Agent of Heaven

Chapter 298

Chapter 298
Seeing that it was Mu Feng who came, Guanyin was surprised at first, and then sneered: "Mu Feng, if it wasn't for the protection of Empress Nuwa, you would have been wiped out. Now you dare to come to Putuo Mountain to play wild!" She took another look at the blood robe Taoist: "Could it be that you find a helper and dare to act unscrupulously?"

Mu Feng said: "Today, I'm here to take your head and pay homage to your family teacher!" After finishing speaking, the green energy on the top of his head reversed, and Ying Long's real body jumped out, singing a long chant that shook the sea!With all its teeth and claws, it rushed towards Guanyin Bodhisattva!

Avalokitesvara was not flustered, she just let the Hui'an walker who was following her back to the side, took out the willow stick from the jade bottle, and thought of brushing away with Yinglong's real body!But her willow sticks and the jade bottle have a background. The jade bottle was originally called the Qingjing glass bottle, and it was given a magic weapon by Yuanshi Tianzun when she was still in Taoism!Inside is the nectar of resurrection, which can hold water from all over the world!The wicker is made by imitating the wonderful tree of the seven treasures of Zhunti Taoist after betraying into the Western religion. On the surface, it is as light as nothing, but in fact, each willow leaf weighs [-] catties!With one swipe, mountains and rivers can burst, and rivers and seas can stop flowing!

However, although the Avalokitesvara magic weapon is powerful, Yinglong's avatar is not afraid. Its golden armor is tempered thousands of times by thunder and calamity. It is extremely tough. Although it hurts when the willow stick hits it, it can be endured!

Immediately, Avalokitesvara and Yinglong's real body began to fight, and after about thirty or forty rounds, both of them were hurting each other, and it was hard to tell the winner!

From the sidelines, Hui'an Xingzhe carried an iron rod and came stealthily behind Mu Feng and was about to launch a sneak attack!But before he showed up, Taoist Huasha grabbed him and lifted him into the air.

"You villain! Let me down quickly! A soldier can be killed but not humiliated!" Hui'an Walker roared.

Mu Feng sneered: "Mu Zha! Do you still remember that you are a Taoist disciple!"

Hui'an Xingzhe said: "The master has already devoted himself to Buddhism, so naturally I am also a Buddhist disciple!"

Mu Feng said again: "Your third younger brother Nezha and father Li Tianwang are both members of the Taoist sect now! Why do you have to go along with your master?"

Hui'an Pilgrim said: "I will be a teacher for a day and a father for life! What's more, I have already entered Buddhism and am a monk! The relationship between father and son and brotherhood has long been severed!"

Taoist Huasha snorted coldly: "I'm stubborn! Kill!" With a wave of his hand, a jet of black sword energy flew out, directly beheading the revelation of Hui'an Xingzhe!

Seeing this, Mu Feng quickly took the list of gods and included the soul of Huian Xingzhe in it!
Seeing this, Guanyin said angrily: "Return my apprentice's life!" After speaking, the Buddha's light above his head shone, and a group of people flew out of it!Look at her wearing a green sun crown, long hair over her waist, and delicate features, she is the incarnation of Guanyin before she entered Buddhism, a person of Cihang Taoism!

Taoist Huasha sneered, "Men Cihang, I'm here to take your life!" It turned into a bloody wind and attacked Cihang Taoist!

Cihang Taoist changed his body, showing the supernatural power of thousands of hands and eyes!With golden eyes and a magic weapon in hand, he is majestic and fierce!In an instant, he tore the blood-colored wind into pieces, making Taoist Huasha take three steps back before he stood still!
Taoist Huasha laughed and said, "I've heard for a long time that you have been taught by Empress Nuwa that you have thousands of hands and thousands of eyes. How can you be ashamed and use it to harm us instead!"

Ci Hangdao said humanely: "Shut up! I practice this Taoism to kill you and other evil spirits and heretics!"

Taoist Huasha said humanely: "A traitor, there is still a true face to say that others are demons and heretics!"

Mu Feng said: "Fellow Taoist, let's do it! Don't realize when he was on the list of gods!"

Taoist Huasha laughed and nodded, and in a blink of an eye, the blood all over his body turned into the body of the blood-colored giant sword, and he slashed at Taoist Cihang directly!I saw sword qi crisscrossing, flesh and blood filling the sky!Thousands of arms of Ci Hang Taoist were cut off in an instant!Accompanied by the last burst of crimson sword energy, his head also soared into the sky!

