Agent of Heaven

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

"Overreach!" Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Dingguang Huanxi Buddha contemptuously, the green energy above his head stirred again, and a simple scroll of bamboo slips emerged from it, it was Zhen Yuanzi's accompanying spirit treasure "Book from the Earth"!A majestic khaki-yellow force gushed out of it, and rolled directly towards the Dingguang Huanxi Buddha who was sneaking in.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha was caught off guard, with a smile of a successful sneak attack on his face, he was already involved in that khaki energy, and his whole body was sucked into the underground book!
Seeing this, Tathagata couldn't help but change his expression: "Zhen Yuanzi, let my junior brother go quickly!" This Dingguang Huanxi Buddha is one of the Buddha-level masters who look forward to him.

There are only a handful of masters like Dingguang Huanxi Buddha under his command.In name, Guanyin, Samantabhadra, Manjusri, and Dizang.The Four Great Bodhisattvas are considered to be under his jurisdiction, but now that Earth Store has Nirvana, and he was originally the leader of the Netherworld, he never paid any attention to any decrees of the Tathagata.Manjusri, Puxian and Avalokitesvara were originally the Twelve Golden Immortals who explained teachings. Because they were cut off by the three sisters of Jiejiao Yunxiao in the "Jiuqu Yellow River Array", the three flowers on the top were cut off, and their cultivation base plummeted, so they had no choice but to take refuge in Buddhism. The method of reincarnation and restoration restores the cultivation base.Tathagata was the great disciple of Jiejiao back then, and not only had no friendship with these three Bodhisattvas, but they were also sworn enemies.These three bodhisattvas also treat him positively and negatively because their mana power is not as good as his.Maitreya King Buddha is the direct disciple of Amitabha Buddha, and he was assigned to be the successor of the Tathagata in the colored glaze world.He wished that Tathagata would fall soon, so that he could become the real master of this Lingshan.So the Tathagata must save Dingguang Huanxi Buddha no matter what, and he can't afford to lose a master of this level now!

Zhen Yuanzi said bluntly: "If you let my apprentice go, I will let you go!"

The Tathagata sighed and said, "When will the injustice be repaid..."

"Shut up! Don't use your tongue in front of the poor! If you don't let go, I'll hit you until you let go!" Zhen Yuanzi's beard fluttered with the wind, and a powerful aura erupted from his whole body. Completely ready to shoot.

Tathagata sighed: "Forget it!" After finishing speaking, he sat upright on the lotus platform, and the Buddha's light emerged behind him.The six-foot-long golden body turned into four, and turned into four Ming kings!He had to fight with all his strength today, because he couldn't lose Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, and he didn't want to let Mu Feng go.

The four kings of Ming flew out from the Buddha's light, and surrounded Zhen Yuanzi according to the position of Zhu Xian's sword formation.

Zhen Yuanzi sneered and said, "I'd like to see how good the Immortal Zhuxian Sword Formation used by Saint Tongtian to slay demons and immortals is in your hands!"

The Tathagata said: "It's good." With both hands forming the seal of the Taoist sword formula, the four Ming kings all turned into golden swords, and the sword energy shot up to the sky in an instant, and they attacked Zhen Yuanzi together.

Seeing the monstrous sword energy coming, Zhen Yuanzi really took his time, opened his big sleeves and used the spells in his sleeves!Although the sword energy that filled the sky was surging, it was all contained in his sleeves.After a while, he laughed again and said, "My little Tathagata, I'll give it back to you!" With a wave of his sleeve, the sword energy all over the sky flew back towards Tathagata like a mountain roaring and a tsunami!

Seeing that the Tathagata could not resist it, he immediately flew up and turned into the light of Buddha to escape in the air.The sky-filled sword energy directly hit the lotus platform where he was sitting, smashing it to pieces.

Tathagata said angrily: "Zhen Yuanzi, the poor monk will definitely crush you to ashes! Fellow Taoist help me!" After finishing speaking, a burst of green energy surged out of the Buddha's light above his head, and a Taoist walked out of it.The Taoist attacked Zhen Yuanzi with his sword: "Zhen Yuanzi is going crazy, Daoist Duobao is here to fight you!"

