Agent of Heaven

Chapter 299 The Calculations of the Underworld

Chapter 299 The Calculations of the Underworld
At this time, there is already a turmoil in Wuzhuang Temple, but let's not mention it for now.Because not long after Mu Feng and Jin Guangxian left, a boy turned out from the depths of the bamboo forest.I saw him with red lips and white teeth, two braids of horns, and a big red bellyband. He was Guanyin's good fortune boy, Red Boy.

Honghaier looked at the back of Mu Feng leading Jin Guangxian away, and said to himself: "This man is so powerful, Guanyin's ability is actually killed by him. But it's okay, but this time I also took advantage of it to be free , I don’t need to be a slave to that old woman who has never had a husband anymore, just go to the Nether Realm to find my father!” He turned into a red light and headed towards the Nether Realm.

In the Netherworld, the Bull Demon King had completely surrendered to Lu Ya at this time and became one of his generals.Lu Ya is worthy of being the prince of the monster clan, and he is also well versed in the way of employing people. He wins over the Bull Demon King and others in every possible way, conferring officials and titles.Now the Bull Demon King has been sealed as the Great Heavenly King of Prison, and has 20 demon soldiers in his hands, stationed in Shuofang City. It can be said that in the entire underworld, except for Lu Ya, he can be regarded as the number two powerful figure!

"Report to Heavenly King, there is a doll outside who claims to be your young master, called Red Boy!" A guard reported to the Bull Demon King who was training soldiers and horses.

The Bull Demon King was overjoyed when he heard the words: "What, my baby is here, take me to see him!" He followed the little demon down the tower and saw the red boy.

"Boy, why did you escape from Guanyin! As a father, I went to rescue you from the boy who was waiting for me to personally raise soldiers!"

Honghaier said: "I was able to come out this time because of the help of an expert. He killed Guanyin, and I escaped."

The Bull Demon King was startled when he heard the words: "What! Guanyin was killed! Who is it? Who has such courage and strength?" Above the devil!There are only a handful of people in the Three Realms who can kill him!
Honghaier said: "I don't know, but this person has two incarnations, one is a blood-robed Taoist, and the other is a golden dragon. By the way, Guanyin called him by his name, and said what it was called Mu Feng! I have never heard of it." There is still this master within the Three Realms!"

The Bull Demon King thought about it: "Mu Feng, it's him! He's so courageous! This is to tear the face off with the Buddhist world!"

At this moment, a messenger came running outside and said, "Lord Heavenly King! Your Highness Lu Ya invites you to attend the discussion in the City of Death!"

The Bull Demon King turned to Honghaier and said, "Now my father has belonged to His Highness Lu Ya's tent. Since Guanyin is dead, you can stay here." After speaking, he looked up at the golden hoop on Honghaier's head again, feeling sad He said: "Don't worry, one day, I will find an expert to remove this golden hoop for you, and give you back your freedom."

The red boy's eyes were red and he said: "When the boy removes the golden hoop, father won't be a heavenly king anymore. He will go to Jilei Mountain with me. Can the three of us be together?"

Bull Demon King heard the words with tears in his eyes, looked in the direction of Jilei Mountain, and then sighed: "It's a pity, it's a pity, boy, the killing has started now, if I don't kill others, others will kill me." After finishing speaking, Then he flew away on a cloud and flew towards the city of death in vain.

In the city of death in vain, Lu Ya occupies the first seat, with the author Bai Ze on the left and right, and the seat on the right is vacant, obviously reserved for the Bull Demon King.The other various demon kings and demon kings are arranged on the left and right.

When the Bull Demon King arrived, he bowed to Lu Ya and said, "I've seen Your Highness, but I don't know why His Highness called me here urgently?"

Lu Ya looked at the Bull Demon King and said with a smile, "You do it first, and listen to the military advisor."

The Bull Demon King nodded to Bai Ze, then stood up and said, "According to the news from the spies in the human world, Zhen Yuanzi was destroyed by Sakyamuni Buddha and Buwan Buddha Formation in the Glazed World!"

The Bull Demon King immediately stood up and said, "What! What exactly is Sakyamuni trying to do? He even dared to kill the ancestor of the Earth Immortal!"

Bai Ze made a quiet movement towards the Bull Demon King, and continued to smile: "Although Zhen Yuanzi is dead, his disciple Mu Feng has inherited the position of the head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple and the book from the ground! What we are going to discuss next, It is how to treat Mu Feng!"

The Bull Demon King's eyes instantly turned red: "Mu Feng killed so many of my brothers, how can I let him sit safely in the position of the head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple!"

Bai Ze said: "Don't be impatient, the king of heaven, Mu Feng and you do have a deep hatred, but now he is the biggest enemy of Shakyamuni Buddha... and we still have a handle in the hands of Shakyamuni! If we can Let Mu Feng take the opportunity to kill Sakyamuni, wouldn't we be able to gain true freedom!"

Both the Bull Demon King and Lu Ya here have lived in Sakyamuni's Middle-Earth Glazed World for a period of time, and their fingertips actually have a small golden ring!

The effect of this golden ring is the same as the magic spell on Sun Wukong's head in the past. As long as Sakyamuni recites the mantra, they will feel severe pain, and this pain will be transmitted directly to the heart along the little finger!Moreover, this small golden ring looks simple, but in fact, there are countless tentacles in it, which have penetrated into the eight extraordinary meridians of the two of them, and they cannot be removed at all.

The golden-winged roc and Kong Xuan actually have such golden rings on their bodies, so Sakyamuni dared to let them out to compete for the position of the demon emperor in the demon world.Because no matter who among them becomes the demon emperor in the end, they will still be controlled by Sakyamuni!

But as long as the Tathagata is dead, they will be truly free!No high-ranking person is willing to be someone else's puppet, even Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period was unwilling, not to mention the Bull Demon King and Lu Ya are peerless heroes!How could they be willing to be manipulated by Tathagata!
Therefore, after Lu Ya learned that Mu Feng and Tathagata had a big enmity, his and Bai Ze's first reaction was that they could use Mu Feng's hand to completely eliminate the serious trouble of Tathagata!
Bai Ze said: "Now that Mu Feng wants to take the position of head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple, we must secretly support him with all our strength! In this way, he will have a greater chance to kill Sakyamuni!"

The Bull Demon King was slightly dissatisfied and said: "But what if he was killed by Sakyamuni?"

Bai Ze still maintained his demeanor, coughed twice and said: "Ahem, Mu Feng and Shakyamuni are fighting each other, no matter who kills who, we can all benefit! Shakyamuni killed Mu Feng, Bull Demon King, your brothers were sacrificed in the spirit of heaven. Mu Feng killed Sakyamuni, and we can completely get rid of the manipulation of Western religion on us! The reason why we support Mu Feng is because he is too weak! Sakyamuni After operating in Middle-earth for thousands of years, the accumulated energy is definitely not what Mu Feng can do today. Even if he sits as the head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple, he may still not be Sakyamuni's opponent! What's more... ...If he wants to inherit Zhen Yuanzi's foundation, I'm afraid it won't be too smooth!"

Lu Ya smiled and said: "Zhenyuanzi has countless disciples, but many of them are staring at the position of the head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple!"

(End of this chapter)

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