Agent of Heaven

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

Kassapa's full name is Mo Ke Kasyapa, who is the great disciple of Sakyamuni Buddha after he became enlightened under the Bodhi tree.With extraordinary talent, he attained the Arhat status after eight days of practicing Buddhahood!Although he is now a venerable Sakyamuni sat down like Ananda, his true strength is no longer inferior to some bodhisattvas.This small world of Sravasti was created by Kasyapa using his supernatural powers when he was still in the human world.

Hearing the words, Yang Jian looked at the group of monks quietly, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect Venerable Kassapa to be here, so come out and let Yang learn about Your Excellency's Buddhist supernatural powers!"

"It's good, Master Yang's murderous intent is too heavy, and his body is already entangled in karma. Why don't you follow the poor monk into the glass world and worship my Buddha Tathagata as your teacher. The karma can be resolved by practicing the supreme Dharma, and then you can get great freedom!" An old monk stepped out from the crowd, wearing a red cassock.Apparently, Kassapa was also like Ananda, and the temporary possession method came to the human world.

Yang Jian snorted coldly and said: "My master is the Taoist Master Yuding. He taught me the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu and brought me up. He is kind to me. Even if I am now entangled in killing karma, I will rely on myself If you find a way out in the midst of killing and calamity with your hands, you won't betray your teacher and join his teaching like your Tathagata!"

The Buddha's light flickered in Kasyapa's hand, and a golden Zen staff appeared. He smiled and said: "All family affection and desire explain the illusion, and the grace of master and disciple is also an illusion, which is the source of suffering in the world. Fruit status is at your fingertips! Why be persistent?"

Yang Jian was angry when he heard the words: "You Hinayana Buddhism, abandoning the country and family, having no king and no father! The teachings are mostly empty and world-weary. Besides, I am the true king of Taoism, and I don't want you to have any bodhisattva status! Stop talking too much Let's see what's going on!" After finishing speaking, the three-pointed and two-edged saber in his hand directly drew a semicircle in the air, thinking about Kasyapa's attack with the momentum of thunder.

The Dharma of Hinayana Buddhism mostly contains emptiness and non-judgmental methods.Moreover, those who practice this method are very eloquent. If you argue with him, he only needs to understand what you said to be speechless.However, the speeches are either preposterous or deceptive!That's why many disciples of Taoism can't stand people who practice Hinayana Buddhism.However, Yang Jian is also a talent, and Tathagata really wants to bring him under his command.So this Jiaye bewitched Yang Jian as soon as he met.

Kui Mulang glanced at Kaye, who was fighting with Yang Jian, in disgust, and then came to Ananda with a Mo Dao on his shoulder, and said, "Let's stop talking nonsense, I won't enter your Buddhist gate! Do it directly." !" The Mo Dao in his hand slashed directly at the head, for fear that Venerable Ananda would also preach the Hinayana Buddhism to him.

Ananda clasped his palms together, the Buddha's light faintly appeared behind his head, and once again used the supernatural power of smiling.Golden pineapple flowers sprang up all over the place, thinking of Kui Mulang wrapping up and leaving!

Kui Mulang took a few steps back this time, and said with a sneer, "It won't work if you use the same move twice!" After finishing speaking, he didn't attack, but raised the Mo Dao high above his head, Shouted loudly: "XingXiu help me!"

The Sravasti Kingdom is a small world in Yifang, independent of the human world, so there are actually no such things as the sun, moon and stars in the sky here.There is only one piece of blue sky, and there is no difference between day and night.However, after Kui Mulang roared, a large pattern of stars appeared in the sky, and a few figures condensed in the starlight, which were Lou Jingou and Stomach Pheasant among the 28 constellations. , Pleiades Chicken, Bi Yuewu, Cihuo Monkey, Shenshui Ape!

The 28 constellations are divided into four parts, each with seven people.The six Xingjun who came out this time are the Western Xingjun who served together with Kui Mulang, and they are in charge of killing.Of course, the ones summoned by Kui Mulang at this time will not be their real bodies.Instead, after they felt the call of Kuimu wolf from afar, they used the avatar condensed from thousands of miles away with mana.But even the avatar has extraordinary strength!
Kui Mulang leaped up and reversed back to his body in the air.The seven star kings have gathered together, and the starlight all over the sky has condensed into a huge murderous aura!Soon, the murderous aura condensed into countless arrows, pouring down in the air like a thunderstorm, attacking the countless golden pineapple flowers floating in the air.

Ananda exclaimed, "Not good!" Although he was still pinching his fingers, he couldn't laugh anymore!

The golden pineapple flowers all over the sky were crushed by the arrows one after another, and countless arrows were left to shoot towards Ananda through the surrounding golden pineapple flowers.

"Thief bald! Take your life!" Kui Mulang roared angrily.

Ananda clasped his hands together, and said calmly, "Kui Mulang Xingjun is too happy to be happy!"

Suddenly, another young monk came out from the crowd of [-] bhikkhus. He laughed and said, "Kui Mulang is going crazy! Dingguang Huanxi Buddha is here!"

All the other monks knelt down and recited: "Na Wu Ding Guang rejoices Buddha!"

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha's cassock fell off, and it continued to grow bigger in the air, finally covering the entire sky. Not only did it block all the arrows shooting at Ananda, even the incarnations of the six star kings in the sky were covered by the Buddha's light in the air. shrouded, and eventually all turned into nothingness.

Ananda hurried forward and bowed down: "Thank you, Huanxi Buddha, for your help."

Kui Mulang said in surprise: "Even this ruthless, rebellious and immoral person is here! It seems that Sakyamuni is determined to take down Mu Feng!"

To say that this Dingguang Huanxi Buddha really has a lot of background, he was originally one of the beloved disciples of the Jiejiao sage Tongtian leader!

But all saints are extremely strict about accepting disciples.Apart from Jiang Ziya, Yuanshi Tianzun's official disciples are only Twelve Golden Immortals and Shen Gongbao.Xuandu is the only disciple of Lao Tzu.However, the leader of Tongtian religion is open-minded, and he advocates teaching without discrimination.So he often preached the Dharma on Jinao Island, and there were not only immortals, but also monsters and ghosts who came to attend the lectures.So at that time, most of the practitioners had heard the preaching of the Master Tongtian, and there were countless people who joined the sect of Jiejiao.

At the peak of Jiejiao, he even left behind the reputation of "Ten Thousand Immortals Come to Dynasty".Although Master Tongtian has three thousand disciples, most of them are named disciples.Most of them have only heard a little of the Taoism, but have not received the true teaching of the Master Tongtian.Kui Mulang and other 28 constellations are actually registered disciples of Master Tongtian!
But this Dingguang Huanxi Buddha turned out to be an official disciple of Master Tongtian!The Master of Tongtian not only bestowed Taoism on him in Biyou Palace, but also gave him the same peerless magic weapon "Six Soul Banner". This banner can kill people in an instant!

During the Battle of the Conferred Gods in the past, the Sword Formation of Zhu Xian, the leader of Tongtian Cult, was broken, and he used the Six Soul Banner to set up the Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals.I hope to be able to defeat the Chanjiao and the Western Sect, but who knows that this long-eared Dingguang Immortal rebelled, joined the Western Sect, and stole the Six Soul Banner.That's why the battle of Fengshen to stop teaching was completely defeated.

Since then, the long-eared Dingguangxian has become the Dingguang Huanxi Buddha in the West.But all the members of the Jiejiao in the past hated him to the bone!
(End of this chapter)

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