Agent of Heaven

Chapter 285 The Enemy Attacks

Chapter 285 The Enemy Attacks
Jiangzhou Ninth Bureau Headquarters.A great monk in a red robe and cassock was sitting cross-legged in front of the gate of Jiuju, with his palms folded and his eyebrows lowered, chanting sutras.Behind him, there is a big hand made of condensed mana, which is constantly hitting the base of the Ninth Bureau.

Dozens of special forces armed with machine guns have already aimed at the old monk at the same time, and several members of the Ninth Bureau in Chinese tunic suits also lined up to encircle him.But still no one stepped forward to do anything to the old monk.

Cheng Liang walked out of the base, but was taken aback when he saw the old monk: "You are the Master Xingchi of the White Horse Temple!"

He was surprised for a reason, because the White Horse Temple is the oldest Buddhist sect in China.It is also a place where eminent monks come forth in large numbers. It is rumored that when Buddhist scriptures were introduced from the Western Regions, they were carried by white horses and settled here, so it is called White Horse Temple.

The monks of Baima Temple have been strictly adhering to the rules and precepts for thousands of years, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue everywhere.The current abbot, Master Xingchi, has helped Jiuju capture demons many times, so he can be said to be a good friend of Jiuju.

But now this friend of Jiuju is demolishing Jiuju's hometown!

Cheng Liang stepped forward and said, "Master Xingchi! Stop!" He waved to the special forces behind him, motioning them to put down their guns.

Xing Chi didn't mean to stop at all, but just glanced at Cheng Liang and said: "Hand over one person, and I'll turn around and leave! Otherwise, after the ninth game, I will be the enemy of Baima Temple!"

Cheng Liang said: "Could it be that someone from the Ninth Bureau offended the eminent monk of the White Horse Temple? The master told me that I will deal with it fairly and will not show favoritism!" He wondered if his brother accidentally offended the monks of the White Horse Temple while performing official duties , this old monk came to Xingshi to question his guilt.

Xing Zhi said: "That's not the case! The old man came here just to take Mu Feng away!"

Cheng Liang said angrily: "What are you talking about! Absolutely impossible!" He didn't know why the old monk took Mu Feng's idea.But in Mu Feng's current state, he absolutely cannot be taken away by others.

Xingzhi lowered his eyebrows and said, "If that's the case, then don't blame the old monk for not remembering the past friendship." After finishing speaking, the big hand formed by the condensed mana behind him grabbed Cheng Liang directly.

However, the big hand missed it, because in the blink of an eye, Cheng Liang had already escaped into the soil.

Xing Chi stretched out his hand to pat the ground, and shouted: "Come out!" This violent shout contained mana, which directly covered the ground in a radius of ten miles, allowing Xing Chi to directly determine Cheng Liang's position!The big hand made of condensed mana directly hit the ground, shaking Cheng Liang out of his body.

Cheng Liang was shaken by the mana, and the ground felt that it was already a mess.Before he could react, he was grabbed by Xing Chi's mana.

A flame ignited in Xiao Yan's palm and said, "Let him go!"

Xing Chi said: "Hand over Mu Feng, and the old monk will naturally let him go. I will definitely come to the door to apologize in person someday."

Cheng Liang looked at Xing Chi and said, "Why? Why are you looking for Mu Feng?"

Xingzhi bowed his head and said: "I received the decree of the World Honored One...don't ask any more questions, lest you cause trouble for yourself."

Xiao Yan fell silent when he heard the words, and the flame in his hand suddenly went out.He knew that the World Honored One in Buddhism generally refers to Shakyamuni Buddha.The old monk said that he came to arrest Mu Feng after receiving the decree from Sakyamuni.In exchange for other practitioners, I'm afraid they may not believe it.After all, there are many cultivators, but few people have heard of those who can become immortals.Therefore, even a large number of cultivators do not believe in the existence of gods and Buddhas.

Xiao Yan believed it was because he was once possessed by the ancient monster Huo Dou, and also used the fairy weapon belonging to Huode Xingjun.At the same time, he also understood Mu Feng's strength better than others.This man is definitely an existence that can confront gods and demons head-on, so it is not surprising that Shakyamuni Buddha wants to find him.

"Let go of Cheng Liang first... For the rest, we can discuss it slowly." Xiao Yan's mind is extremely calm at the moment, and Mu Feng is already crazy now, and he is determined not to hand him over to anyone else.But Cheng Liang couldn't ignore it, he could only find a way to stabilize the old monk's emotions.

Who knows that although Xing Chi is an old monk, his reaction is not slow at all. Instead of letting go of Cheng Liang, he said: "You let Mu Feng out first, and then I will let him go."

Xiao Yan had no choice but to say to the people beside him, "Bring Mr. Mu Feng out."

After a while, Mu Feng with a smirk on his face was led out.

Xing Chi glanced at Mu Feng, nodded and said, "That's right, it's you!" After speaking, he really let go of Cheng Liang.The big hand with condensed mana grabbed towards Mu Feng!

As soon as Cheng Liang was let go, he escaped directly into the soil, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Xing Chi, and his hands smashed towards his temples like lightning.But Xing Chi is a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, Cheng Liang is no match for him.After his fist hit Xingzhi's temple, he was counterattacked by a wave of mana, and blood flew out of his mouth directly.

Naturally, Xiao Yan would not be idle, he threw a huge bursting fireball in his hand, and smashed it towards Xingchi's head.The dozen or so special forces also pressed the trigger on the bearer at the same time.

In fact, a cultivator, even a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, is generally incapable of resisting bullets.Because their physical strength and recovery ability are far superior to ordinary people, but they are still flesh and blood after all.Therefore, they usually use extremely fast reaction force to avoid bullets in the face of bullets, and then kill the gunner.The Ninth Bureau's ability to become a law enforcement department in the entire cultivation world is actually inseparable from the credit of modern technology.However, this Master Xingji is an exception who is not afraid of bullets at all, because what he cultivates is the supernatural power of the "Arhat Golden Body" of Buddhism. Although the hardness of his body is not as strong as Mu Feng's indestructible body of fine steel, it cannot stop the rockets Cannon atomic bombs, but bullets can also resist.

I saw those bullets hit Xing Chi's body one by one, leaving a dent on his skin, and then fell to the ground weakly.His face showed pain, and his mana once again condensed into a big hand, grabbing Mu Feng!
At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the sky: "Old man Xingchi! The ancestor is here, I want Mu Feng!" An old man in a red robe suddenly appeared, raised his hand and shot A bloody light shattered the big hand formed by the condensed magic power of Xingji.

Cheng Liang looked at the red-robed old man, with deep fear in his voice: "You are the Patriarch Shura!"

The person who came was none other than the master of the cultivation world, the ancestor of the generation of demon leader Shura. This old demon is a cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage, and he is brutal!He likes to devour the blood of babies. It is rumored that he was knocked off a cliff by the head teacher of Kunlun 100 years ago. Unexpectedly, not only did he not die, but he appeared here instead!

(End of this chapter)

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