Zhen Yuanzi held the sword with his fly whisk and sneered, "Daoist Duobao, so you still remember your true colors."

Daoist Duobao smiled and said, "I originally stopped teaching a group of people, but later worshiped Sakyamuni in the West! Naturally, I will not forget my true colors! Unlike you old thief, you still don't understand that Buddhism and Taoism have the same origin. Buddha is Tao. !"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "What a Buddha is the way, let the poor Taoist see how capable you are, and dare to say such words, so you are not afraid to mention that the saint will crush you and demote you to nine A secluded place!"

When Zhen Yuanzi said that he would mention this name, no matter it was the Tathagata himself, his incarnation Duobao Taoist, or even the four King Ming who had turned into sharp swords, they all exuded an aura of resentment.Daoist Duobao squeezed the Taoist method with his hands, and struck out a thunderbolt in his palm, and four sharp swords rushed forward at the same time, the thunder and lightning merged with the sharp sword, and slashed at Zhen Yuanzi's head.

Zhen Yuanzi saw that the enemy was approaching fiercely, and knew that he could not resist forcefully, so he took a step back without hesitation, and put the book on his chest, protecting his whole body.The four sharp swords and Lei Yitong hit the book on the ground, but it was like a mud cow entered the sea, and there was no slightest reaction from the book on the ground.

Tathagata said: "The book from the ground is really extraordinary! It is worthy of being a congenital spiritual treasure! I am afraid that the poor monk can't hide his secrets!" He came to Zhen Yuanzi in a flash, and thousands of flowers grew out of his back. With only one arm, each holding a magic weapon, and swung it, like raindrops, it hit Zhen Yuanzi on the head.

The reason why the Buddha of Many Treasures is called Many Treasures is precisely because there are countless magic treasures around him, and all of them are extraordinary.But these magic weapons seem to be not enough in front of Zhen Yuanzi's subterranean papers!After a round of bombardment, the book from the ground was still not damaged at all. The thousands of treasures in the Tathagata's hands inevitably had a dull luster, and several of them were damaged, and it seemed that they could no longer be used.

Zhen Yuanzi calmly said: "Duobao Tathagata, but that's all, if you don't let my apprentice go, I will turn your spiritual mountain upside down!"

There was a fierce light in Tathagata's eyes, and he spread his palms, and saw a bodhi tree in his palms, while Mu Feng sat cross-legged under the tree, with his eyes closed, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. "Your apprentice is now in the Buddha Kingdom in my palm, how dare you come in."

So vicious!Once you enter the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of Tathagata, it may be difficult to get out. Monkey King was tricked into it by him and was suppressed by the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years.Now Tathagata did not directly kill Mu Feng, but put it into the palm Buddha kingdom, the purpose is very clear, that is to make Zhen Yuanzi have to fight with himself in the palm Buddha kingdom.Zhen Yuanzi is a veteran quasi-sage, and he is accompanied by a spirit treasure book to protect his body. Under a fair environment, I am afraid that Tathagata has tried his best, but he is still not Zhen Yuanzi's opponent.

But now, Tathagata is using Yangmou. As long as Zhen Yuanzi wants to save his apprentice, he has no choice but to enter the palm Buddha kingdom and fight an unfair battle with Tathagata!
Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Mu Feng who was on the bodhi tree, without any hesitation, he jumped directly into Tathagata's palm.

Tathagata looked at Zhen Yuanzi in his palm and said with a sneer: "All the emotions and desires in the world are the root of people's failure. Only the four things like me can be invincible! Zhen Yuanzi always has the ability to reach the sky, and now he is not invincible." into my hands."

Duobao said humanely: "What I said is very true, I will go to the palm of the Buddha kingdom and take down the head of Zhenyuanzi." After speaking, it also turned into a stream of light and entered the palm of the Buddha kingdom, and the four Ming kings naturally He also changed back to his original body and followed Daoist Duobao!

(End of this chapter)

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