Agent of Heaven

Chapter 294

Chapter 294
Xitian, Daleiyin Temple, Maitreya King Buddha, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, four great Bodhisattvas, eight hundred arhats, and three thousand mortals.All gathered in the Tathagata and sat down.

Maitreya Zunwang Buddha said: "If we want to get rid of Zhenyuanzi, we may use the Ten Thousand Buddha Formation. But... Brother, have you considered Nuwa Empress? She is the mother of the earth, and Zhenyuanzi has a deep relationship with him. Even Ying Long, who was trapped in the formation by you, belongs to Empress Nuwa!"

Tathagata lowered his brows and said: "Everyone is helping me today. If Empress Nuwa blames me in the future, I will bear it alone."

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha hesitated and said: "Brother, think twice... Although Empress Nuwa has always been kind, but..." What he wanted to say was Empress Nuwa was always kind, but in fact she had a strong desire for revenge.At that time, King Zhou of Shang Dynasty was confused by the fox demon Daji sent by Nuwa because he left poems on the wall to tease him during the sacrifice, ruining the 600-year foundation of Shang Tang.

Tathagata said: "I have my own concerns about this matter, you can just help me get the book from the ground today. You can get the other magic weapons in Zhen Yuanzi's body by yourself."

King Buddha Maitreya nodded and said with a smile, "Excellent!"

The four great bodhisattvas looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Excellent!"

The eight hundred arhats and the three thousand mortals said together: "Excellent!"

Tathagata stretched out his palm, and all the Buddhas gathered in Daleiyin Temple turned into Buddha light and flew into the Buddha Kingdom in his palm.

On the bodhi tree, Zhen Yuanzi fought fiercely with Daoist Duobao and the Four Ming Kings. He really deserves to be the ancestor of the earth immortals. Defeat the opponent steadily.

At this moment, the light of the Buddha shone in the sky, and all the Buddhas flew out, standing on the lotus platform one by one, overlooking the bodhi tree.

Zhen Yuanzi's body shook, and a huge mana spread out, repelling the Four Ming Kings and Daoist Duobao, looking coldly at the Buddhas in the sky

Taoist Duobao smiled and said, "Zhen Yuanzi, my deity has already invited all the Buddhas and set up a formation of ten thousand Buddhas. It is still too late for you to surrender with courtesy. As long as you hand over the book from the ground, we can still leave one for you in the Western Paradise." Buddha status. In addition, if you can persuade your apprentice to convert, hand over the list of gods and the whip, we will do our best to restore the power of the Buddhas of Daleiyin Temple. At that time, we will also give him a Bodhisattva fruit bit."

Zhen Yuanzi said angrily: "Don't even think about it! I've heard for a long time that the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation in the Western Heaven is infinitely powerful, and it is no longer under the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals in the past. Today, the poor Taoist is here to break the formation!"

King Buddha Maitreya smiled and said, "Brother Zhenyuanzi! Why are you bothering..."

"Shut up! You Amitabha who hides a knife in your smile!" Zhen Yuanzi swung his whisk and hit Maitreya directly on the face.

Maitreya King Buddha still didn't put away his smiling face, but said indifferently: "Finished formation!"

All the Buddhas in the Western Heaven clasped their hands together, and the sound of chanting sutras sounded.After a while, no one could be seen in the surrounding area, only the golden scriptures floating in the sky!
"Haha! It's just a trick to confuse people's hearts! How can it compare to the orthodox method of my Taoism!" Zhen Yuanzi jumped into the piece of scriptures without the slightest sign of fear.The ginseng fruit tree above the head kept trembling, and finally uprooted, turning into yellow clouds all over the sky, spreading out.

This yellow cloud is extremely thick, and its defense is extremely strong, and those scriptures hit it without any waves.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi was within the Buddhist kingdom in the palm of Tathagata, and he couldn't use his full strength for a while, because he couldn't touch the real earth outside.The ability of the ancestor of the earth immortal will inevitably be reduced a bit.Now the "Book from the Ground" hangs above Mu Feng's head again, protecting Mu Feng who has lost all his skills.He directly wasted one of his most powerful magic weapons.

If not, even if Tathagata set up the Ten Thousand Buddha Formation, as long as Zhen Yuanzi had the book on his body, he still wouldn't dare to provoke Zhen Yuanzi.

such a pity……

Mu Feng watched Zhen Yuanzi fighting against the Ten Thousand Buddha Formation outside. Although the incarnation of ginseng fruit trees could still provide strong support for Zhen Yuanzi, but Taoist Duobao was too shameless, and would come out with the Four Great Ming Kings every now and then. Sneak attack.After about half an hour, Zhen Yuanzi's whole body was already covered with large and small wounds.The Taoist crown was also cut off by Taoist Duobao with a sword, and his white hair fell loose!
"Master! Disciple is not filial! Disciple is not filial!" Mu Feng looked outside with red eyes, and roared: "Master, leave me alone, take the book and leave quickly! Let's go! Leave me alone, please !"

Zhen Yuanzi, who resisted ten thousand Buddhas with difficulty, said with a smile: "You are my apprentice, I don't care about you, who else cares about you!"

Mu Feng said: "Master, you have already driven me out of the gate! Please, please don't save me again!"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "You will always be my disciple. A teacher for one day and a father for the rest of your life, and I will always be your master!"

Mu Feng knelt on the ground and roared at the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation in the distance: "I beg you, let my master go!"

The voice of King Buddha Maitreya came from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation: "Are you sure? Okay, then you call out the list of gods and the whip!"

Both the Conferred God List and the Divine Whip have been taken away by Zhen Yuanzi!Mu Feng was naturally anxious when he heard the words, but he quickly reacted and said loudly: "You let my master go! I will stay, and I will give you the list of gods and the whip!"

Daoist Duobao was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Is that true?"

Mu Feng said: "Of course it is true! I will never deceive you."

Zhen Yuanzi sighed: "Oh! Mu Feng, I will never give up on you as a teacher! You are a good boy!" After finishing speaking, he bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood!

The blood essence was covered with a layer of vitality containing Zhen Yuanzi's 1000-year-old skill, and it hit the scriptures above the sky, directly pretending to be a hole!

"This old Taoist wants to escape! Everyone, don't let him escape!" Daoist Duobao said loudly.

Afterwards, the hole in the sky began to slowly heal.

Zhen Yuanzi jumped to Mu Feng's side, picked him up and said, "Let's go! Don't disappoint the master's painstaking efforts!" With a throw of mana, Mu Feng jumped out of the small hole above the sky. fly out.

Mu Feng roared: "No! Master! No!"

But it didn't help at all. Zhen Yuanzi looked at Mu Feng with a sad smile: "My good boy, Master will help you in the future, and everything can only depend on you. I believe you will take up those responsibilities and become the most important person in the world." A true god of war."

Maitreya King Buddha said: "Brother Dao, why bother? My brother Tathagata is still outside, even if you send him out, he will not escape!"

Zhen Yuanzi sneered and said, "Do you really think that I didn't leave anything behind?"

(End of this chapter)

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