Agent of Heaven

Chapter 296 Inheriting the Orthodoxy

Chapter 296 Inheriting the Orthodoxy
33 Outside Chongtian, in front of the gate of Wa Palace, Mu Feng fell to the ground and cried, "Yinglong pays respects to Empress Nuwa!"

A gentle female voice came from Wa Palace: "Ying Long, do you know your mistake?"

Mu Feng said: "I know my mistake, I am willing to accept the punishment, but I still ask my mother to save my master."

"Hey! It's not that I don't want to rescue him, but Zhen Yuanzi died by blowing himself up on a ginseng fruit tree. He has already hurt Tianhe, and even a saint can't save him."

Mu Feng knew that if Empress Nuwa didn't save her, then Zhen Yuanzi might really be wiped out, so he knelt down and kowtowed: "I hope Empress is merciful!"

"That's all, that's all, I can arrest him so that you, master and apprentice, want to see each other again, and the cause and effect will be settled." A woman in a palace costume walked out of Wa Palace. See the face clearly.The lower body is not feet, but the body of a snake!
This person is naturally the mother of the earth, the Hunyuan sage Wahuang who used to refine stones to mend the sky and make people out of clay!

Nuwa said to Mu Feng: "Get up first, and wait for me to summon the soul of your master."

Hearing this, Mu Feng retreated respectfully.

Nuwa then ordered her maids, Fairy Qingluan and Fairy Caifeng, to bring the incense table together, burn incense and chant mantras, and practice the Dharma.I can only see the celestial music rising suddenly and the colorful clouds fluttering. From a distance, I can see Zhen Yuanzi's Yuanshen erratic, looming.

Nuwa raised her hand a little, and a beam of colored light flew out, holding Zhenyuanzi Yuanshen down.

Mu Feng saw that Zhen Yuanzi's physical body was destroyed, and his soul was on the verge of being broken. After all, he couldn't hold back, and burst into tears again: "Master, my apprentice has hurt you."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "It's not your fault. I made up a hexagram for myself before the 49th, and it showed that I was already in great trouble. Even if I didn't go to Daleiyin Temple to save you, I would lose my soul today. "

Nuwa nodded and said: "The killing has started now, and the saints are all ants, and if they are not careful, they will fly away. Even if Zhen Yuanzi's cultivation is as high as the sky, it will not help."

Mu Feng stopped crying when he heard the words, and his eyes became firm: "Master, I have figured it out, I will take over the great cause of conferring gods again, and protect the world and Wuzhuang Temple for you."

Hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi nodded in relief, and then said seriously: "Mu Feng listens to the order, and from today onwards, I will pass on the position of head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple to you! From now on, you will be the ancestor of the earth immortals and inherit my legacy. Orthodoxy."

Mu Feng said: "The disciple accepts the order, and he will definitely live up to the master's trust!"

The book from the ground that had been floating beside Mu Feng to protect him suddenly flew into Zhen Yuanzi's hands: "Mu Feng, I'm about to lose my soul as a teacher, so let me use my last cultivation to do something for you!" As soon as he fell, he shot like lightning, and pointed two fingers on Mu Feng's forehead, and a tenacious and vast spiritual power poured into Mu Feng's limbs, bones and eight extraordinary meridians.

A sense of relief came, and Mu Feng's dantian, which was seriously injured, began to recover gradually.The turbid qi in the eight extraordinary meridians also began to be expelled from the body.The powerful mana in the body has been reawakened!
When Mu Feng looked up again, Zhen Yuanzi's primordial spirit had completely dissipated, leaving only a book lying quietly on the ground.He picked up the book on the ground, probed in with his spiritual sense, and found that the list of gods and the whip that Zhen Yuanzi had taken away were in it, and there was a letter beside it, which read "Mu Feng's own words" A big character, which seems to be Zhen Yuanzi's handwriting.

