong, have met General Ying Long!" He is also a general, and he naturally admires Ying Long who helped Xuanyuan Huangdi win the world in his heart.

Mu Feng still faced the wall with his eyes closed.

Zhen Yuanzi was furious, stepped forward and hit Mu Feng's chest with a palm.

Caught off guard, Mu Feng smashed the door and wall and flew out from the room!Seeing this, Lao Zhu hurriedly jumped forward to pick up Mu Feng.

Mu Feng vomited blood, but still didn't show any expression, his whole person was already like a walking dead.

Zhen Yuanzi stepped forward, raised his palm again, swayed it in the air for a while, and finally put it down tremblingly. He said coldly to Mu Feng, "If you don't want to take on this responsibility, you can use the list of gods and the whip Hand it over."

Hearing this, Mu Feng finally had waves in his dead eyes, he took out the whip and the list of gods from his sleeve, raised it above his head, and presented it in front of Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi slapped his hands to avoid the list of gods and the whip, and said angrily: "Get lost! You are not allowed to step into Wuzhuang temple in the future! I don't have you as an apprentice!"

Seeing this, the monkey hurried forward to persuade him, "Brother Zhenyuan! Think twice!"

The old pig also patted Mu Feng's face and said, "Hey, wake up! Your master is going to kick you out of the school! Don't be angry with your master anymore, cheer up and admit your mistake!"

Qingfeng Mingyue on the side also stepped forward and pulled Zhen Yuanzi's sleeve and said: "Master, don't drive away junior brother."

However, Mu Feng ignored the crowd, knelt down and smacked his head three times to Zhen Yuanzi, saying: "This disciple is ashamed of the kindness of master's teaching and resolving doubts. I will never come back after I leave. I hope master will take care of you in the future. Don't get angry and hurt yourself because of your disciple's dishonesty."

Zhen Yuanzi seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, he turned his head away, unwilling to look at Mu Feng again.

After kowtowing three times, Mu Feng turned around and walked towards Wuzhuang Guanwai.

Qingfeng Mingyue and others wanted to step forward to pull him, and Lao Zhu tried his best to persuade him to stay, but he didn't seem to hear anything.A person walked alone to the outside of Wuzhuang Temple, and the setting sun shot down, dragging a long and lonely figure behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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