Seeing this, Guanyin Bodhisattva felt great compassion: "Mu Feng! How dare you destroy my incarnation, this enmity is irreconcilable!" Cihang Taoist is the corpse soul of Guanyin. Forever lost the chance to aspire to Hunyuan!The cultivation base will go backwards a lot!

The jade bottle flew into the air, and water from all over the world poured out from the mouth of the bottle, rushing down toward Mu Feng!

Taoist Huasha smiled and said, "You dare to come out and show off your small skills!" Another blood-red sword light flew out, directly cutting the jade bottle into two pieces!
Guanyin spat out a mouthful of blood, and wanted to go to Da Leiyin Temple!But Ying Long's avatar had already been waiting at the side, opened his bloody mouth, and directly bit Guanyin's body to pieces!
Mu Feng shook the list of gods again, and put away Guanyin's primordial spirit!

"Is the Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun in the area killed next?" Taoist Huasha asked.

Mu Feng said: "We are besieging Guanyin again, she must have delivered the news to Manjusri and Puxian. I will be caught in a trap if I wait any longer!"

Taoist Huasha snorted coldly, "Then let them live for a few more days."

Mu Feng said: "There should be another master in Putuo Mountain, I want to take it for my own use!" After speaking, green energy surged from the top of his head, Taoist Huasha Taoist and Yinglong's real body turned into streamers at the same time, returning to the main body.

After falling into the clouds, Mu Feng walked into the purple bamboo forest alone, and saw a golden retriever tied in the forest, lying listlessly on the ground.

"Jin Guangxian! Have you forgotten that you are a member of Jiejiao?" Mu Feng yelled, and the startled Jin Maoyan got up from the ground, scanning the visitor with a vigilant look!

Mu Feng laughed and said: "So it was cursed by Guanyin, anyway, now that Guanyin is dead, I will give you back your freedom!" After speaking, he waved his hand and made a magic seal, smashing the collar around the golden retriever's neck to pieces!
As the collar shattered, the Golden Retriever turned into a Taoist, knelt down in the tunnel and said, "Thank you, Daoist, for saving me!"

The original origin of Jin Maoyu is also extraordinary. He used to be one of the disciples of Tongtian Sect Master, called Jin Guangxian, because he was defeated in the Battle of the Conferred Gods and was captured by the Cihang Taoist, so he made her a mount for thousands of years.

Mu Feng said: "There is no need to be too polite, I am ordered by Empress Nuwa to save the monsters of the three realms from the fire and water. Are you willing to join me?"

Jin Guangxian said: "My lord rescued me from the fire and water, even if there is no will from Empress Nuwa, I am still willing to submit to my lord and serve you in front of the saddle!"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "That's the best, listen carefully, I am the head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain, and I am in charge of the luck of the human race and the list of gods under the order of Yuanshi Tianzun! I also got the decree of the Nuwa Empress, and I will be the emperor of the monster clan But right now the monster clan is split, and the human world is in jeopardy. If you belong to me, you will be surrounded by powerful enemies, and your life will always be in danger. If you regret it and leave now, I don't blame you!"

Jin Guangxian kowtowed and said: "The grace of saving lives is like recreating, and the subordinates are willing to surrender and never betray!"

Mu Feng nodded: "In that case, you can go back to Wuzhuang Temple with me."

In the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain, there are already many immortals gathering at this time!It is heard that the Grand Master took 28 stars, four heavenly kings, and [-] heavenly soldiers to station on the side of Wanshou Mountain, guarding every main road entering Wuzhuang Temple.

Once Zhen Yuanzi died, the treasure land of Longevity Mountain became the coveted target of various forces.Wen Zhong didn't dare to be sloppy at all, he had to check carefully every person who came to attend the succession ceremony of the head teacher.

In Wuzhuang Temple, there were already seventeen hundred Earth Immortals and Sanxians gathered at this time, and they were all registered disciples of Zhen Yuanzi, or formal disciples who had already left the teacher.One can be counted as a person from the Wuzhuang Temple lineage, and this time he came here not only to witness the new head teacher, but also to pay homage to the late Zhen Yuanzi.

(End of this chapter)

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