Mu Feng took out the letter and saw the letter:
My apprentice, Mu Feng, sees words like face.

When writing this letter, Wei Shi has just kicked you out of Wuzhuang Temple.Maybe you still have some resentment against me in your heart, but it doesn't matter, what you do for the teacher is unavoidable.

You are the most proud disciple of my teacher, and you are also the successor of the Taoist lineage that I have already selected.I calculated that I was about to face a catastrophe, and I decided not to implicate you, so I expelled you from the sect.By the time you read this letter, you must have rushed back to Wuzhuang Temple to inherit my lineage, and you should be able to understand the painstaking efforts of being a teacher.

Having practiced Taoism as a teacher for many years, he should have seen through life and death long ago, but when he was about to leave, he still couldn't let go.Although Qingfeng and Mingyue are your senior brothers, they are pure in nature and have never stepped out of Wuzhuang Temple. You need to take care of them more in the future.During this period of time as a teacher, I refined a lot of elixir and put them in the alchemy room. You can use them at will when you face many difficulties and dangers in the future.The ginseng fruit tree cannot be left for you as a teacher. This thing is the spiritual root of heaven and earth. The demon master of the North Sea Kunpeng has coveted it for a long time.

In the future, no one will explain your doubts for you, so you have to ponder more on the way of practice.You will bear such a heavy burden in the future, and there are many places for the teacher to bear you.The book left behind is an innate spiritual treasure, and you can keep it safe if you keep it.

Unexpectedly, I really want to leave, I really want to take another look at this bustling world.

After reading it, Mu Feng's expression was sad at first, but then gradually became resolute.He made a long bow to Empress Nuwa and said, "Thank you, Empress, for your kindness."

Nuwa said: "Yinglong, you have guarded the world for thousands of years. Don't worry about little things!" She waved her hand and called Caiyun Tong'er and said, "Go and fetch my demon banner!"

A while later, Caiyun Tong'er went to the harem to fetch a golden gourd.

Nuwa said: "This is my magic weapon to summon demons, and I will present it to you. The demon race was also created by me. Don't let the Western religion Sakyamuni take it. You hold this banner, You can command the demon clans in the world! At that time, you will be the demon emperor!"

Mu Feng took the demon banner and bowed to Nu Wa: "This subordinate will definitely live up to your mother's expectations and recover the demon clan."

Nuwa nodded and said: "The demon world was originally transformed by my magic treasure, Shanhe Sheji Tu, so I will tell you the formula to control this magic weapon." After speaking, she stretched out her hand, and a ray of spiritual light entered Mu Feng's head.

Even though Mu Feng knew the formula, after thanking Empress Nuwa again, he went down 33 heavens and went to Wuzhuang temple!
Fairy Qingluan saw that Mu Feng was far away, so she asked, "Your Majesty, you even sent out the demon banner. Could it be that you also want to participate in this robbery?"

Nüwa said: "I didn't want to participate, but the Western religion is too unruly. Last time, Fengshen transferred many disciples from the Jiejiao. Most of them were members of my monster clan. This time, they directly and secretly manipulated the disciples." My monster race kills each other. If I don't care about it, I'm afraid this monster race will become a quasi-raised and attracted monster race. Besides, the human race is also created by me, so I have to take care of it. Brother Yuan was chosen as the person in charge of conferring the gods, and there will be no embarrassment for him at the Chanjiao. I can now designate him as the demon emperor, and I will definitely be able to let people, immortals, and demons work together to completely suppress the Western religion. .”

Fairy Qingluan said again: "If that's the case, then General Yinglong will probably become the Lord of the Three Realms."

Nu Wa said: "It's not that simple. Chi You of the Wu Clan has returned, and he is a variable beyond our calculations. If he cooperates with the Western Sect, Mu Feng may struggle in the future." After finishing speaking, She called Fairy Caifeng again and said, "Get your car ready, I'm going to Huoyun Cave."

(End of this chapter)

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