Agent of Heaven

Chapter 278

Chapter 278
Jiangnan, heavy rain, thunder.

There is a road in the rain, and there is a person on the road.

No expression could be seen on this face, only ashes-like loneliness flowed out of his eyes.

He seemed already a dead man.

Mu Feng is dead, at least he thinks so.At the moment when Jiang Xiaoyue's soul flew away, he could no longer think of what could support his desire to live.

At this point, the chaos of the Three Realms, the gradual rise of massacres, and the invasion of monster races are no longer within his consideration.He also has no time to do his best for the so-called righteousness of the world and the rise and fall of the human race.After all, he has paid too much for these things, even the life of his beloved.

He doesn't want to do anything now, as soon as he closes his eyes, he will recall the hazy sky that Jiang Xiaoyue turned into after his death.Beautiful and brilliant, but it made Mu Feng's heart ache.

At this moment, a voice came from a distance: "Ying Long, is this all you can do? I haven't seen you for a few days, and you have already become like this."

When Mu Feng heard this voice, he showed hatred in his eyes.He couldn't forget the voice! "Chi You!" He followed the prestige, and Chi You folded his arms, floating in the air.

At this time, Chi You had found his physical body from nowhere, and finally he was no longer in the state of a translucent soul.He is just a young man with bronze skin now: "Hmph! How could I have been defeated by a trash like you back then?"

Mu Feng jumped up high and stabbed at Chi You with the Black Iron Overlord Spear.

There was a sneer on the corner of Chi You's mouth, and he just stretched out a finger indifferently, and easily resisted Mu Feng's sharp spear point: "The strength is getting weaker, and your mana seems to have retreated a lot during this period of time. " After finishing speaking, he stretched out a finger and flicked the tip of Mu Feng's gun.

Mu Feng felt a huge force coming through the tip of the gun, directly injuring all his internal organs.With a sweet throat, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the body fell heavily to the ground.

"This guy's mana has been fully recovered!" This was Mu Feng's first reaction. Chi You didn't know where he had been during this period of time, but his mana had recovered to its peak, and even the aura between his shots was fainter than that of the time when he was chasing the deer. Stronger in battle!

Before Mu Feng could get up, Chi You had already stepped on his chest.A strong turbid air gushed down directly, sealing the meridians of his whole body.

"Hmph! Do you still want to struggle? With your meager magic power?" Chi You looked at Mu Feng with mocking eyes.

"I'm going to kill you!" Mu Feng couldn't mobilize his mana anymore, but he still managed to get up, and kept hitting Chi You's boots with his fists.

"Reptile!" Chi You said with a sneer, "Kill me? I'll let you get rid of this idea completely!" After speaking, he slapped down Mu Feng's dantian directly.

Mu Feng only felt that the sea of ​​Qi in his dantian was completely shattered, and a mouthful of blood spewed out again. He could no longer mobilize any strength, and collapsed on the ground.

Chi You said: "Why don't you struggle anymore? Be careful, the next step, I will cut off the meridians of your whole body." With a wave of the sword finger in his hand, he touched Mu Feng's whole body, causing strong turbid air to blow his body. All meridians are cut off.

Mu Feng felt a stinging pain like a burning fire coming from his limbs and bones, and the crippling of the sea of ​​​​qi only made him lose a trace of mana.But the rupture of the meridians made him lose even a little strength to move.

Mu Feng closed his eyes and said: "Kill me!" Now he is not even as good as a mortal.Coupled with Jiang Xiaoyue's death, he no longer has the will to survive.

Chi You sneered and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I want you to live like a disabled person. Watch me destroy the whole world with my own hands."

Mu Feng roared angrily: "Chi You! A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!"

Chi You sneered and said, "But I just want to humiliate you! I want to make you lose everything!" After speaking, he put his foot directly on Mu Feng's temple, causing Mu Feng to pass out.

Chi You looked at Mu Feng who was unconscious at his feet, and said with a sneer, "This time, no one in the Three Realms is trying to stop me!" After finishing speaking, don't just walk away.

The heavy rain was still falling, and the muddy water on the ground was already pouring down. The icy cold rain made Mu Feng wake up quickly again.But at this moment, he couldn't even move a finger, and the strength left in his body was at most enough for him to move his eyelids.

"If it goes on like this, I will probably die soon." Mu Feng thought to himself: "It's good to die like this..." A feeling of groggy came again.Mu Feng passed out again.

"Dad, why is there someone lying here?" A truck drove by, and a boy with freckles spotted Mu Feng lying on the ground with sharp eyes.

"What?" A middle-aged driver in his 30s turned to look at Mu Feng: "With such heavy rain, he must have died!" He took out a raincoat from under the seat and put it on, and then When he came to Mu Feng's side, he breathed out and said, "He's still alive, kid, come down and help me quickly! We're going to send him to the hospital."

In a clinic in an urban-rural fringe area, Mu Feng was lying on a somewhat wet and sticky hospital bed.He opened his eyes, all eyes were blank.

A little boy beside him shouted excitedly: "Are you awake?" He observed Mu Feng for a moment, and saw that there seemed to be no change in Mu Feng's expression.Then he shouted to the back: "Doctor Jia, he's awake!"

An old man in a dirty white coat and reading glasses came over, put his hand on Mu Feng's pulse, and said after a while: "It's okay! It's really strange, I thought this person would not survive tonight. But he's healed today. He's in great shape!"

The little boy said with contempt on his face: "Old Jia, have you ever been sure to see a doctor!"

After hearing this, Dr. Jia said slightly angrily: "Little bastard, hurry up and ask your old man to come over and settle the medical bills, don't be silly here again."

"How much is it?" the little boy asked.

Dr. Jia said: "Including the bed fee, the total is 260."

The little boy exploded and said, "There are so many! Why don't you grab it!"

Dr. Jia said confidently: "How much? I gave him the best medicine."

The little boy said: "You have hung up two bottles of glucose before and after, and you have only been lying on your bed for three hours."

Dr. Jia took out the face of the aunt in the vegetable market and said, "Two hundred, no less!"

The little boy said: "One hundred!"

Dr. Jia furiously said: "You brat, how did your father give birth to such a scumbag like you? If there are people like you, can I still do business?"

The little boy pointed at Mu Feng and said, "Look, he doesn't even have an expression. You haven't completely cured him yet. Don't rush to collect the money yet. Treat him until he can walk on the ground. I'll give you three hundred."

(End of this chapter)

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