Agent of Heaven

Chapter 279 Fool

Chapter 279 Fool
After listening to the little boy's words, Dr. Jia went to Mu Feng's window again, opened his eyes and took a light with the lamp: "Hey! Why is there no reaction at all?"

Hearing this, the little boy lay nervously on the head of the bed and said, "Look carefully!"

Doctor Jia held down Mu Feng's pulse, and said after a while, "No, his pulse is beating strongly and he is in good health. But why hasn't he spoken yet?"

The little boy shook his hands in front of Mu Feng's eyes and said, "Not only did he not speak, he even couldn't move his eyes."

Dr. Jia said, "Could it be a vegetable?"

The little boy pondered: "It's really possible."

Dr. Jia said: "Then quickly find a way to take him away, or contact his family. I don't accept vegetative people here!"

The little boy said: "Okay, then the medical expenses will not be paid to you."

Dr. Jia said angrily: "You kid want to renege on your debt?"

The little boy said: "Didn't we agree just now? If you can cure him completely, I will give you money."

Doctor Jia said: "People are dying, how do you ask me to cure them!"

The little boy said: "I don't care, this is your doctor's business."

Dr. Jia pondered for a moment, then took out a pair of gold needles from under the bed and said, "It seems that I can't do without some real skills."

The little boy asked curiously: "Oh, you also know acupuncture? Why didn't I know?"

Doctor Jia said with a smile: "When I was young, I met an expert who taught me half of the "Lingshu Acupuncture". indivual."

The little boy said: "If you really had this ability, you would have been a famous doctor in a big city long ago. Why are you still living in this urban-rural fringe?"

Doctor Jia said, "Because there were six people who came to see me, and I killed three of them."

The little boy quickly grabbed Doctor Jia and said, "You quack doctor, why don't you treat him, what if someone else dies?"

Doctor Jia said: "Don't worry, I'm sure this time, the three who died before were all accidents." After speaking, he took out a gold needle and stabbed at the big acupuncture points all over Mu Feng's body.

Dr. Jia's hands were as fast as lightning, and in just a split second, Mu Feng's whole body was filled with dense golden needles.Even on the temples, two golden needles the size of chopsticks were inserted.

The little boy covered his eyes and said, "Why do I feel that he is really dying now!"

Doctor Jia said: "Don't worry, he won't die, I'm still one step away." After speaking, he picked up a golden needle the size of chopsticks, and inserted it toward the top of Mu Feng's head.

Suddenly, a strong turbid air gushed out from the meridians of Mu Feng's whole body.The golden needles on his body were broken inch by inch, and all flew out backwards, piercing Dr. Jia all over his body.

The little boy hurried forward to help Dr. Jia up and said, "Are you alright?"

Doctor Jia yelled in pain: "How could it be okay? You were stabbed—try it!"

Mu Feng got up suddenly, covered his head, and rolled on the ground in pain.

The little boy hurriedly shouted excitedly: "I'm alive, I'm alive, that man let you cure him!"

There was a layer of turbid air above Mu Feng's head, which was originally used by Chi You to seal his mana.As a result, being stimulated by this crappy doctor with a golden needle, it directly flowed back into Mu Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, making his mind and soul confused.A burst of severe pain that seemed to be tearing invaded his forehead, causing him to fall into an extremely muddled state of mind.

The little boy stepped forward to help Mu Feng and said, "You're fine, what's your name?"

Mu Feng covered his head and said, "Me? What's my name?"

The little boy said: "Yes! My name is Guo Cheng, what's your name?"

Mu Feng said: "I don't know... I don't know who I am..." His eyes have become cloudy now, and he can't see clarity at all.

Guo Chengdao: "Don't worry, think about it first."

Mu Feng calmed down for a moment, then said as usual: "I can't remember... I don't remember anything. Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?"

Guo Chengdao: "You are the three major questions in life, even normal people can't answer them, let alone you are a patient now,
Mu Feng was silent and didn't speak. After a while, he suddenly stood up and said like crazy: "Tiangang 36 changes! I change!"

Doctor Jia: "..."

Guo Cheng: "..."

Mu Feng opened his hands and said excitedly, "I've become a bird! I want to fly!" After speaking, he kept clapping his hands and turning around Guo Cheng.

Doctor Jia said: "I can see that the man you picked up is a fool."

Guo Chengdao: "What should I do?"

Dr. Jia said: "What else can I do? He is cured now, you take him back to me. I will show mercy to the medical expenses, and I don't want you for the time being. Go! Go!"

Guo Cheng and Mu Feng were kicked out by Doctor Jia, and the angry boy stomped his feet and said, "Quack doctor!"

At this time, Mu Feng put his hands on the ground, crawled around on the ground, and shouted: "I have turned into a tiger now! I am a tiger! Are you afraid?"

Guo Cheng curled his lips helplessly and said: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid, can't I do it... There is no other way, can you go home with me first?"

Mu Feng stood up, walked in front of Guo Cheng, then squatted down and said, "I'm an owl now, it's daytime, and I'm going to sleep." After speaking, he closed his eyes and began to sleep!

Guo Cheng felt a burst of headaches, so he had to call his father who was still at work: "Dad, the person we picked up is a fool, what should we do?"

"No! He's really stupid, I'm sure. Then I'll take him home first, um, goodbye!"

After hanging up the phone, Guo Cheng smiled and said to Mu Feng, "Do you change everything?"

Mu Feng laughed and said, "Of course, I can become anything."

Guo Chengdao: "Then can you become me?"

Mu Feng said: "Change!" After speaking, he stood up and tried to imitate Guo Cheng's standing posture.

Guo Cheng turned around and walked towards his home.Mu Feng naturally followed his example and walked all the way.

Mu Feng's current sea of ​​consciousness and soul have been polluted by turbid air, basically there are only two ways to go.Either you will become a bloodthirsty monster, or you will become a fool.Under the utmost restraint, he turned himself into the second type of person.Mu Feng, who used to be all-powerful and powerful in the three realms, has turned into a fool at this time.

Guo Chengjia, this is a typical farm compound, but only father and son live in it.So it looked a bit messy, and Guo Chengzhen was feeding the chickens at this time.Mu Feng looked like a hen, walking around in the yard "clucking".Did he lower his head and peck at the rice on the ground twice?

Guo Cheng looked at Mu Feng, and couldn't help having a headache: "What should I do!"

(End of this chapter)

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