Agent of Heaven

Chapter 288 Kasyapa Attacks

Chapter 288 Kasyapa Attacks
Ananda saw the starlight spewing out of Kuimu wolf's mouth, and knew that the former star king of the heaven had tried his best, and he must deal with it with twelve points of energy, otherwise this time, the Yuanshen would be killed. Was left in the human world!He put a song on his chest, twiddled his fingers, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth!
In an instant, the Buddha's light was dazzling and radiating far and wide!Sanskrit sounds suddenly sounded everywhere, and golden pineapple flowers bloomed all over the surface of the sea!Seeing this, Kui Mulang said in shock: "Nianhua smiled! It seems that you are really Duobao's lover!"

Nianhuayixiao is the Nirvana Buddha Dharma enlightened under the bodhi tree by the Daoist Duobao when he went to the Western Regions to turn the tiger into a treasure. The power is boundless. By.Although Jin Chanzi was also a disciple of Sakyamuni in his previous life, of course Sakyamuni had already figured out that Jin Chanzi was not a thing in the pool, and had always been wary of him, so despite Jin Chanzi's repeated requests, this move was also acceptable. never taught.

Even when Jin Chanzi was punished to be the next Buddhist scripture learner, apart from questioning the Theravada Dharma, it also had a lot to do with the fact that he repeatedly asked for this trick of "smiling with flowers" which made Tathagata displeased.

Soon, the golden pineapple flower covered the entire sea, and was suspended in the air, turning into a circle, trapping Kuimu wolf in it.Naturally, Kui Mulang would not just sit still, he rushed from left to right, spewing starlight from his mouth, trying to crush all these golden pineapple flowers!These pineapple flowers seem to be endless. When one is crushed, two will grow again. After several impacts, Kui Mulang Missile did not get out of the trap, but was trapped even more by these golden pineapple flowers. Strict!

Ananda clasped his hands together and said, "Mr. Kuimu Langxing! You insist on blocking the way of the poor monk, and today the poor monk has no choice but to kill!"

Kui Mulang scolded: "You bald donkeys, even if you kill someone, you have to pretend to be merciful. A certain family looks down on you the most! Come and kill me if you have the ability!"

Ananda said with a smile: "Good!" Gently pinching the flower fingers in his hand, the thick mana was poured into countless golden pineapple flowers, and these golden pineapple flowers flew towards Kuimu wolf one after another, and then burst together!
In just an instant, Kui Mulang was covered in blood, and the huge wolf's body was covered with tiny wounds!But he still bared his fangs and looked at Ananda with hatred on his face.

Ananda sighed: "Forget it! I'll send you to hell!" The golden Buddha power in his hand condensed again, and countless golden pineapple flowers wrapped towards Kuimu wolf!

At this critical moment, there was a sudden shout in the sky: "Dare you, thief!" Yang Jian held a three-pointed two-edged knife, and slashed at Ananda with a powerful knife!
Ananda dodged sideways: "True Monarch Erlang has great powers, and the poor monk thinks he is no match, so I bid farewell!" After speaking, he grabbed Mu Feng with one hand and fled towards the sky.

Erlang Shen wanted to chase after Ananda, but as soon as he moved, thousands of golden pineapple flowers flew towards him, blocking his way.Yang Jian shouted angrily, and the three-pointed and two-edged spear directly smashed all the golden pineapple flowers in the sky into pieces!But it was only this momentary delay, and Ananda had already disappeared without a trace.

Kui Mulang turned back into a human form, stepped forward panting and said, "Yang Jian, I owe you my life."

Yang Jian just smiled and nodded when he heard the words, and then said seriously: "Tathagata has already attracted Mu Feng's attention, we must save him now, without delay. Otherwise, his life will be in danger!" After finishing speaking, he put his finger in his mouth After blowing a whistle, a black shadow flew from the sky, it was Xiaotiangou.

Yang Jian said: "Find Mu Feng for us, as soon as possible!"

Xiaotiangou nodded, his nose twitched a few times, and he led Yang Jian and Kui Mulang to chase in the direction where Ananda disappeared.

In the country of Savatthi, [-] monks sat cross-legged under a huge bodhi tree, bowing their heads and chanting scriptures silently.A comatose person was suspended above the bodhi tree, and this person was undoubtedly Mu Feng!

It is rumored that this Shravasti Kingdom is the place where Shakyamuni Buddha taught the Dharma in the human world in the past. In fact, it is a small world, which exists tightly close to the human world like Longevity Mountain.It's just that the people living in this world are all peerless eminent monks who are only one step away from the Arhat status.A total of [-] people.

Now there is a person who is leading these eminent monks to recite scriptures. From the appearance of this person, he is a Nascent Soul cultivator in the human world, but the person attached to his body is the true direct disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha. Venerable Ananda!At this time, he led the monks to recite scriptures, all he did was catch these scriptures to purify Mu Feng's dragon energy.

In fact, the first time Ananda caught Mu Feng, he seemed to get rid of him immediately, but he had no choice but to be protected by the ancestral dragon energy of the human world. During the battle with Kuimu wolf, the mana was overdrawn too much, and the giant couldn't kill Mu Feng for a while!In desperation, he had no choice but to bring Mu Feng to this small world, hoping to use the power of [-] monks to recite scriptures together to destroy Mu Feng's indestructible body.

But the sky failed, and when the dragon energy on Mu Feng was about to be purified, Yang Jian and Kui Mulang had already chased here together!

"Honor Ananda! Yang Jian has long wanted to learn your master's tricks, why is your master not willing to fight?" Yang Jian dragged a three-pointed double-edged gun and drew bursts of sparks on the ground, and walked in front of Ananda with a murderous look. .

All the twelve hundred monks looked up at Yang Jian, ready to take him down anytime!

But Ananda said to those monks: "Don't panic, continue to recite the scriptures!" Then he said to Yang Jian: "Why did Erlang Zhenjun be an enemy of my Buddhism? You are a disciple of explaining teachings, and this Yinglong is a demon." Family! You always defend him everywhere, so you are not afraid of being criticized among the teachers.

Interpreting teaching is different from cutting teaching. Jiejiao advocates teaching without discrimination, but anyone who has a heart for Taoism, whether it is a bird, beast or vegetation, they are willing to accept it as a disciple.However, the rules for accepting apprentices in the interpretation of teachings are extremely strict. Among the twelve disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun, all of them are human beings except Daoist Huanglong!Moreover, most of the disciples have a disdainful heart for the Yaoxian who cut off the teaching.Ananda's words just now were actually to remind Yang Jian not to forget his position as a teacher.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian snorted coldly: "Mu Feng is the person who is in charge of the list of gods under the order of the patriarch Yuanshi Tianzun. Naturally, I have the responsibility to protect him well. But your Tathagata Buddha is always in trouble for us. Could it be that he wants that side of the glazed world to be here?" Turned into ashes in the middle of a killing."

Kui Mulang held the Mo Dao and pointed at Ah Bian: "You monks like to provoke right and wrong when you can't beat them. Today I will beat you all over the place!"

Ananda sneered, and shouted to the crowd of twelve hundred monks, "Brother Kasyapa, come out too!"

(End of this chapter)

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