Agent of Heaven

Chapter 280

Chapter 280
Guo Anguo is 40 years old this year. He is a truck driver. He was widowed in his early years and now lives with his son Guo Cheng.In fact, his personality is very calm, but he was still stunned by the scene in front of him.

Mu Feng followed behind his hen, walking like a school chicken, wagging.It was still in the mouth: "Giggle—" kept screaming.

Guo Cheng looked at his father helplessly and said, "Dad, it seems that we have picked up a fool. What should we do?"

After a moment of silence, Guo Guoan said, "Eat first."

Although Guo Guoan was a man, his cooking was pretty good, three dishes and one soup, and nothing was specially added or subtracted because of Mu Feng's arrival.

Guo Cheng picked up a loach and put it into Mu Feng's bowl, saying: "Try it, I caught it from the field in the morning." Children in the countryside are always short of this kind of food.

When Mu Feng heard this, he opened his mouth and ate a whole loach without using his hands.

Guo Guoan was silent at first, then said: "Isn't that how chickens eat?"

Mu Feng: "Meow!"

Guo Cheng: "Come on, I've become a cat again now."

Guo Guoan said: "Then what will he become when he sleeps at night?"

Guo Chengdao: "Who knows, it won't turn into a bat and hang upside down on the beam."

Guo Guoan looked up at the cement roof and said with a smile, "There are no beams in our house now."

Guo Cheng suddenly said seriously: "Dad, have you thought about how to deal with this person?" He didn't want to drive Mu Feng away, but he had to face the reality, because he knew that the conditions in his family were not very affluent .

Guo Guoan said with a relaxed smile, "He has hands and feet, so he won't starve to death."

Guo Chengdao: "What do you expect a fool to do?"

Guo Guoan said: "The place where we deliver goods is short of porters..."

Guo Chengdao: "What if he is halfway carrying things and suddenly feels that he is about to turn into a bird and opens his hands to fly?"

Guo Guoan: "...Let's take a step and take a look. This young man sounds pitiful. I'll take him to the city tomorrow to inquire and see if I can find his relatives or something."

Guo Cheng nodded and said: "Then I will go together."

In the early morning of the next day, the three of them boarded Guo Guoan's truck after having breakfast.Driving towards downtown Jiangzhou, Mu Feng looked much more normal today than yesterday, and he didn't imagine that he was a certain kind of animal.It just sat there quietly and didn't speak.Finally, Guo Chengxian couldn't bear it any longer, he asked Mu Feng: "Why don't you use Tiangang 36 to change today?"

Mu Feng pursed his lips and replied, "Woooo, I've run out of mana!"

Guo Guoan and his son: "..."

In fact, the urban-rural fringe where they live is not too far from the urban area of ​​Jiangzhou, and it takes only an hour and a half to drive there.After turning a few busy streets, the two stopped together at the entrance of a huge home appliance factory.

Guo Guoan rolled down the car window and handed the security guard a cigarette: "Old Wang, is the factory still hiring porters today?"

The old security guard lit a cigarette and said, "Zhao, why, do you want to introduce someone?"

Guo Guoan pointed to Mu Feng on the seat and said, "This is my relative. He just came to join me from the countryside. Let me find a job for you."

The old security guard Wang said: "It looks quite strong, you go and talk to Supervisor Niu."

The truck drove into the home factory, which seemed to specialize in the manufacture of TVs. A dozen [-]-inch LCD TV boxes were carried onto Guo Guoan's truck by several workers in turn.

Guo Guoan pulled Mu Feng out of the car, walked up to a tall and fat middle-aged man and handed cigarettes: "Director Niu, didn't you tell me to hire a porter a few days ago? This is my relative, who came from the countryside Yes, can you take a look?"

Director Niu glanced at Mu Feng sideways: "Who are you, kid? Why do you look a little silly?"

Guo Guoan said: "This is my nephew, it's from me!" After speaking, he whispered: "He had a fever since childhood and burned his brain out, so he is a bit silly."

Director Niu pointed at Mu Feng and shouted: "Why did you bring a fool to work for me? No! This is absolutely not possible!"

Mu Feng saw Director Niu pointing at him, and didn't know what he was talking about, so he just snorted coldly at him: "Stupid mortal~"

Guo Guoan pulled Supervisor Niu, who was about to explode, aside and smiled, "Don't look at him as a fool, but a fool has great strength! And you can pay him less money for his work."

Director Niu thought for a moment and said, "Then let him be counted as a temporary worker, fifty per day!"

Guo Guoan hurriedly said: "Thank you, then you should take better care of my nephew." In fact, he knew that even a part-time job here costs 100 yuan a day. Director Niu undoubtedly wanted to embezzle Mu Feng by giving him this price. part of the salary.But besides here, where else can Mu Feng, a fool, work?
Guo Cheng saw that his father was basically done, so he pulled Mu Feng over and asked: "Can you move things with them here from now on?"

Mu Feng looked at the busy porters around him, his eyes were blank, obviously he couldn't understand what Guo Cheng meant.

Guo Cheng had to explain again: "You move things for them. They give you money, and then you can eat."

Mu Feng nodded awkwardly.

Guo Chengdao: "You are still staying at my house for the time being, and my dad and I will send you to work every morning."

Mu Feng didn't reply, just looked at Guo Cheng and giggled non-stop.

Guo Guoan came over, pulled Mu Feng and said, "Come on, sign up with me." The two walked into the worker's locker room together, and after a while, Mu Feng came out wearing a blue worker's uniform.He looked down at himself, and kept smirking.

Manager Niu came over and said, "Stop smirking, go, move that TV up!" He pointed to the dozens of TVs built nearby.

Mu Feng glanced at those TVs, walked forward, grabbed one with one hand, and loaded it onto Guo Anguo's truck.

This kind of TV with more than 50 inches, plus the packaging box, is actually quite heavy.Most of the workers carried one of them by two people, so when they saw Mu Feng grabbing two of them casually, they couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

Director Niu whispered to Guo Anguo: "Hey, you really didn't lie to me, this idiot is really stronger than ordinary people!"

Guo Anguo laughed and said, "Yes, yes."

But what happened next shocked everyone.

I saw Mu Feng striding forward and running back and forth, filling Guo Anguo's truck with TVs in less than 10 minutes.And he didn't take a breath, not even a drop of sweat!

Although Mu Feng was sealed by Chi You and destroyed his dantian, he could no longer use mana.However, the elixir refined by Emperor Zhenwu that he had eaten in the past was integrated into his flesh and blood.The strength to subdue dragons and subdue tigers with tens of thousands of catties is still there!
(End of this chapter)

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