Agent of Heaven

Chapter 295

Chapter 295
King Buddha Maitreya was not angry when he heard the words, he still smiled and said: "Why don't you hand over the ginseng fruit tree to us. How about we let you go back with your disciples?"

The blue clouds above Zhen Yuanzi's head were turning, and the ginseng fruit trees were shining brightly on it.He said coldly: "If you want it, you can get it by yourself!" After finishing speaking, he jumped up and sat on the ginseng fruit tree, pinching his hands constantly to make a decision.

Seeing this, Daoist Duobao anxiously said: "No, Zhen Yuanzi is crazy, he wants to blow up the ginseng fruit tree!"

King Buddha Maitreya and the four great bodhisattvas backed away in fright. Manjusri said, "Great Immortal Zhenyuan, you are crazy. Ginseng fruit trees are the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and if they are destroyed at will, they will be punished by heaven!"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "If you want ginseng fruit trees, then come up! Poor Dao would rather not bend!" In the end, his whole complexion turned purple.With a loud bang, the entire ginseng fruit tree burst open.A huge source of heaven and earth spread out, turned into flying leaves all over the sky, and slashed at the Buddhas!

King Buddha Maitreya said angrily: "Don't mess up, Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation! Ten Thousand Buddhas are in court!" After speaking, he slapped his forehead and spit out the original qi that had been cultivated for 3000 years.

Hearing the words, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha also spit out a mouthful of original qi that contains 3000 years of cultivation.

Each of the four great bodhisattvas spit out a mouthful of original qi containing 2000 years of cultivation.

The eight hundred arhats all spit out the original qi that contained their 1000-year cultivation base.

The cultivation bases of the three thousand mortals are superficial, but they each dedicated 500 years of cultivation bases.

Under the traction of the Ten Thousand Buddha Formation, these true qis were continuously fused in the air, and finally merged into one mass, transformed into a huge "卍" character, which exploded towards the ginseng fruit tree and covered the sky with leaves.

On the one hand, the light of Buddha shines, on the other hand, the spirit of the earth surges.The result of the two forces colliding together is that the Buddha Kingdom in the palm is directly destroyed.

Sitting cross-legged in the Daleiyin Temple, Tathagata was watching the battle of Zhen Yuanzi and others in Zhangzhong.When he saw Mu Feng escape from the gap, he just sneered, thinking that the book is so easy and he will get it!But then, Zhen Yuanzi blew himself up on the ginseng fruit tree.This caused the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of Tathagata's painstaking practice for many years to burst, and his left hand even turned into a blood mist!
Maitreya King Buddha and others also escaped from the Buddha Kingdom in their palms and ascended to heaven, so it is inevitable that they will be disgraced.Guanyin rolled up her messy hair and asked Tathagata, "World Honored One, can you catch Mu Feng?"

Tathagata said: "He has not been captured yet, but he has fled outside Leiyin Temple. I was seriously injured by the self-explosion of the ginseng fruit tree, and now I can't move!"

King Buddha Maitreya sneered, looked at Tathagata and said, "Brother, your three thousand mortals and eight hundred arhats failed to escape from the self-explosion of the ginseng fruit tree, unfortunately they died."

The Tathagata spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard the words. Although the eight hundred arhats and the three thousand people from the world of mortals are not too high in cultivation, they are all loyal to the Tathagata, and they are truly their own power in the hands of the Tathagata.But now it has turned into ashes in a flash, so how dare he not be sad!
Seeing this, the four great bodhisattvas said: "Let's catch Mu Feng!" They turned into Buddha's light and flew to the outside of Da Leiyin Temple together!
Three thousand mortals and eight hundred arhats were all killed, but the four great bodhisattvas and Maitreya King Buddha were all unscathed.This made Rulai have to suspect that they had done something wrong.Then he turned his eyes to Dingguang Huanxi Buddha who escaped together.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha smiled wryly and said: "Three thousand mortals and eight hundred arhats all died together with Zhen Yuanzi! Brother, you have been seriously injured right now, and you are no longer suitable to be in charge of the Great Leiyin Temple. Why don't you come back to the heaven of lust and cultivate with me. Let this Lingshan be in charge of King Buddha Maitreya!" He expressed his meaning very clearly, now that his brothers and sisters have lost their power, and if they forcefully stay in Daleiyin Temple again, they may be punished by King Buddha Maitreya and him. The poisonous hands of the four great bodhisattvas.

