Agent of Heaven

Chapter 293 All Buddhas Gather

Chapter 293 All Buddhas Gather
Zhen Yuanzi came to the Buddhist kingdom in his palm, stood on top of the bodhi tree, looked down at Mu Feng and said, "You evil disciple, let me be a teacher so worry! Wake up quickly!" The light flew out from his fingers and escaped into Mu Feng's celestial spirit cover.

In Mu Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, which was originally disturbed by the turbid energy injected by Chi You, even his soul was unstable, so he naturally presented a foolish form in front of ordinary people.Now Zhen Yuanzi poured in a wave of magic power to expel all the black energy, and immediately regained his senses and sat up. Seeing Zhen Yuanzi in front of him, he quickly bowed down and cried, "This disciple is not filial, let the master down!"

Zhen Yuanzi sighed: "There are things wrong with being a teacher. There are some things you don't want to do, but I won't force you."

Mu Feng wept and said: "This disciple is in a daze. Being captured by the enemy, he actually involved Master in danger and came to save me. How can this disciple feel at ease?"

Although Mu Feng's soul was suppressed by Chi You's turbid energy and could not come out to control his body, he could vaguely see what was happening outside.Mu Feng was deeply moved by Yang Jian and Kui Mulang's sacrifice to save each other, as well as Zhen Yuanzi's kindness to hit Lingshan directly.Zhen Yuanzi is Mu Feng's mentor, who not only passed on his skills, but also took care of him meticulously.As long as Mu Feng encounters troubles that cannot be solved, Zhen Yuanzi will always show up in time.

Now that Mu Feng was introspecting, he suddenly thought that he had never repaid Zhen Yuanzi at all, and even ignored Zhen Yuanzi's good intentions when he was depressed.He even threw the responsibility of conferring the gods and crossing the murder to his master.The more he thought about it, the more ashamed he became. Looking at Zhen Yuanzi standing in front of him, Mu Feng finally couldn't help but burst into tears.

Zhen Yuanzi touched the top of Mu Feng's head and said: "Mu Feng, you are the most proud disciple of my teacher, and you have always been!" He only said this, and then turned to look outside the bodhi tree.

Because the figures of the five realms are standing outside the bodhi tree, the leader is Taoist Duobao, and behind him are four Ming kings!

Zhen Yuanzi said to Mu Feng: "Your meridian and dantian have been abolished by Chi You, I will find a way to heal you when I go back as a teacher, you should retreat to the back first."

Taoist Duobao sneered and said, "You still have time to take care of your apprentice, but you don't know that even you will be buried here today!" He attacked Mu Feng with his sword.

This Daoist Duobao is really a despicable villain. He knew that he was not Zhen Yuanzi's opponent, so he directly thought of Mu Feng's attack, and wanted to make Zhen Yuanzi throw a mouse.

Zhen Yuanzi could only curse "Shameless" inwardly, and then blocked Taoist Duobao's attack with his whisk.

Naturally, the four Ming kings over there would not be idle, they once again put on the posture of Zhu Xian's sword formation, turned into four sharp swords, rolled up a fierce sword energy, and attacked Mu Feng.

This sword is densely packed, like a thunderstorm all over the sky, making it impossible for people to defend against it!Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi had no choice but to sacrifice the earth scriptures to cover Mu Feng's body.

Daoist Duobao showed a scheming smile when he saw this, and Zhen Yuanzi used the book from the ground to protect Mu Feng, so that he completely lost the most dreaded self-defense weapon!He directly reversed his attack and began to think about Zhen Yuanzi's attack.

Zhen Yuanzi snorted coldly and said, "Did you think that poor Taoists can't deal with you without the book from the ground?" The green energy above his head stirred, and the fruit tree of life emerged again, and a huge force of nature surged out, directly killing all of you. Taoist Bao was suppressed.

Tathagata was outside at the moment, watching the battle in his palm with all his attention. Seeing this, he knew that even if Zhen Yuanzi couldn't use the book of the ground for the time being, he might not be able to take it down.Then he told Ananda beside him, "Go and invite the four great Bodhisattvas, the eight hundred arhats, and Maitreya King Buddha. I want to set up the 'Ten Thousand Buddha Formation' and kill Zhen Yuanzi." His expression changed. firmed up.Since Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva passed away, the four great Bodhisattvas in Lingshan have been replaced by the original Mahasthama Bodhisattva.

However, this Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta is a disciple of Zhunti Sage, and he has never taken the Tathagata, a person who stopped teaching and took refuge here, in his eyes.Therefore, the four great bodhisattvas are still not in the same mind as the Tathagata. If the Tathagata wants to invite the four great bodhisattvas and Maitreya King Buddha to help him now, I am afraid that he will have to pay a lot of money!Even the power above Lingshan, he needs to give up more.But he couldn't think about that much anymore, he lowered his head and glanced at the book floating above Mu Feng's head, as long as he could get this innate spiritual treasure, he would be willing to pay no matter how much it cost!
A moment later, countless Buddha lights flew in from the Lingshan Mountain.The first to come were the eight hundred arhats and the three thousand mortals. These were the registered disciples of the Tathagata after he had enlightened himself under the bodhi tree.

After a while, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva who replaced Ksitigarbha also fell from the sky, bowed to the Tathagata, and said, "I have seen the World Honored One."

Tathagata said: "There is no need to be polite"

After coming for a long time, Maitreya King Buddha, surrounded by a kind of arhat and monks, came to Lingshan on a lotus jade dragon chariot.He smiled slightly at Tathagata and said, "I've met senior brother." After finishing speaking, without waiting for Tathagata to speak, he stood up directly, walked aside and sat down. ,

Tathagata snorted coldly, this Maitreya has become more and more unscrupulous!

Guanyin Bodhisattva said, "I don't know why the World Honored One called us here?"

Tathagata said: "Do you still remember the reincarnation of Yinglong who hit the Lingshan Mountain with Monkey King in the past!"

Puxian said: "But remember, just because they also destroyed my clone who stayed on Lingshan to listen to the World Honored One. It's really crazy."

Tathagata stretched out his palm and said, "Look here."

All the bodhisattvas looked down and saw that Mu Feng and Zhen Yuanzi were trapped in the Buddha Kingdom in the palm at this time, while the incarnation of Tathagata Daoist Duobao and the Four Ming Kings were besieging Zhen Yuanzi and Mu Feng.

Manjusri was startled and said, "World Honored One, why did you even trap Zhen Yuanzi! He is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, and he cannot afford to offend him!"

Tathagata said: "I invite all of you to come here because I want all of you to help me set up the formation of ten thousand Buddhas and kill Zhen Yuanzi completely!"

The four great bodhisattvas looked at each other in blank dismay after hearing the words, this Zhen Yuanzi was highly ranked among the three realms, even a sage would be worthy of his peers when they saw it.It was a task that had existed since the beginning of the world, and this Tathagata asked himself to come and kill this person!It's really incredible.

King Buddha Maitreya indeed squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Senior brother, it's not impossible." He is a sensible person, and he has the teacher to mention saints as his backing, so he is naturally much more courageous than the four great bodhisattvas.

Tathagata said in his heart: It seems that it is time for us to discuss conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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