Agent of Heaven

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha naturally heard Kui Mulang's scolding, but he just smiled slightly, not paying attention to Kui Mulang at all.Kui Mulang was just one of the 28 registered disciples of Master Tongtian in the past, and when he saw him, he wanted to be an elder brother, but his elder brother would not listen to him.What's more, I am now a Western Buddha, even if Kui Mulang and other [-] stars stand together, it is not enough for him to see alone.

Seeing that Dingguang Huanxi Buddha ignored him, Kui Mulang was naturally furious, but after staying with Mu Feng and others for a long time, he also learned a lot of flexible ways. Huanxi Buddha attacked, but at the same time, his body turned into a gust of wind, and went towards Mu Feng on the bodhi tree.Now that Dingguang Huanxi Buddha is here, it is probably impossible for him and others to take advantage of it. The best strategy right now is to rescue Mu Feng first.Then go back to Wuzhuang Temple to move the rescuers.

But Dingguang Huanxi Buddha is not a mediocre person. On the contrary, a person like him who can be favored by the Master Tongtian and Taoist Zhunti at the same time belongs to the genius level in terms of mind and practice.He saw through Kui Mulang's plan at a glance, with a smile on his face, and with a flick of his fingers, a ray of Buddha's light gushed out to cast the strong starlight for him.Then he walked under the Bodhi tree like a stroll in the garden.

Kui Mulang wanted to come to the Bodhi tree like a gust of wind, only to find that the Bodhi tree was covered by a powerful enchantment of Buddha's light.Just relying on my own magic power, I couldn't get close for a while!Immediately roaring again and again, the Mo knife in his hand kept waving, slashing at the tenacious bodhi tree!There were ripples on the Bodhi tree, but the enchantment on it showed no sign of damage.

Dingguang rejoiced and said with a smile: "Kui Mulang! You have a destiny with the poor monk, and come to be my mount!" A ray of Nirvana Buddha's light appeared in his hand, and he smashed it directly at Kuimu Lang.

How could Kui Mulang be the opponent of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, who was hit on the head by the light of Nirvana Buddha, and fell directly on the bodhi tree unconscious!

Yang Jian deserves to be the number one God of War in the Heavenly Court. He has already suppressed Venerable Kasyapa severely at this time. As long as it takes another hour or three quarters, he will definitely be able to remove the old monk's head.But he found that Kuimu wolf was injured by Dingguang Huanxi Buddha who suddenly appeared, so he couldn't care less immediately, abandoned Venerable Kasyapa, and turned his head with the three-pointed two-edged knife to take Dingguang Huanxi Buddha's head.

A gold ruyi appeared above Dingguang Huanxi Buddha's head, directly blocking Yang Jian's swift attack: "Zhenjun Erlang actually made a sneak attack, isn't he afraid of falling into the reputation of being the number one God of War in the heaven?" He looked at Yang Jian with a playful look in his eyes.

The celestial eye on Yang Jian's forehead shone with light, and without a word, he directly shrouded Dingguang Huanxi Buddha.Even though Dingguang Huanxi Buddha had a profound cultivation base, he didn't react for a while. He was hit by a trick and was frozen in place for a while.Yang Jian quickly got on the set of Kui Mulang and flew directly into the air, his figure disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

Ananda looked at Yang Jian's back and said, "Buddha, this made Yang Jian escape. Will he go back to Wuzhuang Temple to invite Zhen Yuanzi?"

Dingguang rejoiced and said to the Buddha: "It must be so, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan has great powers, if mine continues to be found by him here, I'm afraid none of them will be able to leave!"

Jiaye said: "The dragon energy on Mu Feng hasn't been purified by our scriptures, I'm afraid we won't be able to kill him for the time being. Are we going to give up this great opportunity?"

Ah Dou: "No matter what, we must not give up. Let's bring Mu Feng back to Daleiyin Temple!"

Dingguang rejoiced and said to the Buddha: "It's just the road between the human world and the Buddhist world..."

Kassapa said: "Bringing these thousand and two hundred bhikkhus to extinction can temporarily open up a road."

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha hesitated and said: "This is the last power we have left in the human world. If it is all consumed here, I am afraid that Brother Tathagata will blame it."

Kassapa said: "Buddha, don't worry, let's go back to Master and make it clear. In order to get rid of Mu Feng, temporarily giving up the power of the human world is definitely a good deal."

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha nodded and said: "In this case, then follow what the two nephews said!" He suddenly stretched his sleeves for a while, and a strong light of Nirvana came out, aiming at the twelve hundred people sitting cross-legged under the bodhi tree. Monks shrouded away.Not only did the monks not resist, but they also showed a calm expression.In just an instant, they were all annihilated, turning into a pool of blood and floating in the air.Ananda and Kasyapa shot at the same time, shooting two beams of Buddha light into the bloody water. After a while, the bloody water boiled and turned into a crimson channel. The other end of the channel was connected to the Western University Leiyin Temple!
Dingguang Huanxi Buddha held up the bodhi tree where Mu Feng was, and threw it directly into the Great Leiyin Temple.At the same time, the bodies of Ananda Kassapa and Dingguang Huanxi Buddha exploded at the same time, and the solemn dharmakayas of three precious figures flew out, and they also headed towards the Great Leiyin Temple!
Longevity Hill, Wuzhuang Temple.Yang Jian supported Kui Mulang, who was covered in injuries, and fell from the air.

Qingfeng and Mingyue greeted him at the same time, supported Yang Jian and asked, "What happened, why did you suffer such a serious injury?"

Yang Jian anxiously said: "Mu Feng was taken away by the people of Daleiyin Temple, hurry up and ask the Great Immortal Zhenyuan to save him!" After speaking, he spit out a mouthful of blood and nearly fell to the ground.Just now, he forcibly controlled Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, whose cultivation level was higher than his, with his heavenly eyes, and he had already suffered serious internal injuries.

Qingfeng took out the healing elixir from his bosom and fed it to Yang Jian and Kui Mulang.Mingyue trotted all the way to the bedroom where Zhen Yuanzi was.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi was lying high on the futon and meditating. He suddenly felt disturbed for a while. He always felt that something ominous would happen. After counting, he felt that the future was in chaos.It should be that someone whose cultivation base is no longer below him disturbed the secrets, and deliberately didn't want him to figure out something.

"Master, it's not good, Junior Brother Mu Feng was taken away by people from Daleiyin Temple!" Mingyue exclaimed and ran in.

Zhen Yuanzi's eyelids twitched, and he stood up: "When did it happen?"

Mingyue faltered and said: "I don't know. Erlang Zhenjun and Kuimu Langxing Lord came back with injuries all over their bodies and told me. I don't know the specifics."

As soon as Zhen Yuanzi flicked his sleeves, his figure disappeared into the bedroom.He is Mu Feng's mentor, although he said the words to drive Mu Feng out of the school not long ago, but that was just watching Mu Feng slump and depressed.The angry words that I said when I was disappointed.He never thought of really driving Mu Feng out of the school.As long as it takes a while, if Mu Feng doesn't come back, he will even go down the mountain to find him.

If Mu Feng made a mistake, Zhen Yuanzi can punish him, but if someone else wants to hurt him, no!
The figure of Zhen Yuanzi appeared in front of Yang Jian: "Tell me, what happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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