Agent of Heaven

Chapter 286

Chapter 286

Patriarch Shura waved his hands, a cloud of blood slowly floated out and engulfed Mu Feng completely. Before everyone on the field could react, he turned into a stream of light and fled towards the sky.Seeing this, Xingzhi immediately got up, turned into a beam of Buddha's light, and chased after him!

Xiao Yan stepped forward to help Cheng Liang, who was seriously injured, and said, "It seems that we can no longer intervene in this matter with our ability."

Cheng Liang looked at the two figures going away in the sky, and a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes: "I'll find someone who can deal with them..."

Patriarch Shura was flying all the way above the sky, but within a stick of incense, he had already reached above the sea. He turned his head and looked at Xing Chi who was chasing after him, and could not help cursing angrily: "Old bald donkey, what a shame! The haunted soul lingers!" After speaking, he took out a blood-red centipede from his bosom!This centipede has a ferocious face, with two long tentacles with colorful patterns, it looks like a highly poisonous thing.He raised his hand and threw it at the old monk.

The old monk said in his mouth: "Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!" But the movements of his hands were not dissatisfied at all, he just raised his hand and cut the centipede in half!
Patriarch Shura smiled and said, "I'm not going to be a Buddha! After I die, I will return to the sea of ​​blood of Shura and become the disciple of Master Styx sitting down!" Said: "You said that old monk behind is not hypocritical? He told me to put down the butcher knife, and at the same time he killed my centipede!"

Mu Feng ignored Patriarch Shura's words, just looked at the sea water passing by below, and shouted excitedly: "I can fly!"

Ancestor Shura looked at Mu Feng with a complex expression for a moment, then sighed: "You are also a hero for a while, a person who is looked up to by everyone in the cultivation world, how come you have ended up like this now... It's a pity, if it wasn't for the decree of Styx Sect Master, I will definitely let you go!"

At this time, the monk Xingchi in the distance finally caught up, and he took a big Buddhist handprint from the air and hit directly at Patriarch Shura! "Evil barrier, leave this person behind and spare you, otherwise the poor monk will kill demons today!"

The Patriarch Shura was not afraid of the Xingzhi monk at all. After all, he was also a master of magic in the Nascent Soul stage, and his cultivation was no longer below that of Xingzhi.It's just that a cloud of blood appeared all over his body, and blocked the Buddhist big handprint again.

"Xingchi old bald donkey, you chased so close, it seems that you forced me to kill you!" Patriarch Shura stopped, took out a wooden stick with a skull engraved on it from his storage bag, and pointed at Xingchi.

Not to be outdone, Xingchi took out a pure gold tin staff from the storage bag, and put on an offensive posture towards Patriarch Shura: "The benefactor is stubborn, I have no choice but to kill today! May the Buddha forgive the poor "Monk" finished speaking, the tin stick in his hand took the lead, attacking extremely viciously towards Patriarch Shura's lower third.

Ancestor Shura naturally sneered: "What a virtuous and eminent monk, but he is just a despicable villain!" The skeleton wooden stick in his hand swung pitifully, blocking all the old monk's offensives, and there was still a vague prevailed.

This Shura patriarch was originally a disciple of a small cultivator in the human world. Later, because the elders of the sect were killed, the sect gradually declined, and the mountain gate almost fell.When he was practicing outside, he obtained a few chapters of the Asura Clan's exercises floating out of the sea of ​​blood. Since then, he has worked hard as an Asura, and after several life-and-death struggles, he has achieved his current status.So his tricks and combat experience are actually far superior to those of the so-called hermits and eminent monks!

Xing Chi saw this old devil is undoubtedly far ahead of himself, knowing that he will be able to fight against him for a while will not be able to take advantage of it!Then he said again: "Almsgiver, the poor monk will give you another chance. Now you hand over Mu Feng to me, and all the grievances and grievances between us will be wiped out. And how about my White Horse Temple owes you a favor from now on?"

The Patriarch Shura laughed strangely and said, "Unfortunately, our master also wants this person! No matter what, I can't hand him over to you! If you force me again, I will kill him!" After finishing speaking , he stretched out his hand and pressed it on Mu Feng's neck, the strong mana in his hand condensed

The dagger hit Mu Feng's neck.

The old monk didn't dare to make any further moves immediately, but raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes: "You have some sense of restraint, don't hurt this nobleman!"

Patriarch Shura said: "Get out of here, and don't appear in front of me again, hurry up, now, or I will kill this person with one knife! You will get nothing!"

The old monk Xingchi nodded and said: "Let me think about it..." Who knew that he had just spoken just now, and suddenly he shot violently, and a big Buddhist handprint smashed down on the head of Patriarch Shura.

But that Shura Patriarch was naturally not a vegetarian, his body was shrouded in red clouds, and finally turned into a ferocious red ghost head, bumping towards the big handprint.

The big handprint disappeared in the air, and the ugly ghost head also turned into a messy red cloud.It was just a fight, and the two Nascent Soul masters turned back two times.

The mere Nascent Soul stage monks were at the peak of Mu Feng's cultivation. In his eyes, these so-called Nascent Soul stage monks were nothing more than ants.But now when Mu Feng fell, he was like an animal, being robbed by these two mere Nascent Soul stage monks.

Just when the two monks were fighting to the death, there was an angry shout in the sky: "He Fangxiao is young! How dare you even hold my brother hostage!" A big man in yellow robe suddenly appeared in the sky , glanced coldly at the "Great Master" of the Nascent Soul stage below

Ancestor Shura saw that the visitor was not kind, and his whole body exuded an aura of looking down on all sentient beings, so he knew that he would definitely not be this person's opponent.Immediately, Mu Feng ran towards the bald donkey, and turned into a stream of light and fled away!

Kui Mulang looked at the receding figure and sneered: "Do you think you can run away?" After speaking, the yellow sleeves gradually stretched, and directly took in the ancestor Shura who was in the distance.

The gap between Patriarch Shura and a genuine immortal like Kui Mulang is obviously still a lot. It is just a photo, and there is no chance of resistance, so Kui Mulang directly took it down.

Kui Mulang looked at Mu Feng who was rescued by him, and said with a dry smile: "Mu Feng, follow me to Wuzhuang Temple..."

Mu Feng looked at Kui Mulang and said with a smirk, "What a big husky!"

Kui Mulang clutched his forehead and said, "I'm not a husky, I'm Kui Mulang!" After speaking, he extended his robe, covering the monk Xingchi who was about to escape.

"This monk is not a good person. He was ordered by Sakyamuni to come and sacrifice you before the Buddha!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Do you want to play hide and seek with me!"

Kui Mulang looked at Mu Feng with pity suddenly: "What happened to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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