Agent of Heaven

Chapter 301 Kunpeng Spy

Chapter 301 Kunpeng Spy
Mu Feng sneered and threw a blood-red head off the high platform: "Master's revenge, I will avenge it sooner or later, this is just the beginning! But the position of head teacher was handed down to me by the master before he died, whoever dares to snatch it, I will take it off!" Get his head off!"

The bloody head rolled down and was finally seen clearly by others.Someone in the audience exclaimed: "How is that possible! This person is! It's Guanshiyin Bodhisattva!"

Daoist Wu Huan was also taken aback, picked up the head, and looked at it carefully for a moment: "This is impossible! Guanyin is so cultivated, you can take it down?" In his mind, Mu Feng Such a person who has just started, will definitely not have any advanced cultivation!

At this time, Qingxuzi suddenly looked at Jin Guangxian who came with Mu Feng, his voice became a little dry: "It's you! Could it be that he really killed Guanyin!"

Jin Guangxian said without changing his face: "You even recognized me, don't you believe that Guanyin is dead?"

"He is the golden retriever!" Soon, more than one person recognized Jin Guangxian's true identity.Guanyin's mount also has a good reputation in the Three Realms.

It's not that Qing Xuzi and others are unwilling to believe that Guanyin is dead, but that her identity is too sensitive, one of the four great Bodhisattvas taught in the West!One of the Twelve Golden Immortals!

Qing Xuzi said in a deep voice: "You really dare to kill Guanyin! Then you will not be able to inherit the position of the head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple!"

Kui Mulang said angrily: "Why? Is there anything wrong with him avenging his teacher?"

Daoist Wu Huan also came back to his senses at this time, and said with a sneer, "There is nothing wrong with avenging your teacher, but you killed one of the four great Bodhisattvas of the Western Sect! It will attract endless revenge from the Western Sect! Now The Wuzhuang Temple is not guarded by Master. We cannot afford to offend the Western religion!"

Qing Xuzi said indifferently: "Yes, Junior Brother Mu Feng, you are too impulsive. Originally, I thought you were the master's closed disciple, so I planned to keep you as a hair care elder in Wuzhuang temple. But now, we can only hand you over to the Western religion to apologize! Otherwise, at that time, let’s not say that it is Zhunti and the two saints. Even if Sakyamuni came with the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation, our Wuzhuang Temple will Facing catastrophe!"

At this time, Yang Jian couldn't help but sneered and said: "Well, you are innocent, it's really unlucky for Zhenyuan Daxian to have an apprentice like you! He didn't want to avenge his master's family, and he was afraid of the power of the Western religion. It can still be said There are plausible words!"

Qingxuzi didn't feel ashamed at all: "The revenge of the family teacher must be avenged! However, our Wuzhuang temple is far less powerful than the Western religion. It is time to hide our strengths and bide our time to develop and grow! If we fight against the Western religion at this time The loss outweighs the gains! Mu Feng has now killed Guanyin Bodhisattva and completely broke with the Western religion. Our Wuzhuang Temple definitely has to keep him! Let alone let him be the head!"

"Who gave you the power to decide whether I stay in Wuzhuang Temple?" Mu Feng's voice had quietly contained a murderous look!
Qing Xuzi said: "No one has given me the power, but I am a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple, and I am your senior brother!"

"I'm still the teacher appointed by the master himself! Qingxuzi, let's go. From now on, you will no longer be a disciple of my Wuzhuang Temple!" Mu Feng forcibly suppressed the killing intent in his chest, because he knew that these people were suppressed Yuanzi's apprentice, the master's spirit in heaven, definitely doesn't want to see their brothers and sisters fight each other.

Wu Huan Daojun laughed loudly when he heard the words, and his words were full of teasing: "Mu Feng! You don't even look at your identity!"

Although Qing Xuzi didn't speak, he stroked his long beard lightly, put on a noble expression, looked at Mu Feng and said earnestly: "Junior Brother Mu Feng, just follow us to the West to learn your mistakes! We will definitely do our best Keep you safe! This old man also made good friends with many disciples of Sakyamuni in the past, and they will definitely give me this face!"

Finally, Mu Feng couldn't bear it anymore, and stepped forward with one step: "Wolf-hearted! You should be killed! Today I will clean up the house for Master!" The green energy above his head surged, and the huge Yinglong avatar circled out!

Daoist Wu Huan sneered and said, "Are you going to make a move after the theory? I will accompany you to the end today!" The long sword suddenly came out of its sheath from behind, and the sword qi slashed at Mu Feng's head!

On top of Mu Feng's head, Yinglong's real body uttered a long moan, and sound waves spread out, blocking all the vertical and horizontal sword energy of Daoist Wu Huan!The trend of penetration continues to spread towards Lord Wuhuan!

"Do you think you have an avatar yourself?" Green energy surged above Wu Huan's head, and a big black fish emerged from it!
Although this big black fish is a fish, it is not afraid of the dragon's power brought by Yinglong's real body, but directly rushes towards it bravely!Fighting with Ying Long's real body!

"The incarnation of Daoist Wu Huan is ancient magic whale!" People around immediately began to discuss.

Kui Mulang asked Yang Jian: "What is this ancient magic whale, have you ever heard of it?"

Yang Jian said: "There is a fish in the north, named Kunpeng. Its length is tens of thousands of miles..."

Kui Mulang interrupted: "That's the demon master Kunpeng!"

Yang Jian said: "I know! This ancient demon whale is a direct descendant of the demon master Kunpeng! They only have the body of a fish, and cannot transform into a Peng. But they are also the best among the alien monsters! Even Taotie is the only one in front of him. To escape!"

Kui Mulang said: "You mean, this Lord Wuhuan is actually a direct descendant of the demon master Kunpeng? Kunpeng is one of Zhen Yuanzi's biggest enemies! How did he get in?"

Yang Jian said: "It can't be regarded as a sneak in. The Great Immortal Zhenyuan has always taught without discrimination! As long as he is willing to learn from him with an open mind, even if he is an enemy, he will be willing to teach! This Kunpeng and the Great Immortal Zhenyuan are at odds , and coveted the magical magic of Wuzhuang Temple! But he couldn't bear to come to ask for advice, so sending a direct descendant here to learn the magic of Wuzhuang Temple is a move he had prepared a long time ago!"

The monkey suddenly said: "Yang Jian, what do you mean, there is the shadow of Kunpeng behind this battle for the head of Wuzhuang Temple?"

Yang Jian looked at Mu Feng and said, "Now, he must have seen it too!"

At this time, Mu Feng clamped Wuhuan Daojun's sword with two slender fingers, and then hit his dantian with a palm!Wu Huan Daojun turned into a streamer and flew out backwards, with blood gushing from his mouth!

At this time, Ying Long's avatar finally completely suppressed the incarnation of the ancient magic whale!With the defeat of the deity, the ancient magic whale also felt a little uneasy!Ying Long seized this opportunity and directly poked his claws forward, piercing through the head of the ancient magic whale!This avatar turned into a corpse in an instant!
Mu Feng shot out a sword aura again with his fingers, and directly sealed the throat of the dying Daoist Wu Huan with his sword.With a flick of the Conferred God List in his hand, his entire soul was taken in!He glanced at Qing Xuzi, and said coldly: "Next, it's your turn!"

(End of this chapter)

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