Agent of Heaven

Chapter 291 Entering the Spirit Mountain

Chapter 291 Entering the Spirit Mountain

Under Zhen Yuanzi's anxious questioning, Yang Jian revealed all the news he knew.In fact, he didn't know much about why Mu Feng was missed by Da Leiyin Temple.Even he was able to find Mu Feng because he received a distress signal from Kui Mulang.But he still told Zhenyuanzi the location of the small world of Shewei Country.

After hearing the words, Zhen Yuanzi took a deep breath: "The Tathagata is too deceitful! A poor apprentice, he actually moves as he says! He doesn't pay attention to my Wuzhuang Temple!" After finishing speaking, he stepped down The heaven and earth escape method was used, and it disappeared in the Wuzhuang Temple in a blink of an eye.

In the small world of Sravasti, when Zhen Yuanzi came, what he saw was no longer the bodhi tree and the various relics left by the Buddha's lectures.It was the corpses of monks lying on the ground one by one, and the blood-red passage leading to the Great Leiyin Temple in the sky.

"So ruthless! Even my own disciples have the heart to wantonly slaughter! Tathagata, how merciful are your disciples!" Zhen Yuanzi looked at the surroundings angrily and flicked his sleeves, then turned towards Da Lei in the blood-red passage Yinsi flew away.

Daleiyin Temple, the Tathagata sat on the lotus platform, and showed a barbarian smile to Ananda Kasyapa Yu Dingguang Huanxi Buddha who brought Mu Feng: "It's a good fellow!" He took the lead to express to Dingguang Huanxi Buddha gratitude.Regardless of whether he is teaching in Jiejiao or teaching in the West, this Dingguang Huanxi Buddha is his teacher and brother.So the relationship between the two is actually the closest.

Dingguang rejoiced and said to the Buddha: "Brother, you are welcome, but this time we brought Mu Feng back to Daleiyin Temple, and left an entrance in the human world. I am afraid that it will not be long before the Great Immortal Zhenyuan will come to visit you." .”

Ananda snorted coldly, "So what if he comes? This is Daleiyin Temple, even if Zhen Yuanzi is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, if he comes here rashly, he will never come back!"

"You, a junior, dare to say that the poor will come and go!" Zhen Yuanzi descended from the sky, swiped the whisk in his hand, and hit Ananda directly on the face.

Ananda didn't have time to dodge, a blood-red mark quickly appeared on his fair face.Zhen Yuanzi did not use any powerful moves in this move.But the insult to him is very obvious.

Tathagata smiled and said: "Brother Zhenyuan came here, but the poor monk is not far away to welcome him!"

Zhen Yuanzi snorted coldly and said: "Duobao! Don't hide your sword with me here. When I sat down with your two masters to listen to Taoist Hongjun, you were still a rat who had not yet cultivated human form!" The words were very vicious. The two masters were satirizing that Tathagata was originally a disciple of the Jiejiao, but later betrayed the teacher and joined the Western religion.And the mouse is the body of Taoist Duobao in the past.It can be said that few people in the Three Realms know about it. Duobao Rulai's body is a mouse, and he expresses a very low self-esteem about it. Even his direct disciples and juniors don't know that he was originally a demon body.Later, when he left Hangu Pass, he was enlightened by Lao Tzu, and only then did he have the body of a barbarian.It is precisely because of this that he put forward the theory that all living beings are equal.

The statement that all beings are equal sounds plausible and noble.But it simply cannot withstand the careful scrutiny of people of insight.Even human beings are divided into high and low when they are born.Not to mention other species in nature.Some people are born with a good upbringing, get the best education when they grow up, and the jobs they do and the people they come into contact with belong to the upper class of society.And some people are confined to a remote village since they were born, and they may never see the colorful world outside in their entire lives.Every time I go to a more prosperous county, I think it is the best place in the world.

All beings are never equal!Natural selection is the way!The equality of all beings and the emptiness of the four elements advocated by Hinayana Buddhism are nothing but teachings to fool the people at the bottom.Only those at the bottom of society will use this teaching to paralyze themselves and find suitable excuses for their inactivity.

Shakyamuni Buddha looked at Zhen Yuanzi and said, "Brother Zhen Yuan is so angry!"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Hmph! You dare to arrest my apprentice, do you still want me to talk to you calmly? I am not your Hinayana Buddhist follower. I am ignorant and cowardly, and I will blindly choose in the face of everything. Forbearance."

Sakyamuni Buddha said: "The world insults me, slanders me, deceives me, deceives me, hates me, and despises me. I bear him, let him, avoid him, let him, and ignore him. In a few years you Look at him again! My Hinayana teachings make people feel at ease, so don’t slander if you don’t understand.”

Zhen Yuanzi sneered and said: "Hmph! I'm going to hit you now! If you don't fight back, let's see if you can feel at ease!" After speaking, he raised his fly whisk and hit Sakyamuni directly. .

Naturally, Sakyamuni couldn't let him hit this one, otherwise the injury might not be serious, but I'm afraid he would lose face.So he raised his left hand and blocked it in front of him.

The fly whisk collided with Tathagata's palm, making a thunderous sound.The powerful Taoist mana and the Buddha's light constantly intertwined and fought in the air, until the entire Lingshan began to crumble.Tathagata struck out with a palm of his right hand, and slapped Zhenyuan Zi Tianling Gai directly.

Zhen Yuanzi leaned back with his whole body, dodging Tathagata's palm.He sneered and said, "Don't you want to bear with me? Why did you fight back?"

Tathagata said: "When I am also angry, I will also roar like a big lion!" After speaking, Buddha's light emerged from the back of my head, turning into a big hand and grabbing Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi laughed and said, "You are right in whatever you say! The so-called teachings are all bullshit!" There was also a clear light in the back of his head, and the heaven and earth spirit root ginseng fruit tree emerged in it.In an instant, a powerful spiritual energy enveloped the entire Lingshan Mountain!The sky and the earth seem to be filled with vitality that belongs to the earth.

Tathagata frowned and said, "Brother Zhenyuan, do you really want to fight with me for a mere Mu Feng? You have so many disciples, I'm afraid there are not many of them!" After finishing speaking, Buddha's light also appeared in the back of his head , a Buddha with a six-foot-long golden body emerged from the Buddha's light.

Zhen Yuanzi said coldly: "It's useless to talk too much! Talking to a bald donkey like you is tantamount to wasting your tongue!" The branches and leaves of the ginseng fruit tree shook for a while, and a huge force of the earth reverberated over the entire Lingshan Mountain like a tide.

Ananda and Kasyapa, who were standing on the left and right sides of the Tathagata, had suffered some injuries in the human world, but now they couldn't bear the force. They both vomited blood at the same time, and passed out on the spot.

Tathagata chanted: "Good!" In an instant, the six-foot-long golden body behind him emitted ten thousand feet of Buddha light, which directly collided with the power of the earth released by Zhen Yuanzi, and the fight was a dead end!
Dingguang Huanxi Buddha unexpectedly came to Zhen Yuanzi's back at some point, and he raised the gold ruyi in his hand, with a ray of Nirvana Buddha's light on it, and smashed it straight at Zhen Yuanzi: "Senior brother Duobao, poor monk! Come to help you kill this town elder thief!"

(End of this chapter)

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