Seeing this, the Tathagata sighed and said, "Everything is caused by greed, that's all, that's all! Maitreya King Buddha, the Lingshan is temporarily handed over to you, and I will go to the Lust Heaven with Dingguang Huanxi Buddha to cultivate!"

King Buddha Maitreya showed a triumphant smile: "Respectfully send senior brother off!"

Tathagata was seriously injured, and now he can't move at all, he can only wink at Dingguang Huanxi Buddha.Dingguang Huanxi Buddha rolled up Shakyamuni, turned into a beam of Buddha's light and flew towards the sky of coloring desire.

Maitreya King Buddha couldn't stop laughing, and sat on the seat that originally belonged to the Tathagata, with the Buddha's light shining behind him, and the precious appearance was solemn!
The Four Great Bodhisattvas came in immediately, and Mu Feng was covered by the Earth Book. The Four Great Bodhisattvas had to use their magic power to wrap the Earth Book together and enter the Leiyin Temple.

King Buddha Maitreya looked at Mu Feng and said, "I will give you one last chance. You are willing to convert! As long as you convert and hand over the list of gods and the whip, I will make you the Buddha of An Shizun! Enjoy hundreds of millions of years of peace ! Don’t fall into reincarnation, don’t touch karma!”

Mu Feng looked at Maitreya King Buddha coldly: "Either kill me, or I will crush you to ashes someday!"

King Buddha Maitreya smiled and said: "In this case, I will never let you stay!" He said to the four great bodhisattvas: "Now Zhen Yuanzi is dead, and the scriptures on his body are no longer supported by a steady stream of magic power. If you attack with all your strength, you will definitely be able to break it!

The four great bodhisattvas nodded after hearing the words, and together they mobilized their mana and were about to attack Mu Feng.At this moment, a clear female voice suddenly came from above the sky: "You guys, stop now!"

King Buddha Maitreya looked up at the person who came, and said with a sneer, "Who are you to meddle in our business!"

Guanyin looked at it for a moment and said, "It's just a cuckoo spirit who has practiced for thousands of years."

The woman held up a red scroll and said: "Presumptuousness, this is what Nuwa Empress' law aims for!"

King Buddha Maitreya and the Four Great Bodhisattvas were shocked when they heard the words, and thought: The other party's backer is here!No wonder that Tathagata ran so fast just now.It turned out that there was a rivalry coming.

The cuckoo demon unfolded the scroll and said: "Nuwa Empress said: You, the Buddhas, have committed crimes and killed you; you have hurt the spirit of the earth, and you should be punished severely. If you think about you, you will be the master and disciple, and it is inconvenient for me to take action directly. You can do it yourself." Go find Zhunti and claim the crime!"

After King Buddha Maitreya heard the last word, the cold sweat on his forehead gradually subsided, and he kowtowed: "Thank you, Empress Nuwa, for your kindness."

Du Juan looked at Mu Feng again and said, "Follow me." After speaking, with a touch of his hand, Mu Feng floated up to the clouds along with the book on the ground. "Follow me to see Empress Nuwa, but you must not lose your etiquette."

Mu Feng didn't say a word, just drifted towards the nine heavens together with the cuckoo demon.After a while, it flew to the front of Wa Palace.

When Mu Feng saw the Wa Palace, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, knelt down in front of the palace gate, and burst into tears!

(End of this chapter)

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